Originally Posted by DawajHAJS!!!
If we just call then ott we are on 1:1 spr very often V put us all in. Also we giving away equity for free. We have there some folding equity so I happy to take down pot on the flop.
If V. got pocket 66-KK he may to put us on FD and call as with his FD as well. On micro mistakes happens quite often
we dont rly need much protection with top pair here. What are we giving free equity too, hes not folding a fd anyways. a spot we would need protection would be Axxhhh with our hand where villain might have JcTh and might bet fold, jamming is fine but if you end up just always chk jamming Ax then when you chk calls with 5x or 2x you become v easy to play vs and villain can just barrel you every time