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Qtr Million Freeroll steak for a good cause; I won't donate it all as I'm scammer Nick Rainey Qtr Million Freeroll steak for a good cause; I won't donate it all as I'm scammer Nick Rainey

08-09-2010 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by TheLizardKing
I also talked to Dr. Feusner's office (where Nick supposedly made the donations) and Ms. Cheryl Cox assured me that Dr. Feusner is well aware of what is going on and he was the one who had it sent to their legal department. Also, Dr. Feusner's office (including Dr. Feusner himself-Channing's uncle) said they found absolutely nothing and know nothing regarding any donations from Nick Rainey or anything corresponding to the supposed donation amounts.

I didn't talk to Dr. Feusner personally but I am paraphrasing what his assistant said.
Well I'll be damned.
Qtr Million Freeroll steak for a good cause; I won't donate it all as I'm scammer Nick Rainey Quote
08-09-2010 , 05:45 PM
Thanks for the time you're putting into this Lizard.
Qtr Million Freeroll steak for a good cause; I won't donate it all as I'm scammer Nick Rainey Quote
08-09-2010 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by Jesusjapiee
Thanks for the time you're putting into this Lizard.
Thanks, I really appreciate it. There is a lot of hate and criticism out there about me. Mainly from people I thought were at least my "poker" friends (or close to it) but they are just mean-spirited Rainey devotees. Anyways, it is better to find out the truth before they get into a position of trust. This has been a difficult and stressful situation for me. Therefore, your post means a lot to me. Thanks again.
Qtr Million Freeroll steak for a good cause; I won't donate it all as I'm scammer Nick Rainey Quote
08-09-2010 , 06:09 PM
Hate to see what Nick's done, but I said he was a huge douche and a tool a long long time ago. I've known sociopath drug addicts throughout my youth and it was pretty obv he was scum. Anytime someone is constantly bragging about how they are championing a "good cause" you can be 100% sure they are evil as ****.

Dude is clearly on methamphetamines ainec
Qtr Million Freeroll steak for a good cause; I won't donate it all as I'm scammer Nick Rainey Quote
08-09-2010 , 06:27 PM
nick's operation is getting creepier everyday and is starting to look more like a cult than anything
Qtr Million Freeroll steak for a good cause; I won't donate it all as I'm scammer Nick Rainey Quote
08-09-2010 , 07:25 PM
wonder what now?
Qtr Million Freeroll steak for a good cause; I won't donate it all as I'm scammer Nick Rainey Quote
08-09-2010 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by TheLizardKing
Thanks, I really appreciate it. There is a lot of hate and criticism out there about me. Mainly from people I thought were at least my "poker" friends (or close to it) but they are just mean-spirited Rainey devotees. Anyways, it is better to find out the truth before they get into a position of trust. This has been a difficult and stressful situation for me. Therefore, your post means a lot to me. Thanks again.
I'm glad someone is chasing this up too, even tho I wasn't involved, but I hate to think of him disappearing with the money if no one bothered to look into it.
Qtr Million Freeroll steak for a good cause; I won't donate it all as I'm scammer Nick Rainey Quote
08-11-2010 , 03:16 PM
Just wanted to give everybody a heads up, since I know there are a few of you still out there worried about the donation getting to where it is supposed to go. I talked to Nick this afternoon. He wanted me to inform everyone that he is going through all the transfer histories and doing an audit so that he can make sure the correct amount of money is being donated. The official donation should be finished up sometime this afternoon or tomorrow, and this way he will have a cashiers check and full proof the donation was made. I will post more when I receive the info.

If you did send Nick a donation that was not from a cash in the 1/4 million tourney, send him an email at so he can make sure he includes that in the official donation.
Qtr Million Freeroll steak for a good cause; I won't donate it all as I'm scammer Nick Rainey Quote
08-11-2010 , 06:58 PM
I posted this in another thread but I just want to get this on the record in this thread one last time for history's sake. And, just in case, anyone feels Nick was wronged somehow...

