Late stages of the weekly "Low Roller" $15+$1.5 (deep stacks and good structure) on Bovada
Ignition - 4000/8000 NL - Holdem - 9 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
Hero (BB): 19.91 BB
UTG: 14.96 BB
UTG+1: 25.29 BB
MP: 10.98 BB
MP+1: 6.57 BB
MP+2: 7.9 BB
CO: 30.9 BB
BTN: 50.44 BB
SB: 34.85 BB
9 players post ante of 0.1 BB,
SB posts SB 0.5 BB,
Hero posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 2.4 BB) Hero has T

SB calls 0.5 BB,
Hero checks
Flop: (2.9 BB, 2 players) 6


SB bets 2.17 BB,
Hero raises to 18.81 BB and is all-in
My thoughts during the hand were:
Any big hand would likely make a (small) raise pre, as I'll be jamming wider than usual with >20bbs. So, a flop bet after a limp looks like a steal attempt.
I have TPNK and a flush draw and backdoor straight outs. If it's a steal attempt, I won't have to realize my equity bc they'll likely fold. If they have some sort of pair, I'm either ahead or even money
As i'm low on chips (and have been in reverse for a few levels) I'm not as concerned with taking the lower variance route, I'm happy to be getting it in with significant equity.
I didn't want to raise smaller and get jammed on. My hand is good enough to jam (I think) but not good enough to call. Thus my overbet.
What do you think of my thought process here? Should I have just called and taken a turn?
Thanks in advance.