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Set of aces OOP on a monotone board early in the 11 deep stack Set of aces OOP on a monotone board early in the 11 deep stack

01-30-2011 , 01:49 PM
If there is ever a bad time to get AA, it's UTG early in the deep stack. I count myself lucky I only got this many callers. I tend to play AA pretty conservatively this early in this tourney because so many players will flat pre with any two cards they think are pretty. I've experimented with raising more pre but was mostly just clicking here as I was multitasking.

No reads on either villain, too early, ldo, and guy with big stack moved here with it so no idea how he doubled up.

So the flop would be the most beautiful thing in the world if it wasn't all one color. Line check, please. Was c/fing any heart river, opted to c/eval river to give other hands a chance to try to bluff. Doubt I'm good enough to fold a set of aces with only three to the flush on board, I can't assume someone flopped the flush here right?

Poker Stars $10+$1 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t10/t20 Blinds - 9 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter By DeucesCracked Poker Videos

BTN: t4850 242.50 BBs
SB: t4829 241.45 BBs
BB: t1380 69 BBs
Hero (UTG): t4940 247 BBs
UTG+1: t5059 252.95 BBs
UTG+2: t5010 250.50 BBs
MP1: t5041 252.05 BBs
MP2: t4910 245.50 BBs
CO: t10361 518.05 BBs

Pre Flop: (t30) Hero is UTG with A A
Hero raises to t60, 2 folds, MP1 calls t60, MP2 calls t60, CO calls t60, 3 folds

Flop: (t270) 8 K A (4 players)
Hero bets t140, MP1 folds, MP2 calls t140, CO calls t140

Turn: (t690) 6 (3 players)
Hero bets t280, MP2 calls t280, CO calls t280

River: (t1530) T (3 players)
Hero checks, MP2 checks, CO bets t2000, Hero calls t2000, MP2 folds
Set of aces OOP on a monotone board early in the 11 deep stack Quote
01-30-2011 , 02:33 PM
flopping flushes is very unlikely. I think you should have bet bigger on the turn, would probably help see where you are at in the hand.
Set of aces OOP on a monotone board early in the 11 deep stack Quote
01-30-2011 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by DKdeuces22
flopping flushes is very unlikely. I think you should have bet bigger on the turn, would probably help see where you are at in the hand.
Turn bet is a little meh, I agree, decided to save myself a few chips since I knew I'd be folding to a heart OTR. Probably biggest mistake in the hand, since at this stage no one folds their pair/flush draws ever so I lost some value there.
Set of aces OOP on a monotone board early in the 11 deep stack Quote
01-30-2011 , 05:09 PM
I think turn small bet is ok also to induce a river bluff
Set of aces OOP on a monotone board early in the 11 deep stack Quote
01-30-2011 , 05:13 PM
bet more on each street. check/soulread river as played
Set of aces OOP on a monotone board early in the 11 deep stack Quote
01-30-2011 , 05:15 PM
Besides the turn, why do you bet this small otf? You're offering FD way too good odds, esp since it is 4way. I go for ~potsize there.

I like your plan to c/f respectively induce a bluff otr, but readless it's hard to say whether it would be better to just b/f.

Calling the overbet seems fine imo; he could do this with a pretty wide range given how underrepped you are and how weak MP looks.
Set of aces OOP on a monotone board early in the 11 deep stack Quote
01-30-2011 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by furo
bet more on each street. check/soulread river as played
Originally Posted by Baobhan-Sith
Besides the turn, why do you bet this small otf?
Probably because I suck at betsizing.
Set of aces OOP on a monotone board early in the 11 deep stack Quote
01-30-2011 , 06:13 PM
225 flop, 2/3rd pot turn, check/call river (most likely)
Set of aces OOP on a monotone board early in the 11 deep stack Quote
01-30-2011 , 06:19 PM
bet more everywhere. otr i don't want to say what i want to say. QJ/QT/Q9hh would do this same line (never raising) where as I'd expect a majority of worse flushes to raise somewhere.

i think OPR would help a bunch. i think bad players tend to just slowplay the **** out of hands. better ones i'd expect them to raise to be able to play for stacks.

click call.
Set of aces OOP on a monotone board early in the 11 deep stack Quote
01-30-2011 , 06:46 PM
b/decide river imo.

and your sizing sucks too
Set of aces OOP on a monotone board early in the 11 deep stack Quote
01-30-2011 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by abgtr
bet more everywhere. otr i don't want to say what i want to say. QJ/QT/Q9hh would do this same line (never raising) where as I'd expect a majority of worse flushes to raise somewhere.

i think OPR would help a bunch. i think bad players tend to just slowplay the **** out of hands. better ones i'd expect them to raise to be able to play for stacks.

click call.
Um...what did you want to say?