Originally Posted by master3004
Nick's plan was and always has been to attempt to raise money and get a matching donation. I also believed he had planned to start doing this again once the world series ended and make one large lump donation to the hospital come the end of the year, hopefully with an additional charity match. However, Ray's increasing out of line pressure to get the money donated this very second has nixed those plans. Personally, I feel its a shame.

Also, it seems that nobody is ever pleased regardless of how things turned out. Aside from posting the final information on the donation, I'm done with this topic.

That is real touching, master...

He said it himself that he was not going to be saving up the money and sending it all at once…
“I am thinking that the best way would be to send in donation each week instead of saving up for the $100,000. Might as well help as soon as possible. If everyone transfers 50% of winnings to me I will send out a check Monday morning.”

And, on 3/30, he even said he withdrew the money and was going to send it after the first week...
"$206.76 is correct. Withdrew and sending check out tonight."

Also, watch Mad Poker episode 10 where he said he sent in the checks to Dr. Feusner (his girlfriend's uncle) and Dr. Feusner never seemed to have gotten that money either. I wonder why he hadn't received the donations. I am really confused now so are these additional funds being donated? From my recent post...

"I also talked to Dr. Feusner's office (where Nick supposedly made the donations) and Ms. Cheryl Cox assured me that Dr. Feusner is well aware of what is going on and he was the one who had it sent to their legal department. Also, Dr. Feusner's office (including Dr. Feusner himself-Channing's uncle) said they found absolutely nothing and know nothing regarding any donations from Nick Rainey or anything corresponding to the supposed donation amounts.

I didn't talk to Dr. Feusner personally but I am paraphrasing what his assistant said."

Interesting timing on this donation. I am sure it was just his conscious kicking in finally and not the fact that he was told he could have been looking at lawsuits and felony charges. Well, I am glad it "looks like" the money is finally getting there. That is what is most important and I am glad you are helping Nick with this. Time better spent, master. I am glad you "look like" you are finally getting it done, Nick. Thanks.
Qtr Million Freeroll steak for a good cause; I won't donate it all as I'm scammer Nick Rainey Quote
08-11-2010 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Just wanted to give everybody a heads up, since I know there are a few of you still out there worried about the donation getting to where it is supposed to go. I talked to Nick this afternoon. He wanted me to inform everyone that he is going through all the transfer histories and doing an audit so that he can make sure the correct amount of money is being donated. The official donation should be finished up sometime this afternoon or tomorrow, and this way he will have a cashiers check and full proof the donation was made. I will post more when I receive the info.

If you did send Nick a donation that was not from a cash in the 1/4 million tourney, send him an email at so he can make sure he includes that in the official donation.
This is pretty ****ing sick.
Im angry here at the moment. So he has completely lied about donating and unless this fuss was made by lizard the donation would most likely not have been made?
And now he expects people who made a donation to go out of their way to email him because he hasnt kept track because he was basically scamming them to try and improve his image?
Man untill this point I had a little bit of respect, but **** this douche I hope karma sorts him out good and true.
Qtr Million Freeroll steak for a good cause; I won't donate it all as I'm scammer Nick Rainey Quote
08-11-2010 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by Bruce Key
The checks in the mail.


Since I read every almost every post in this thread for my research and to answer questions, etc., I had to do this. There were many excellent, excellent entries but this is the quote of the thread. I have had my eye on this one for awhile and was just waiting for a better one to come along or the right opportunity to unveil it.

Congratulations, Bruce!!!

If anyone disagrees, please submit your entries and maybe we can take a
Qtr Million Freeroll steak for a good cause; I won't donate it all as I'm scammer Nick Rainey Quote
08-11-2010 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Just wanted to give everybody a heads up, since I know there are a few of you still out there worried about the donation getting to where it is supposed to go. I talked to Nick this afternoon. He wanted me to inform everyone that he is going through all the transfer histories and doing an audit so that he can make sure the correct amount of money is being donated. The official donation should be finished up sometime this afternoon or tomorrow, and this way he will have a cashiers check and full proof the donation was made. I will post more when I receive the info.

