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Shame on you: collusion between "BerkleyBoss" and "MoormanI" in FTP Daily 2 Shame on you: collusion between "BerkleyBoss" and "MoormanI" in FTP Daily 2

04-09-2008 , 06:43 PM
the worst play there is the fact that the OP doesnt iso a suited Q from the sb
Shame on you: collusion between "BerkleyBoss" and "MoormanI" in FTP Daily 2 Quote
04-09-2008 , 06:55 PM
i love lamp
Shame on you: collusion between "BerkleyBoss" and "MoormanI" in FTP Daily 2 Quote
04-09-2008 , 07:09 PM
If this was a serious allegation I would take my time to defend Moorman, but I don't think anyone in their right mind would take OP seriously so I won't bother.

"After I call "MoormanI's" early position raise w/QJ on the button"
Shame on you: collusion between "BerkleyBoss" and "MoormanI" in FTP Daily 2 Quote
04-09-2008 , 07:26 PM
lolol, see a thread accusing 2 name players of cheating with >50 posts, oooooh drama

then I read op, damn it you ******
Shame on you: collusion between "BerkleyBoss" and "MoormanI" in FTP Daily 2 Quote
04-09-2008 , 09:06 PM
op - muppet
moorman - good bloke
Shame on you: collusion between "BerkleyBoss" and "MoormanI" in FTP Daily 2 Quote
04-10-2008 , 12:49 AM
OP...this didn't turn out the way you imagined it would, did it?

Shame on you: collusion between "BerkleyBoss" and "MoormanI" in FTP Daily 2 Quote
04-10-2008 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by RonFezBuddy
OP...this didn't turn out the way you imagined it would, did it?

Shame on you: collusion between "BerkleyBoss" and "MoormanI" in FTP Daily 2 Quote
04-10-2008 , 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by DrunkPPlaya
jealous i cant find true love like you did in moorman, when will i find my poker crush... when?!
Look at the thread title. You didn't ask the question, you just shouted "collusion" - this is classless, insulting and simply dumb. It doesn't matter whether it was against a known or unknown player.
You were wrong and just can't accept it - come on, stop being a child.
Shame on you: collusion between "BerkleyBoss" and "MoormanI" in FTP Daily 2 Quote
04-10-2008 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by RonFezBuddy
OP...this didn't turn out the way you imagined it would, did it?

OMFG, this is funny ****
Shame on you: collusion between "BerkleyBoss" and "MoormanI" in FTP Daily 2 Quote
04-10-2008 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by PsYcOsNiPeR
i love lamp

Shame on you: collusion between "BerkleyBoss" and "MoormanI" in FTP Daily 2 Quote
04-10-2008 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by DrunkPPlaya
yeah, you're sweet, look at how big your posts are...

the real irony is the elitist attitude some people here have, but what are they elite at? posting? "railing" good players? you're a chump, and so is your aunt
looooool says the guy who is down 10k on FTP in mtt

Shame on you: collusion between "BerkleyBoss" and "MoormanI" in FTP Daily 2 Quote
04-11-2008 , 10:04 PM
i think it's only fair to say that i asked fulltilt to investigate the aforementioned matter, and to clear the air, as my intent was never malicious or motivated out "jealousy" like so many of the "slap nuts" have said, and they did not find any connection between the two players, now that's not to say i dont think anything suspect went down, and we all know how sites "investigate," but i think i owe any human being this common courtesy

p.s. just won my second wsop seat for a grand total of +$100K in tournaments since i started taking them seriously about 4 weeks ago, maybe some of you haters should spend less time telling other people what idiots they are and focus on your weak-ass games

Shame on you: collusion between "BerkleyBoss" and "MoormanI" in FTP Daily 2 Quote
04-11-2008 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by jonnyd
looooool says the guy who is down 10k on FTP in mtt


i dont know what "gtfo" means...
Shame on you: collusion between "BerkleyBoss" and "MoormanI" in FTP Daily 2 Quote
04-11-2008 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by DrunkPPlaya
i dont know what "gtfo" means...
basically, go back to turding up the P5's forums instead of doing it here imo
Shame on you: collusion between "BerkleyBoss" and "MoormanI" in FTP Daily 2 Quote
04-11-2008 , 10:30 PM
i wish i could come 3rd in the mil
Shame on you: collusion between "BerkleyBoss" and "MoormanI" in FTP Daily 2 Quote
04-12-2008 , 02:15 AM
How can this thread still be going on?
Shame on you: collusion between "BerkleyBoss" and "MoormanI" in FTP Daily 2 Quote
04-12-2008 , 03:14 AM
cause ur replying to it
Shame on you: collusion between "BerkleyBoss" and "MoormanI" in FTP Daily 2 Quote
04-12-2008 , 04:44 AM
Originally Posted by DrunkPPlaya
and he takes it down... let that be a lesson to everyone: all you need is a chip, a chair, and a buddy

I lol'd
Shame on you: collusion between "BerkleyBoss" and "MoormanI" in FTP Daily 2 Quote
06-30-2008 , 01:57 AM
I think everyone is missing the facts here.

Clownie thought it was suspicious. Clearly there was collusion.
Shame on you: collusion between "BerkleyBoss" and "MoormanI" in FTP Daily 2 Quote
06-30-2008 , 02:39 AM
nice bump?
Shame on you: collusion between "BerkleyBoss" and "MoormanI" in FTP Daily 2 Quote
06-30-2008 , 07:09 AM
train already left the station, greensmoke.
Shame on you: collusion between "BerkleyBoss" and "MoormanI" in FTP Daily 2 Quote
06-30-2008 , 08:58 AM
Originally Posted by DrunkPPlaya
yup, not going to lie, was prolly fuming from your cheating
Perhaps someone can show me where Moorman cheated because Im having difficulty spotting it......
Shame on you: collusion between "BerkleyBoss" and "MoormanI" in FTP Daily 2 Quote
06-30-2008 , 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by bazooka87
It's pretty easy just to not notice stack sizes or have auto-fold on if you're playing a bunch of tables. Even easier to miss stack size if he minraises instead of shoves
I do it too, especially when multi-tabling, I just hit auto fold or whatever or if it pops up and someone has shoved, I might click fold when had I spent an extra couple of seconds looking at the table I wouldve spotted that I should really call.
Shame on you: collusion between "BerkleyBoss" and "MoormanI" in FTP Daily 2 Quote
06-30-2008 , 11:35 AM
learned a lot from this post.

1. the poster was wrong for posting "shame on you collusion" this is unfair to the player's involved. better would have been "collusion? what do you think?"

2. people being wary and questioning is good for poker. killing the guy for questioning is not great either. it doesn't matter that it's moormon or on anyone else. self policing is good and two plus two players have uncovered shady things before.

3. there more than likely wasn't collusion here but the play did understandably look odd. i would find it weird if i was playing and i may have questioned it too.

4. the accusatory approach of the op was outdone by the nasty, arrogant, sarcastic replies of some. pretty standard though for this site.
Shame on you: collusion between "BerkleyBoss" and "MoormanI" in FTP Daily 2 Quote
06-30-2008 , 01:39 PM

So along with being an awful player you are also a douche bag? And lolololol at lying in your opening post about being on the button to try and make your preflop call with QJ look better. Jesus some people are just complete assclowns.
Shame on you: collusion between "BerkleyBoss" and "MoormanI" in FTP Daily 2 Quote
