is this spot good for semi-bluff?
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 8
$55 MTT Live 1hr for each blind level
start with 25K chips
early stage, blinds 150-300/ anti 25 full-ring table
mp limp 300 stack 20K
hero(cut off) limp with [KsJs] stack 30K
sb call stack 25K
BB rasie to 1200 stack 25K
mp call
hero call
sb call
flop [Qs 6s 3c] pot 5K
sb check
BB bet 3K
mp fold
hero call 3K
sb fold
turn [Qs 6s 3c] [2c] pot 11k
BB bet 6.5K and leave 14K behind him
lets say bb is a tight player, and obviously bb is protcting his hand.
hero highly suspect him holding like [AA] [KK] [AQ] even [QQ]
what's the best action for hero in turn? fold? call? or bluff allin with a flush draw?
maybe hero shouldve rasie in flop and try to check-check the turn to see a free river, is that any better?
Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 693
Where is there a tournament with a $55 buy-in and one-hour levels? Wow!
BB is original raiser, but the raise seems like a steal attempt after three limpers. But, after getting two callers to his steal attempt, BB's 3000 c-bet into 5,000 pot with two spades on the board is hard to read: it's pretty standard if he has AQ, or KQ, which are reasonably within range of his steal attempt, or if he has AA, KK, or QQ, but is also the c-bet he would make if he totally whiffed the flop and was just cold-stealing in the first place or has an under-pair like 99 or 88 or if he has AsXs.
In all cases, calling the flop is fine although a raise here is also a fine option since you can push out the weak draw or bluff on the c-bet and you have a pretty good draw here.
On turn, BB should put you on a weak queen or a flush draw or maybe an under pair. If you have an over-pair to queens you would have raised pre-flop and on the flop. If you had an under pair to queens you might float the flop, as you would with a flush draw.
when BB continues with a bet of more than 50% of the pot after you called the flop, you can rule out a total bluff/steal (unless Villain is a total maniac) and it's less likely that he will make that bet with only a draw or with an under pair, where he's more likely to check/call to see a free card and keep pot smaller with a vulnerable hand or draw.
My conclusion would be that he has a strong queen (AQ,KQ) or overpair (AA,KK) and I'm not getting a good enough price to call here with a flush draw and one overcard to the queen and it's a fold on the turn.
With only 14K behind and already 10K committed to this pot, villain is not folding anything but a bluff, and a bluff here is not likely, so a raise/shove is likely getting called. Your hand doesn't figure to be AA, KK, QQ or a flopped set the way it has been played, so I don't see how you have much fold equity.