If you did send Nick a donation that was not from a cash in the 1/4 million tourney, send him an email at so he can make sure he includes that in the official donation.
I thought he made the donation a long time ago?
Qtr Million Freeroll steak for a good cause; I won't donate it all as I'm scammer Nick Rainey Quote
08-11-2010 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Just wanted to give everybody a heads up, since I know there are a few of you still out there worried about the donation getting to where it is supposed to go. I talked to Nick this afternoon. He wanted me to inform everyone that he is going through all the transfer histories and doing an audit so that he can make sure the correct amount of money is being donated. The official donation should be finished up sometime this afternoon or tomorrow, and this way he will have a cashiers check and full proof the donation was made. I will post more when I receive the info.

If you did send Nick a donation that was not from a cash in the 1/4 million tourney, send him an email at so he can make sure he includes that in the official donation.
In other words, Nick lied about donating the money already.

It's good that he is making it right, but it sounds like he's only doing so because he was caught.
Qtr Million Freeroll steak for a good cause; I won't donate it all as I'm scammer Nick Rainey Quote
08-11-2010 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by Zima421
<todd terry batman light>
Best post i have read lately, hilarious and true
Qtr Million Freeroll steak for a good cause; I won't donate it all as I'm scammer Nick Rainey Quote
08-12-2010 , 03:44 AM
Qtr Million Freeroll steak for a good cause; I won't donate it all as I'm scammer Nick Rainey Quote
08-12-2010 , 10:10 AM
Well its dissapointing to hear that it took all of this for the donation to be made. I still have respect for Nick's game and think his poker site is top notch, it has greatly improved my game. I dont think Nick ever did this to get a few extra grand, I believe Nick truly wanted to do something for charity and would have absolutley gone through with it at some point , but when being so public about the whole thing he should have kept his word and kept proper records of what was to be donated. If this really was a scam do you really think he would post about it on a public forum.
Qtr Million Freeroll steak for a good cause; I won't donate it all as I'm scammer Nick Rainey Quote
08-12-2010 , 10:39 AM
I want to make at least a few other points because this was a common theme with Nick in recent emails to me and on episode 10 of Mad Poker and may greatly impact the donation amount and reduce it by upwards of $3000.

Nick has been attempting to backtrack and recently, he said these were his donations and he was staking people in the tournament and any money sent to him was a return of his staking monies and his share of the profits and from that, he would make "his" donations and it also sounded like he was going to net out all of the weekly funding costs (especially in his emails to me). However, from the very beginning, in fact, in his very first post, he makes it clear that his plan was to "give 46 entries away each week" which does not sound like a staking deal to me. He further goes on to say "people who take the free roll to donate half the winnings" so he calls it a "free roll" and he asks people "to donate half the winnings". A “free roll” is clearly not a staking deal to me but means it is free to the entrant (i.e., no cost, no fee, no profit sharing) and asking people to donate half of their winnings does not sound like his donation either, in fact, he made it clear to me that it was the players' donations. Further, I don't think he should be able to net out the entry fees either because he specifically said "donate half the winnings" not half the net profits and besides he said he was giving away the spots anyways and he makes it clear in his calculations in the thread that he was not netting out entry fees (see links below). Further, he was accepting money to fund additional spots so how would this be incorporated into all of this if he was going to net out the entry fees. Of course, he shouldn't be netting out anything and really should add money especially at this stage. His very first post to start the thread...

"Plan is to give 46 entries away each week at a minimum and hopefully more if I have a big score during the week.

This week going to start the fund raising so ask the 46 people who take the free roll to donate half the winnings. My goal is to raise $100,000 this year with this weekly free roll and hopefully PokerStars will help us along the way somehow.

All the money raised is going to Children's Hospital and Research Center in Oakland.

I am giving 100% of my winnings in this event and you are more then welcome to as well if you receive the freeroll, but 50% is all I ask..."

