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Question for community to solve bet with my friend and I Question for community to solve bet with my friend and I

07-14-2008 , 06:09 PM
At 1500/3000 blinds at a 10 person table with no ante and you have 20600 chips and get dealt K/Q off under the gun what do you do?
Question for community to solve bet with my friend and I Quote
07-14-2008 , 06:26 PM
Question for community to solve bet with my friend and I Quote
07-14-2008 , 06:30 PM
need 10 opinions please
Question for community to solve bet with my friend and I Quote
07-14-2008 , 06:31 PM
Your M=4.6 as long as there are no antes. I'm new to MTT's but when your M is that low I believe you should be pushing here.
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07-14-2008 , 06:31 PM
depends on other stacksizes and how tight/loose the table is.....

with all that said........i shove regardless
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07-14-2008 , 06:31 PM
allin fast
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07-14-2008 , 06:34 PM
how close to bubble? shoving utg w/ KQ is easy here if you have a long way to go but if going another orbit means $$$....

edit: now that i think about it if your table is tight due to bubble shoving is probably even easier...

edit2: ok just push as long as there's not a massive pay jump 3 hands from now.
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07-14-2008 , 06:48 PM
pushbot chart says its a shove with an M=2.5 FWIW, but UTG is the new BTN, so we have a few things working here. I say bomb it in because I don't think that chart factors in the loss of FE after letting the blinds pass
edit: but stack sizes would be helpful. If 5BBs would put a dent in a stack to your immediate left and his left, then you may be able to hold off.
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07-14-2008 , 06:51 PM
I would consider not shoving if we are on the bubble or I have a couple of HUGE loose stacks behind me.
Default is still shove, IMHO.
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07-14-2008 , 07:08 PM much do you win/lose if I say fold...

Question for community to solve bet with my friend and I Quote
07-14-2008 , 07:10 PM
KQ is the nizzles, arr in.
Question for community to solve bet with my friend and I Quote
07-14-2008 , 07:19 PM
Just cause I want to be one of the cool kids....Chuck Norris fist-pumping shove
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07-14-2008 , 07:29 PM
fistpump chairspin shove barring really, really weird circumstances
Question for community to solve bet with my friend and I Quote
07-14-2008 , 08:32 PM
what pushbot chart are you referring to?
Question for community to solve bet with my friend and I Quote
07-14-2008 , 08:35 PM
yeah KQs is 2.5 at a tight table for pushbot from what is ee. KQo is in the under 2 zone but once again utg is new the btn after all.
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07-14-2008 , 08:37 PM
Pushbot chart I have says a push is -EV. Fold. (A9o and 44 would be a push here.)
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07-14-2008 , 08:49 PM
the pushbot chart does not consider the effect of blinds going up or approaching you. thusly i think it's super-shortstack recommendations (M=3 and below) are a little on the tight side, especially for UTG and UTG+1.
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07-14-2008 , 09:37 PM
Shovey Mc'Shoverson
Question for community to solve bet with my friend and I Quote
07-14-2008 , 11:07 PM
Results plz? Stakes etc.?
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07-14-2008 , 11:27 PM
Payout structure and the number of players left can easily swing this from a push to a fold. It's a marginal push (worst hand you should push) far from the money in a big MTT.
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07-14-2008 , 11:35 PM
Of course the proper answer is "it depends." But to play along I will vote for the fold option as my default play for this decision. This is similar to post not too long ago. I say fold because no worse hand will call. You will either be behind a Big Ace, Suited Mid Ace, or Pocket Pair.
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07-15-2008 , 01:29 AM
I thought it was very close and when my friend pushed I said soon as he did it that I maybe fold that.

It is an M of less then 5 but your UTG and only called by hands that crush you. My biggest point in case was that there are no antes. After he folds he can easily take another BB and SB and have plenty of chips to push with. He doesn't have to worry as much about taking a huge hit from the antes before blinds come around again.

cutoff called with AQ and he lost. It was the $50 rebuy at ipoker. He was barely in the money
Question for community to solve bet with my friend and I Quote
07-15-2008 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by Reckless1der
Of course the proper answer is "it depends." But to play along I will vote for the fold option as my default play for this decision. This is similar to post not too long ago. I say fold because no worse hand will call. You will either be behind a Big Ace, Suited Mid Ace, or Pocket Pair.
This is assuming that those hands show up. Additionally, what is in the pot makes up for lost equity in races. Also, once the blinds pass we will have no FE, which means we will likely be racing anyway on the button.
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07-15-2008 , 04:56 AM
Originally Posted by Toast91185
This is assuming that those hands show up. Additionally, what is in the pot makes up for lost equity in races. Also, once the blinds pass we will have no FE, which means we will likely be racing anyway on the button.
For simplicity sake, let's assume that if there is a top 10% hand (77+, A7s+, KQs, QJs, AJo, and KQo) in the remaining 9 hands, our hero will get called. When that happens our hero will be a 63:37 dog against that range.

The probability that he will win in a walk is Pr(no callers) = (1 - 0.1)^9 = .9^9 = 0.387; hence, the prob he is called is 1 - that or 0.613
0.387*4,500= 1,743
.613*.37*25,100= 5,693
.613*.63*-20,600= -7,955
Net Expected Value is Negative 519.
Question for community to solve bet with my friend and I Quote
07-15-2008 , 09:21 AM
Question for community to solve bet with my friend and I Quote