Yeah already agreed my bet sizing sucks. Was multitasking and multitabling which does help since bet sizing is a problem for me anyway.
Set of aces OOP on a monotone board early in the 11 deep stack Quote
01-30-2011 , 09:32 PM
nothing really wrong with flop bet sizing. half pot is standard c-bet. a c-bet should be between 40% and 75%, so 50% is not an issue.

turn is tough, it either has to be bigger on the double barrel to show strength or it become a blocking bet, which it was. it looks like a hope to control the betting and keep it low. if you lost on this hand, you lost the minimum. I don't think this was that bad. The turn needed to be bigger to win it there or set up a third barrel on the river, which could only be called if the flush got home. also random even in this event could still be calling off with ace queen or ace king. whole situation sucks. i probably swear and throw something off my wall when the hearts come on the flop to be honest, but i have an anger problem

i know i said in another thread to stop focusing on pre flop play, so this is hypocritical, but you might have been against 1 opponent instead of three with a 4 x raise or 5 x raise. just something to think about.
Set of aces OOP on a monotone board early in the 11 deep stack Quote
01-30-2011 , 11:20 PM
I can see QJx playing it like this. Yeah, this hand just leaves a dirty feeling all over. I agree with making a bigger bet OTT, but I think the flop sizing is fine. Everyone who wants to call on the flop is going to call anyway, and we still need to dodge two streets of hearts.
Set of aces OOP on a monotone board early in the 11 deep stack Quote
01-30-2011 , 11:32 PM
agree with betting more all over.

sidenote, when you say experimenting with raising more pre, is that with ALL hands, good hands, or pos dependent? opening more and def 3betting more overall is fine with huge stacks, but only doing so with nuts is baaad if anyone is paying attention

back to the hand, what does anyone else thing of b/f riv? that was first thing i thought of. bet bet bet as no other heart got there
Set of aces OOP on a monotone board early in the 11 deep stack Quote
01-30-2011 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by gamboneee

sidenote, when you say experimenting with raising more pre, is that with ALL hands, good hands, or pos dependent? opening more and def 3betting more overall is fine with huge stacks, but only doing so with nuts is baaad if anyone is paying attention
I've experimented with raising more with any hand I'm going to raise early in the deep stack. Not sure it really makes that much of a difference tho, except maybe from a value perspective, since I've seen 4-6 villains call a 10x raise pre early in this tourney. Everyone is just so deep that in the first couple of levels a lot of villains won't fold to pretty much any raise pre if they like their hand, and "like their hand" can be lolwide.
Set of aces OOP on a monotone board early in the 11 deep stack Quote
01-30-2011 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by Elachim
I think the flop sizing is fine. Everyone who wants to call on the flop is going to call anyway
You might want to rethink the logic behind that.
Set of aces OOP on a monotone board early in the 11 deep stack Quote
01-31-2011 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by Baobhan-Sith
You might want to rethink the logic behind that.
I've thought about it. Their equity is pretty good on the flop. I know their hand range is made up mostly of heart draws, maybe gutshots, some Kx, and maybe an Ax. So I've got a pretty solid read on my opponents and I'm rarely pushing them off on the flop.

Why do I want to bloat the pot when I have a pretty good read on my opponents hands? I want them to make mistakes. Calling the flop is only a small mistake and making the flop bet bigger isn't making it a much bigger mistake. If they call the turn when they miss, they've made a much larger mistake. And I can get away if the 4th heart comes. I much prefer betting bigger on the turn than on the flop. Correct me if my reasoning is flawed.
Set of aces OOP on a monotone board early in the 11 deep stack Quote
01-31-2011 , 12:43 AM
I don't get what you're saying, we have top set in a super wet 4way pot... have you ever heard of value and protection? Charge them as much as you can for their draws as long as they exist and be happy to get it in asap. Obv you have to c/f once the flush hits to avoid offering good implied odds, unless of course you get the right price for your 10 outs ott (don't forget to consider your imp.odds ott this deep, you draw to the nuts boat).

edit: You also lose value against 2p, TP and minor sets for the cases the 4flush hits.
Set of aces OOP on a monotone board early in the 11 deep stack Quote
01-31-2011 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by Elachim
I've thought about it. Their equity is pretty good on the flop. I know their hand range is made up mostly of heart draws, maybe gutshots, some Kx, and maybe an Ax. So I've got a pretty solid read on my opponents and I'm rarely pushing them off on the flop.

