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Question about SB Shove Question about SB Shove

06-30-2008 , 03:49 AM
Hey all, assuming the hand is folded to me in the small blind and there are no other factors affecting EV, can you guys just check my math here and tell me if I'm doing this correctly in order to find out if I should push or fold my K4o if those are my only two options against the bb here?

Hero Stack: 15,759 + 500(sb)

Villian Stack: 19,825 + 1000(bb)

Total Antes = 675

I'm assuming Villian's calling range is 25% of hands.

cEV if we Fold = 15,759

push, get called, and win = 2(16,259) +675 = 33,193

push, get called, and lose= 0

push and win antes = 16,934

assuming bb calls w/ 25% of hands, our equity is 36%.

push, get called, and win = +17,434(.36)(.25)

push, get called, and lose = -15,759(.64)(.25)

push and win antes = +1175(.75)

push, get called, and win = +1569

push, get called, and lose= -630

push and win blinds/antes = +881

Total cEV of pushing = 15,759 + 1820 = 17,579

Total cEV of folding = 15,759 +0 = 15,759

So this means I should push right? Pls let me know if I did these calculations right bc I want to practice this in the future on my own and wouldn't want to have any stupid mistakes.


Question about SB Shove Quote
06-30-2008 , 10:24 AM
Shoving really wide in the SB, even when fairly deep, is very profitable. I'm not the least bit surprised that K4o with 15 BBs is a very profitable shove.
Question about SB Shove Quote
06-30-2008 , 11:08 AM
Can't help you with the math but my feeling is that it is indeed very profitable. I do it very often and works fine. (need more info on table, tourney structure, payout etc. obv)
Only a PP, an Ace or a better K can call you imo.
Question about SB Shove Quote
06-30-2008 , 11:22 AM
K4o is certainly a better than average (2 random cards) so raising here is fine. I think you can raise this hand 75% and call 25% and be profitable.

You can do all the math you want but that doesn't necessarily mean it's the "best" play in that tournament. If you're playing against a tight player in the BB then raising 95% is probably the best no matter what your cards are. If the player is looser and defends his blinds at all costs then you may play it a little differently.

The tournament structure also comes into play. If you're close to the bubble or ITM then you should play this hand a little differently.

Your math looks good but sometimes simply looking at the numbers can be deceiving. I play more of a tight aggro style so I'm raising often in the SB vs. BB scenario and according to the books that's the appropriate way to play but I don't simply raise depends on the dynamics of the table and tournament.
Question about SB Shove Quote
