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sick bluff? FTOPS #1 sick bluff? FTOPS #1

02-04-2009 , 11:49 PM
Wasn't in hand, but seems like this could be a sick 4 bet bluff opportunity if you know the 3 better is capable of taking somebody off a hand....

Full Tilt Poker FTOPS Event #1 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t60/t120 Blinds - 9 players - View hand 28843
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Hero (UTG+2): t11210 M = 62.28
MP1: t7090 M = 39.39
MP2: t3498 M = 19.43
CO: t9904 M = 55.02
BTN: t4832 M = 26.84
SB: t6165 M = 34.25
BB: t5570 M = 30.94
UTG: t3445 M = 19.14
UTG+1: t4295 M = 23.86

Pre Flop: (t180) Hero is UTG+2 with 4 8
4 folds, MP2 calls t120, 1 fold, BTN calls t120, SB calls t60, BB checks

Flop: (t480) K 6 J (4 players)
SB checks, BB checks, MP2 bets t120, BTN calls t120, SB folds, BB calls t120

Turn: (t840) 2 (3 players)
BB checks, MP2 bets t120, BTN raises to t720, BB requests TIME, BB raises to t1750, MP2 folds, BTN requests TIME, BTN folds
sick bluff? FTOPS #1 Quote
02-05-2009 , 03:36 AM
hmm yeah. seems like a smart bluff to me. pre-flop, everyone was limping, suggesting that everyone had marginal hands or small to medium pairs. when the flop came around, the action was pretty much the same, making me think that someone had low to medium pair and a weak kicker (prolly a Jx, sixes or something).

And when the turn came, MP2 made another pathetic minimum bet. this obviously raised some suspicions from the BTN, so he raised it to around 4/5ths of the pot, in an attempt to steal it. but when the BB saw this however, he MIGHT have noticed that the raise was a bit too large (please correct me on this), so he prolly sensed BTN's steal attempt. so BB jacked it up to around three times the previous bet, kicking away the odds that might have been exploited by MP2 and the BTN. and since the bet was correctly done, MP2 and BTN folded. so yes, it could've been a shrewd bluff by BB.

[some other notes] i don't think anyone had a flush draw because of the non-existence of a probe bet in this round; but BB having deuces in the hole might have been possible. i don't think he had sixes in the hole because i would raise it pre-flop if i were him. but even though there were deuces in his range, it's still pretty small to justify a value bet on the turn. so yeah, i'm pretty certain it was a sick bluff.

**yay productive first post!** hahaha
sick bluff? FTOPS #1 Quote
02-05-2009 , 12:08 PM
Too many sets and KJs in their range, but I like your style
sick bluff? FTOPS #1 Quote
02-05-2009 , 12:41 PM
uh... a set or top 2 isn't trying to get a little more money in the pot with 2 to flush out and some possible yet rare straight draws? The only hand I can see BB having here is something like J2,K2,22. Which he probably hit, but I'm just wondering if the perfect situation arised like this could we use it as a bluff if we had good enough reads etc....
sick bluff? FTOPS #1 Quote
02-05-2009 , 12:50 PM
MP2 bets
BTN raises (2 bets)
BB reraises (3bets)

This would be a sick 3 bet bluff if it were a bluff, but I don't think it is. I also don't think it's a +EV bluff if it is a bluff.
sick bluff? FTOPS #1 Quote
02-05-2009 , 01:08 PM
FTW? You're not even in the hand? How do you know what they have? Maybe one had J6 and the other a set... maybe a draw. Don't really get why you posted it.
sick bluff? FTOPS #1 Quote
