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sick problem with ps, warning to ather grinders!! sick problem with ps, warning to ather grinders!!

01-06-2008 , 10:16 AM
hey guys i have a very sick problem with ps softwere.. i don't know if is my pc but the problem take me at least 5 buy-in before i found it. i was playng 14 tables using ahk script for help and i clicked to close the lobby for mistake and appear the list of the tourney where i was playng (14) plus one where i was supposed to be registered(but can't see the table and i was no registered anywhere..), so i closed the lobby and when reopened it 15 table opens... (one table more that before i didn't know where it was..!!) that sick becouse more than a couple of time before at the end of the sessions when i closed the lobby the window said me i was registered somewhere.. but was sure i was no registered anywhere... so prob i lost somwhere in the cyberspace the table..(and the money)!! very sick becouse now i have to count the table!!!! someone have the same problem??? make attection and help me if possible!!! (sorry for english but is difficoult to explain this things for me..)
sick problem with ps, warning to ather grinders!! Quote
01-06-2008 , 11:20 AM
which ahk script it was? The tables wasnt pop up and open when they started?
sick problem with ps, warning to ather grinders!! Quote
01-06-2008 , 11:34 AM
When the tourney stars it opens the tournament lobby and then starts the table. If you close the tournament lobby before the table starts it doesn't start. Does your script automatically close the lobbys? If so it may be being a bit to quick to close it. I would either manually close the lobbys or add a delay in your script.
sick problem with ps, warning to ather grinders!! Quote
01-06-2008 , 11:55 AM
is the script that Paul B. shared with the forum a couple of month ago i think, you have to press f2 to close the lobby.. but i thought that maybe the problem is that the scrip press ok automatically when a table appear... maybe sometimes quick ok too fast.. and don't see the table.. i think many people use the same cript here.. someone with the same problem??
sick problem with ps, warning to ather grinders!! Quote
01-06-2008 , 12:00 PM
Did you read that entire thread? I would guess if there was a big issue with the script it would be in that thread.
sick problem with ps, warning to ather grinders!! Quote
01-06-2008 , 03:34 PM
I've had a strange feeling it's been doing this to me too, like losing 1 table in a session every now and then. I thought the problem was in my limited ability to count my clicks.

I'll have to pay more attention to it now. I've been pressing F2 like crazy.
sick problem with ps, warning to ather grinders!! Quote
01-06-2008 , 03:45 PM
leave all your lobbies open until all your games start if you're playing sets. Then make sure you have the same number of lobbies as tables. Then make sure you're on all the tables. Also check to make sure you're not sitting out in any games every few hands. Cascading works good for this because you can click on the lower left of any board. Plus you can close all your lobbies really easy - just click the x ten times or whatever.
sick problem with ps, warning to ather grinders!! Quote
01-06-2008 , 03:57 PM
I've had a similar problem. I think it's b/c the AHK script commands execute faster than the tables close, so it accidentally ends up closing some tables. Like bighomey says, just press f2 after all your tables have started.
sick problem with ps, warning to ather grinders!! Quote
01-06-2008 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by RustyDagger
I'll have to pay more attention to it now. I've been pressing F2 like crazy.
Just make sure that there are no registered tournaments just about to fill up when you press F2. If you are playing batches then waiting till all are loaded works. If continuous just make sure you are filled up before you press F2.

Pressing F2 like crazy will very likely cause this problem.
sick problem with ps, warning to ather grinders!! Quote
01-06-2008 , 08:17 PM
Beta testing scripts I had this happened a lot of times. Stars say that there's no connection between the lobby and the table so closing the lobby shouldn't effect the opening of the table. They blame Internet and say if you get disconnection for a second (you don't notice) and the table is supposed to open, you're out of luck. Since we statically know that closing the lobby makes the table not open it must be that closing the lobby is bad for the connection somehow.

But that's not why I'm here, I thought I should share what I do to get all my games going. When I suspect I lost a game I click the X-button on the lobby and I get a pop-up telling me I have games going and if I'm sure I want to quit. This pop-up let you know which tables you have open and which you have not open. So if you see a number at the botton that indication you don't have the table open and you're not currently registered for a tourney that haven't started already (listed the same way as a started tourney you don't have open); remember the last 3 digits of the number and click the "Registered in tournaments" option in the lobby so you see a list of all games you have running. Click the number for you missing tourney so the lobby opens up and click "Take my seat".
sick problem with ps, warning to ather grinders!! Quote
01-06-2008 , 08:32 PM
This suprises me greatly. I remember this working without fail and surely if it was a connection issue it wouldn't happen every time? Was it someone involved in developing the software or a support person responding to a request for refunded buyins?
sick problem with ps, warning to ather grinders!! Quote
01-06-2008 , 08:42 PM
I was talking to support and they forwarded my logfiles and questions to the technical crew and from them I got the answer that the logfiles indicated that I had a brief disconnect and that closing the lobby has no effect on table creation.
sick problem with ps, warning to ather grinders!! Quote
01-06-2008 , 10:40 PM
if u close a lobby as a tournament is starting, then the table does not open for u. it really does not matter if u use the script to close the lobby or do it manually.

stars has been aware of the problem for months and i guess they are not gonna make a software upgrade.

i started a thread about this a few months ago but could not find it (although i did not spend that much time searching).
sick problem with ps, warning to ather grinders!! Quote
