Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 3,847
Their logic is they have a big hand and they want to let players in but it's faulty for a couple of reasons:
99% when you limp AA/KK in early position you want to limp reraise as these hands play better when your stack/pot ratio is smaller thus committing you and your opponents and making your decisions easier. The problem with this is in micros players just aren't aggressive enough and you won't get in that reraise, leaving you out of position against many players. You will now often win a small pot or lose a big one. Also many micro players are only thinking on level 1, which is what cards they have, so making a decent raise first in with AA/KK will often get action at these limits. You should never limp AA/KK first in from middle position (unless there is a complete maniac yet to act and you may sandwich some dead money in between).
Higher up tough players limp AA/KK in early position to again limp reraise but to disguise their range of holdings and give protection to vulnerable hands such as 88/99/QJs etc (this is usually only done at full ring games that will allow limping ie reasonably passive). This presents another problem in that if they only limp reraise AA/KK then an observant opponent will be able to exploit them so they must limp reraise some of there other holdings occasionally to disguise them.
Last edited by Barge Ass; 03-31-2008 at 10:45 PM.