He also makes many of these points extremely clear here... (he adds up all money shipped back to him from the winnings and says that will be the donation amount and does not subtract out the entry fees-he made a mistake in the math and it gets corrected in the link below) (correction of the math error above-he forgot to include $40) ("So next 46 to post screen name and city are in the 1/4 million and giving back 50% to Children's Hospital and Research Center.") ("Basic rules are it is a freeroll and ask you to donate 50% of winnings to the Children's Hospital and Research Center")

Also, how do we know he paid for the funding of these spots in the first place? From another post of mine to Nick...

"Also, do we know for a fact that the money ultimately came from you to stake the players in the tournament for the charity? It is true that it came from your PokerStars account but it could have easily come from Bodeye or Aaron ultimately. I say this because when I was in Las Vegas living with you, Bodeye and Aaron (primarily Bodeye) paid for almost every single thing (furniture, dinners, Cirque Du Soleil tickets, cell phones, probably the rent at the Las Vegas "mansion" and airline tickets for students, etc., etc.) from what I could tell. Also, all (100%) of the staking money for your staking business came directly from Aaron and Bodeye from what I could tell, too. I pose the same question/concern on any money that you have "given away" recently. I would like to hear from Aaron and Bodeye on this but Bodeye is still your coach and probably trying to recoup all of the money he invested and would not like to comment on this. From what I hear, you have many backers and stakers and owe them a lot of money..."

Personally, from my experiences with Nick, I said the following to him (and he pretty much said a lot of this himself in episode 10 of Mad Poker)...

"I think this whole charity thing was just your way of building up your image, your "school" and staking business, and your quest to become a pro with either PokerStars or FullTilt. This is an excellent and cheap way (and possibly profitable way if you didn't donate the money) to get the publicity that you could use to do all of this (or hopefully do all of this)."

The bottomline is if it was not intended to be a scam (and that is a big "if" to me at this point), I think it was purely for publicity and I don't think giving the money to the charity was that important because it certainly was not a high priority to make the payments when he said he was going to. However, maybe he thought no one would ever check to make sure the donations were made.

Last edited by TheLizardKing; 08-12-2010 at 11:02 AM.
Qtr Million Freeroll steak for a good cause; I won't donate it all as I'm scammer Nick Rainey Quote
08-12-2010 , 11:18 AM
Wow seriously you need to chill out and give the guy some time to sort it out. He already said that the paperwork is coming so what's the problem? You are just creating drama out of nothing here.
Maybe if you stopped hitting refresh on your browser every 5 seconds and went outside to take your mind off this you would realize how unreasonable you are being.

I'm pretty sure that if he wanted to scam some money out of people there are FAR better ways to do it (i.e. not actually losing money overall????)
Qtr Million Freeroll steak for a good cause; I won't donate it all as I'm scammer Nick Rainey Quote
08-12-2010 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by mikenxz
Wow seriously you need to chill out and give the guy some time to sort it out. He already said that the paperwork is coming so what's the problem? You are just creating drama out of nothing here.
Maybe if you stopped hitting refresh on your browser every 5 seconds and went outside to take your mind off this you would realize how unreasonable you are being.

I'm pretty sure that if he wanted to scam some money out of people there are FAR better ways to do it (i.e. not actually losing money overall????)
I had thread email subscriptions and I turned them off. I think this is the last point I hopefully will have to make and I think I clearly state it in the first sentence why I posted this...

"I want to make at least a few other points because this was a common theme with Nick in recent emails to me and on episode 10 of Mad Poker and may greatly impact the donation amount and reduce it by upwards of $3000. "

I am trying to avoid things getting more serious with the hospital's legal department and other people. I am trying to get this done here and not elsewhere which is a much better solution for Nick. Finally, I am trying to counter what I think is Nick's poorly thought out explanations of all of this and make sure the proper amount gets to the hospital. Did you actually read all of the above? Thanks.
Qtr Million Freeroll steak for a good cause; I won't donate it all as I'm scammer Nick Rainey Quote
08-12-2010 , 11:27 AM
How the fk is he creating drama out of nothing?
The guy has lied REPEATEDLY about donating to a charity, and had people try and make lizardking look bad constantly.
Maybe you should realise how unreasonable you are being thinking its ok to scam and lie about donating to a charity and attacking someone thats trying to do the right thing for a charity?
Qtr Million Freeroll steak for a good cause; I won't donate it all as I'm scammer Nick Rainey Quote
08-12-2010 , 11:32 AM
I know it doesn't make much sense but the ******s arguing Nick Rainey needs more time and we should give him a break annoy me even more than Nick himself does.

