PokerStars - 75/150 Ante 20 NL - Holdem - 9 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
chevim97 (MP+1): 31.4 BB
Prokerplayer111 (MP+2): 21.3 BB
albbeci (CO): 64.17 BB
ChesterSM (BTN): 15.79 BB
lecobg (SB): 16.51 BB
HERO (BB): 19.73 BB
lopsbruno888 (UTG): 23.57 BB
ab_wien (UTG+1): 22.49 BB
SH3IK3 (MP): 75.94 BB
9 players post ante of 0.13 BB, lecobg posts SB 0.5 BB,
HERO BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 2.7 BB) HERO has A

fold, UTG+2
ab_wien raises to 2 BB,
fold, MP+2
Prokerplayer111 calls 2 BB,
Hello, I am confused with this hand. I don t have any info. When I model the range of opponents, my Equity is the lowest of all.
I assume that the range UTG + 1 on 22BB is 66+ ATo + KJo + A5s K9s + Q9s + J9s + 98s.
Cold calling range of MP2 player is 22-99 (CC traps AA and mostly 3B push TT-KK) ATo-AJo (3B push AQo - AKo) - (KQo mix 3B push or fold) A8s - ATs (3B push AJs - AKs) and call KTs - KJs (mix 3B - call KQs) QTs + JTs T9s 98s somethimes he calls 87s or 67s
Equity preflop
UTG+2 40%
MP+2 34%
and my equity with A9o is 25%
What range you would recommend on this spot?