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Set on wet bored - Miniftops 33$ Set on wet bored - Miniftops 33$

01-14-2013 , 06:08 PM
With 27bb and shortstack on BB I don`t expect him to flat many SC like T9- fwiw.
Set on wet bored - Miniftops 33$ Quote
01-14-2013 , 06:09 PM
lol he folds like maybe 15% of his hands on the flop
Set on wet bored - Miniftops 33$ Quote
01-14-2013 , 06:10 PM
Yeah I think id mostly c/f this flop.. i'd b/c the turn tho obv
Set on wet bored - Miniftops 33$ Quote
01-14-2013 , 06:10 PM
I mean looking strictly at the flop cbet his PF flatting range is probably a lot of suited broadway cards, some suited aces, and pairs like 77 thru TT where he views OP as being a nit and doesn't want to 3bet?
Set on wet bored - Miniftops 33$ Quote
01-14-2013 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by Elephants_pride
and yeah you suck 11t are losing it a lot and about to take a vacation from 2+2 if you don't stop
Set on wet bored - Miniftops 33$ Quote
01-14-2013 , 06:22 PM
Bet the turn

Anticipating floats<betting for value
Set on wet bored - Miniftops 33$ Quote
01-14-2013 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by 11t
lol he folds like maybe 15% of his hands on the flop
losing to this ^^, SS?
Set on wet bored - Miniftops 33$ Quote
01-14-2013 , 06:30 PM
c/f flop
crai turn
Set on wet bored - Miniftops 33$ Quote
01-14-2013 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by Elephants_pride
losing to this ^^, SS?
Just do a better job of distinguishing between your inside and outside voices...
Set on wet bored - Miniftops 33$ Quote
01-14-2013 , 06:42 PM
Betting flop is obv better with KJs rather than 55 as it blocks their calling range and has backdoor stuff.

Flop is a really easy c/f, if you think cbetting this flop with 100% of your range is good here then you have a leak.

As played, bet again for sure.
Set on wet bored - Miniftops 33$ Quote
01-14-2013 , 06:46 PM
yeah I know it is "obvious" but it is good to distinguish what "good cbetting" hands are and what "bad cbetting" hands are, especially if we have back door draws etc.
Set on wet bored - Miniftops 33$ Quote
01-14-2013 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by gregz41
Flop is a really easy c/f, if you think cbetting this flop with 100% of your range is good here then you have a leak.
I think he has few Kx, Qx which connects with that board well, surely has more AJ,AQ which dont really connect with that board.
It`s question if he would go floating with them, but he certainly would bet them if we check.
Set on wet bored - Miniftops 33$ Quote
01-14-2013 , 07:00 PM
So what? Even if he bets his entire range when checked to, c/f is probably still better than betting.
Set on wet bored - Miniftops 33$ Quote
01-14-2013 , 07:00 PM
betting turn is obv fine as well

crai turn just feels sexier

that flop is the aids and betting just burns money, not even an argument
Set on wet bored - Miniftops 33$ Quote
01-14-2013 , 07:05 PM
problem with checking is he has too much SDV which we can get bets from if we bet, but is checking behind on the river with equity and too many "scare cards" on the river where we can't get bets from

basically the only hands that bet the turn are bluffs and if he is going to "bluff" he was floating planning on bluff raising the turn anyway (assuming he is good aggro opponent) so we might as well fire out like a "blocking bet" then ship over his raise
Set on wet bored - Miniftops 33$ Quote
01-15-2013 , 08:10 PM
check fold flop, very good reg is gunna RR you a bunch on the flop with any decent draw, also, villain is in an ideal position to float the flop and shut you down if you dont hit the miracle 5, on the turn, I'm bet/calling if the villain is a good agresive player, they'll probs RR the flop with a flush draw and two overs
Set on wet bored - Miniftops 33$ Quote
01-15-2013 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by Elephants_pride
I think he has few Kx, Qx which connects with that board well, surely has more AJ,AQ which dont really connect with that board.
It`s question if he would go floating with them, but he certainly would bet them if we check.
AJ is two overs and a gutshot fwiw doubt villain folds those hands.

If you give villain a tightish range of something like TT-66,AQo-AJo,KQo,AQs-ATs,KQs-KTs,QJs-QTs,JTs.

Personally I would leave in more suited connectors but your view earlier was he would fold those hands, add those in and he starts to hit it even more

Then he hits this board around 80%+ of the time, this would be all his TP+, draws/combo draws
Set on wet bored - Miniftops 33$ Quote
01-15-2013 , 09:22 PM
I would prolly just check fold flop as well. This flop connects fairly solidly with villains pre flop calling range. all his pp's connect somehow for either set or straight draw and suited connectors connect for straight draw or pair+straight draw. His broadways connect for 2 overs and straight draw. So this is not the best flop for C-bet. This is a very coordinated flop that will get floated especially by a solid reg. There are many hands he can represent if scare card hits turn.

As played I would just fire out for value on turn as there are many other holdings he might have other than flush cards. and if you get raised just fold as he most likely won't be bluffing with his stack size and you double barreling a board that gets there. Plus there are many higher sets in his range with his preflop call. But bet/calling on turn isn't bad if villain is very aggressive reg

Last edited by jjwhite09; 01-15-2013 at 09:36 PM.
Set on wet bored - Miniftops 33$ Quote
01-16-2013 , 02:11 PM
fold pre, awkward spot for 55s given the stacks behind you.
c/f flop - cmon, give villain a range.
Set on wet bored - Miniftops 33$ Quote
01-16-2013 , 05:56 PM
easy with HM
Set on wet bored - Miniftops 33$ Quote
