I'm having trouble understanding whether a push/fold or call/fold is correct or not in a non-final table/non-single table scenario, (in the context of sitngo wizard) for example 20 players left in a 45 man multi.
I'm familar with sitngo wiz and using it for STT and confident using the equity model ICM and have some understanding of it, but can we use it for multis, does using "chip EV" mode in wiz. give us accurate enough push/fold results like it does for single table/final table analasis given every thing else to be equal and our opponent ranges are accurate etc?
I know stars hand history dosn't include number of players left in a multi so can we use cEV to learn correct non final table push/fold?
so for icm if EqP% > EeF% and our opponent ranges are good it is usual correct to push is it the same for cEV, Eqp% > EqF%?
In theory ICM has an effect throughout the whole tournament, but it's effect when far from the money is very very small. Also, it is computationally impractical to calculate ICM equities when you have more than 10 or so people left. Also the information required to do the calculations is not available to SitNGo Wizard since only hand histories from your table are saved.
Most people agree that your primary concern leading up to the final table is to accumulate chips, so using chipEV is absolutely fine to use until then imo.
its folded to me wiz gives me EqPC 4000
EqFC 3000
for 2 tables left in a 45man multi
and i have appropiate reads and ranges for remaining opponents, then this is equivalent to EqP% being greater than EeF%, whatever the acual numbers are?
Yes, I would continue to go by chipEV even with only 2 tables left. Pushing in that spot will result in you ending up with 1000 chips than you would by folding on average, it works the same way as the ICM equities.