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short stack play short stack play

12-30-2014 , 09:06 PM
I've been playing a few of the lowest stakes tournaments online and noticed the players play terribly when short stacked, particularly when the average stack is 30BB>, how can I go about exploiting this?
short stack play Quote
12-30-2014 , 11:40 PM
You can exploit this by adjusting your calling/shoving range.
short stack play Quote
12-31-2014 , 07:02 AM
Originally Posted by all_in_pockets
You can exploit this by adjusting your calling/shoving range.
This obv.
short stack play Quote
12-31-2014 , 07:14 AM
Put a bunch of time into learning all your std shortstack ranges off the table, and then in game it will be easier to know which spots to adjust and jam wider/tighter vs different villains, and which hands to add to your ranges first, which hands not to use etc. You won't be able to correctly make these adjustments if you don't know this stuff.
short stack play Quote
12-31-2014 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by cznsnowy91
Put a bunch of time into learning all your std shortstack ranges off the table, and then in game it will be easier to know which spots to adjust and jam wider/tighter vs different villains, and which hands to add to your ranges first, which hands not to use etc. You won't be able to correctly make these adjustments if you don't know this stuff.
Could you tell us the best place to learn these please?
short stack play Quote
12-31-2014 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by BicycleRepairMan
Could you tell us the best place to learn these please?
Invest in an ICMizer sub and run a million spots/mess with hypothetical spots and ranges and you will improve pretty fast as long as you put the work in.
short stack play Quote
12-31-2014 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by BicycleRepairMan
Could you tell us the best place to learn these please?
I would be interested in this info as well
short stack play Quote
12-31-2014 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by cznsnowy91
Invest in an ICMizer sub and run a million spots/mess with hypothetical spots and ranges and you will improve pretty fast as long as you put the work in.
Cheers,Ill try be interesting to learn
short stack play Quote
12-31-2014 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by 1Crusher1
I've been playing a few of the lowest stakes tournaments online and noticed the players play terribly when short stacked, particularly when the average stack is 30BB>, how can I go about exploiting this?
eh, you haven't really said what it is that you're trying to exploit? people play terribly at all stack depths but in wildly different ways and you exploit them by devising the best counter strategy to their specific leaks. What specific common short stack leaks are you looking to exploit?
short stack play Quote
01-01-2015 , 09:15 AM
From my experience, people play better at 30 bb than deep stacked. Maybe you are understimating pushes that seem loose to you that may be correct.

30 bb is actually rather easy to play and there are l,ess errors here than at say 200+ bb imo.
short stack play Quote