Thanks for looking into this TheLizardKing. It's got to feel pretty good that the money is going to the children's hospital instead of getting stolen by Nick mostly because of your efforts.
Qtr Million Freeroll steak for a good cause; I won't donate it all as I'm scammer Nick Rainey Quote
08-12-2010 , 11:39 AM
what a scumbag. all his intentions from the begining were only how to build good image to get sponsored, when he failed he said: "F U all, i will keep that money and hope no one will bother about it". i'm surprised he showed his face in last Mad Poker episode, if i were him i would hide under some rock till end of my days.
Qtr Million Freeroll steak for a good cause; I won't donate it all as I'm scammer Nick Rainey Quote
08-12-2010 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by Billy Bibbit
I know it doesn't make much sense but the ******s arguing Nick Rainey needs more time and we should give him a break annoy me even more than Nick himself does.

Thanks for looking into this TheLizardKing. It's got to feel pretty good that the money is going to the children's hospital instead of getting stolen by Nick mostly because of your efforts.
The whole "needs more time" spiel is eerily reminiscent of how Rainey handled questions about his infamous prop bet, always requiring more time to pull together the appropriate docs for his "audit."

Nice work, Lizard.
Qtr Million Freeroll steak for a good cause; I won't donate it all as I'm scammer Nick Rainey Quote
08-12-2010 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by mikenxz
Wow seriously you need to chill out and give the guy some time to sort it out. He already said that the paperwork is coming so what's the problem? You are just creating drama out of nothing here.
Maybe if you stopped hitting refresh on your browser every 5 seconds and went outside to take your mind off this you would realize how unreasonable you are being.

I'm pretty sure that if he wanted to scam some money out of people there are FAR better ways to do it (i.e. not actually losing money overall????)
^^ Drama out of nothing...WOW.

I've been reading through all this and following the story with what I feel was a neutral standpoint (if not slighted in Nick's favor at first). I was a big fan of Nick's before all this, but come on. Anyone that has followed this at all should be able to come to the very easy conclusion that Nick kept money that should have gone to the charity.

The only reason the money might now be going to the charity is directly because of the persistence of TheLizardKing.

The Poker community polices itself and unless players themselves make sure the right thing is done, it won't in many cases. I feel this is one of those. Nick was supposed to send these donations long ago and never did. LizardKing pushed the issue and Nick still didn't donate the money. So LizardKing kept at it until it now looks like Nick is pretty much forced to do the right thing.

For that is say WELL DONE LizardKing, WELL DONE!!!!

The only thing in question now is why Nick didn't donate the money. This is obviously a much tougher issue as it will be tough to prove either way. It's also much less important, but to address your point that there are much better ways to scam people because he lost money...let's not be so sure. He said himself on MadPoker that some of the reasons he did this was to get his name out there, increase members at Rainman Poker, build up his staking business and ultimately get a site deal. For these reasons, this "charity" thing could have been massively +EV for him personally if it would of played out the way he hoped. And, I genuinely applaud him on this creative way to accomplish those things. Just because he gains doesn't take away the good this idea was going to do for the charity. The only problem was, Nick never did the "good" part of this arrangement. For that, I went from a Nick fan, to...well let's just say not a Nick fan.

With all this coming to light, I find it funny that PokerStars turned down Nick for a site deal during the Main Event because of some screwed up reason. It now looks like PokerStars got it very right (even if was for the wrong reasons at the time).
Qtr Million Freeroll steak for a good cause; I won't donate it all as I'm scammer Nick Rainey Quote
