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Small stack goes A/I, you raise, some1 comes over the top ... Small stack goes A/I, you raise, some1 comes over the top ...

09-29-2010 , 08:43 AM
This seems to happen a lot nowadays and happened to me twice yesterday

1 hand small stack goes all in - folds to me on the button with ace 6 i raise.. big blind comes over the top all in. I have big blind down as just someone who plays their cards literally you know? so im thinking hes probably got at least ace 10 or small pocket.. I fold. He has jack 3 or some ****.

Turns out my hand would have won the over all pot - big blind lost the pot, but won my raise.

I dont get why people do this. surely in the long run this is a very bad move as they are only getting called by hands that dominate them.. or at least hands that are ahead! and for what? for my small raise i mean even the short stack is going to have at least a reasonable hand which they will be 50/50 at most to beat. BUt also it went completely against the type of player i thought he was lol

Another example i raise with rags early position, small stack goes all in, about UTG+3 goes all in for like 8k ish (about 7k more..) what does he have? ace king|? ace queen? 8s? 10s? no he has jack queen off suit. Again this is terrible. Not only coud i have a monster, but he also has a lot of people behind him to act as well who could also have a monster. Again i had him down as just a standard player who plays his cards from what i had seen of him in the tournament. (again, my hand would have won)

Another similar play is they will flat call, then go all in on the flop.

Personally im not knocking my lay downs, its frustrating, but over all in the long run the villain will be ahead (tho it is frustrating that i would have become probably leading chip stacks in both torns had i of called..). If i had them down as donks i would have called as i would know what theyre up to.

but have you noticed this a lot? it seems quite common. Its almost as if they cant resist trying to win the small stacks all in . But like i said most of the time short stacks are gona have rag ace, small pocket pair or anything up to big pocket pair, ace with good kicker and king queen etc...all of which are not going to be far behind (or miles ahead) so i just think its a bad play over all!
Small stack goes A/I, you raise, some1 comes over the top ... Quote
09-29-2010 , 12:03 PM
What do you want to hear? Yes, these people are dumb and play bad. Thank God for them. Some people just don't understand the concept of side pots. The first guy probably patted himself on the back for knocking you out in an obvious isolation spot without even considering that he had to actually win at showdown.

You played correctly so don't be results oriented and start calling off with garbage because you've seen other players get it in with garbage a few times. You made the right plays, just keep doing that and let the fish be fish.
Small stack goes A/I, you raise, some1 comes over the top ... Quote
09-29-2010 , 12:04 PM
Post hand histories instead, since you give no indication for stack sizes, blind levels, or bet sizes. It does matter.

As for your issue, you should be thankful for the people shoving J3o, they're the ones that make you money.
Small stack goes A/I, you raise, some1 comes over the top ... Quote
09-29-2010 , 12:14 PM
Can i ask 1 question?

Would you reraise aa or kk here. SO if you had a monster do you reraise or just call?

The answer to this question matters in relation to the above hand.
Small stack goes A/I, you raise, some1 comes over the top ... Quote
09-29-2010 , 12:22 PM
yeh id re raise. i guess like other people say, you want them to keep playing like idiots!

Ty for replies all
Small stack goes A/I, you raise, some1 comes over the top ... Quote
09-29-2010 , 12:31 PM
ok thats fine. you plaed it fne. IF you had said you would call with your strong hands, then you could advocate tht rejamming any 2 cards wen you do raise isnt bad at all.
Small stack goes A/I, you raise, some1 comes over the top ... Quote
09-29-2010 , 01:52 PM
Post the goods.
Small stack goes A/I, you raise, some1 comes over the top ... Quote
09-29-2010 , 02:15 PM
These are the kind of players that you can exploit. You just have to adjust your play a little bit. For example don't reraise an all in short stack from the button with A6 with this guy still to act (when your stack is deep). Whatever hand you do reraise with must be strong enough to call a 4 bet with. I don't like 3 bet/folding so I try not to do it very often.
Small stack goes A/I, you raise, some1 comes over the top ... Quote