Why do I want to bloat the pot when I have a pretty good read on my opponents hands? I want them to make mistakes. Calling the flop is only a small mistake and making the flop bet bigger isn't making it a much bigger mistake. If they call the turn when they miss, they've made a much larger mistake. And I can get away if the 4th heart comes. I much prefer betting bigger on the turn than on the flop. Correct me if my reasoning is flawed.
The odds of a heart coming are the same on the turn as on the river. Therefor your reasoning is wrong. In the first scenario (where you bet big turn small flop) you are making a bet of x with one card to come. In the second scenario (where you bet big on both flop and turn) you are making the same bet x on the flop. If a heart comes, you can shut down, if it doesnt, then you bet >x on the turn, thus putting your opponent in an even worse spot
Set of aces OOP on a monotone board early in the 11 deep stack Quote
01-31-2011 , 12:57 AM
b/f river why are you chekcing?
Set of aces OOP on a monotone board early in the 11 deep stack Quote
01-31-2011 , 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
Um...what did you want to say?
just wanted to say i want to fold. I think good players raise somewhere to get stacks in later if they flopped it. and i don't think bad players are capable of overbet bluffing. so i don't think we can win either way.

In regards to bet sizing, I just think you want to think what you'd bet with air/smaller hands/draws here. OTF if I'm betting like AxKh i'd bet near pot. Or a small flush. Or just air (i'd never cbet into this many ppl with air obv but yea). OTT, i literally can't think what i'd bet this much with besides maybe KQhh where i just wanted a call.
Set of aces OOP on a monotone board early in the 11 deep stack Quote
01-31-2011 , 07:39 AM
FFS - 288 OTF
fk'em - 999 OTT.
just spew the river with a set cause they all suck kind of spot
Set of aces OOP on a monotone board early in the 11 deep stack Quote
01-31-2011 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by desperad0oo7
b/f river why are you chekcing?
I already said that, to give someone who missed their flush draw a chance to try to take the pot.
Set of aces OOP on a monotone board early in the 11 deep stack Quote
01-31-2011 , 10:47 AM
b/f river ainec

edit:your thinking about letting someone who missed their fd or whatever bet is just so absurdly bad its not even funny. first of all, its pretty hard for villians to get to the river with worse hearts than the qh, they have literally no implied on the turn with lower hearts when you bet into them and its 100% correct to fold them before they get to the river(not that villians in ssmtts play 100% correctly, but the main point from this is that people who get to the river with bare hearts here are likely very very passive and wont bet river when you check to them)

second of all your OOP into TWO people otr, your plan of checking here is even worse because of this. by betting first you take the initiative and you can size how YOU want and possibly get two calls from both villians. by checking you let THEM make their mind up about how much to bet or not to bet, and like i said earlier people who get to the river with bare fds are going to be really bad/passive and not even bet them sometimes, but by betting yourself they will level/talk themselves into all sorts of calls and you can size it how you want instead of perhaps c/cing or c/ring a ridiculously small bet from a missed flush draw or weak made hand, for example if the first villian bets really tiny otr, second calls your good 100%, so you c/r. A c/r here looks soooooo much stronger than just leading river and even dumb villians will realise this and you may not get two calls from like kx/two pair or whatever which you might have gotten if you just bet the river yourself.

just another point:the river getting checked through here is a MASSIVE disaster, another downside of you not betting

hope this helped

Last edited by sunnydunerz; 01-31-2011 at 11:08 AM.
Set of aces OOP on a monotone board early in the 11 deep stack Quote
01-31-2011 , 11:53 AM
I have tried something that has work for me when i flop such a strong hand OOP and i think in those type of MTTs were players are so ridiculous deep should work as well is to lead out and bet the size of the pot, this on the eyes of the villain look pretty fishy and anybody with a marginal hand and even top pair will be willing to give u action and its gonna be easy for u to extrac as much as posible from your set...Also u make it veeeeeeeeeery hard for any idiot who might flat u with a combo draw (some sort of pair+flush draw combination) wich should be your main concern cuz people play so loose in this deep stack tournaments.
Set of aces OOP on a monotone board early in the 11 deep stack Quote
