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QQ utg QQ utg

12-20-2016 , 06:42 PM
utg+1 was a bit loose pf and called down a bit light, no reads on sb

Poker Stars $50+$5 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t40/t80 Blinds + t10 - 9 players
DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

Hero (UTG): t7228 M = 34.42
UTG+1: t5250 M = 25
UTG+2: t5419 M = 25.80
MP1: t4822 M = 22.96
MP2: t4553 M = 21.68
CO: t3551 M = 16.91
BTN: t4661 M = 22.20
SB: t4865 M = 23.17
BB: t2118 M = 10.09

Pre Flop: (t210) Hero is UTG with Q Q
Hero raises to t200, UTG+1 calls t200, 5 folds, SB calls t160, 1 fold

Flop: (t770) 2 7 9 (3 players)
SB checks, Hero checks, UTG+1 checks

Turn: (t770) 6 (3 players)
SB checks, Hero bets t385, UTG+1 folds, SB calls t385

River: (t1540) 3 (2 players)
SB bets t1000 Hero ?
QQ utg Quote
12-20-2016 , 07:59 PM
I'm not very good at balancing my checking range on flops but because this is 3-way this looks like a spot where I wouldn't care and would consider it important to bet on the flop!

As played I would call the river! SB signals a hand that has you beat but he can also have a lot of missed draws. A lot of big hands other than the rivered flush would bet the turn or check-raise it, we also didn't display that much strength in general, so I would figure that my odds here are good enough to warrant the call.
QQ utg Quote
12-20-2016 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by scheier
I'm not very good at balancing my checking range on flops but because this is 3-way this looks like a spot where I wouldn't care and would consider it important to bet on the flop!

As played I would call the river! SB signals a hand that has you beat but he can also have a lot of missed draws. A lot of big hands other than the rivered flush would bet the turn or check-raise it, we also didn't display that much strength in general, so I would figure that my odds here are good enough to warrant the call.
I agree that perhaps a flop bet would have been better, as played I am quite curios bout river
QQ utg Quote
12-21-2016 , 12:53 AM
I like your flop check given positions and quality of your hand.
You should bet turn significantly larger however.

River seems a fold in vacuum.
His overcall range would have a lot of paint and pool underbluff donking rivers, we have no blockers as well.

But I would call small bet.
QQ utg Quote
12-21-2016 , 04:33 AM
Flop is a clear bet.
QQ utg Quote
12-21-2016 , 04:53 AM
Originally Posted by gregz41
Flop is a clear bet.

Not sure what the point of check is.
QQ utg Quote
12-21-2016 , 05:21 AM
At least sometimes it's fine to check.(vs some ranges)
To say flop is clear bet w/o assessing ranges is ignorant, even HU. Moreso 3 way.
QQ utg Quote
12-21-2016 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by user12345
At least sometimes it's fine to check.(vs some ranges)
To say flop is clear bet w/o assessing ranges is ignorant, even HU. Moreso 3 way.
While we obv do want to have a checkingrange on that board that doesn't solely consist of giveups, QQ is just too weak to include, even moreso given the description of UTG1.
Sure, it may be alright to check vs certain ranges, but it would take some very specific assessments that wouldn't be too realistic imo.
QQ utg Quote
12-21-2016 , 10:14 AM
NH imo. Would check otf as well..maybe betting nut cc combos, and some top pair stuff like A9s or whatever.. think x'ing this spot is good w AA-TT, when so many of our opening combos have to check here. Think flip a coin otr readless.
QQ utg Quote
12-21-2016 , 11:07 AM
585 flop 100% of the time. You need protection and will get Value by all kinds of pockets. Checking readless seems atrocious.

As played pot turn, ur size is way2small and doesnt achieve anything.
Fold river because u just let him realize equity and have to be punished for it.
QQ utg Quote
12-21-2016 , 11:42 AM
Alright, well Ampefund has provided his checking range on this flop (which is quite similar to what I have been doing) what would your checking range on this flop be? And how would it change if it were a rainbow flop?

I checked bcs I wanted some pot control, my hand is unlikely to improve and I felt that if either player wished to challenge my c bet with a raise I would be stuck guessing if I'm dealing with a set, draw, or bluff, and would just end up folding a lot giving more equity to opponents
QQ utg Quote
12-21-2016 , 12:20 PM
QQ utg Quote
12-21-2016 , 12:22 PM
If you check this spot with AA-TT then you are basically checking your entire range. Always. I dont see why you would do that.

UTG+1's range has missed this board as much as we did. He has ATs+, pairs, KJs+ and thats basically it. Sb's range is alot of broadways, pairs and some suited connectors without gaps I would guess. You can see neither of them has alot of potential bluffs in it but alot of hands which can make better hands than yours. Pairs have 2 outs, overcards can hit and flushdraws can be completed - all of which **** up your hand.

So why on earth would you want to check a hand which get value, needs protection and wont get bluffed all that often given their ranges?

My betting range on the flop contains: sets, overpairs, nutflushdraws, JT/QT (with at least one club if i happen to open it), T9s-A9s (very!!!! vulnerable to overcards) with a 70-80% pot sizing.
All other hands I check. You can check/call something like A7/AcKx/non-nutflushdraws/88 and check/fold the rest.
QQ utg Quote
12-21-2016 , 06:55 PM
I'm cbetting this flop 100% of times.
QQ utg Quote
12-22-2016 , 04:12 AM
Originally Posted by user12345
At least sometimes it's fine to check.(vs some ranges)
To say flop is clear bet w/o assessing ranges is ignorant, even HU. Moreso 3 way.
You should be aggressive when you have a clear range advantage. You're not going to convince me we don't on 972r when we raise UTG and get called by UTG+1 and the SB.
QQ utg Quote
12-22-2016 , 05:41 AM
Originally Posted by Looscontrol-
If you check this spot with AA-TT then you are basically checking your entire range. Always. I dont see why you would do that.

UTG+1's range has missed this board as much as we did. He has ATs+, pairs, KJs+ and thats basically it. Sb's range is alot of broadways, pairs and some suited connectors without gaps I would guess. You can see neither of them has alot of potential bluffs in it but alot of hands which can make better hands than yours. Pairs have 2 outs, overcards can hit and flushdraws can be completed - all of which **** up your hand.

So why on earth would you want to check a hand which get value, needs protection and wont get bluffed all that often given their ranges?

My betting range on the flop contains: sets, overpairs, nutflushdraws, JT/QT (with at least one club if i happen to open it), T9s-A9s (very!!!! vulnerable to overcards) with a 70-80% pot sizing.
All other hands I check. You can check/call something like A7/AcKx/non-nutflushdraws/88 and check/fold the rest.
As I said in my first post, I am not very good at balancing my checking/cbet ranges on flops, especially 3-way. So this discussion is very interesting to me!

Nevertheless, I tend to understand the arguments for betting better here than the arguments for checking.
I do actually believe that when you look at the ranges, it makes a bet even more important. But then again, I'm not the best "ranger" in this forum.

And I actually have a very "stupid" question in this context: in such a spot (UTG raise, UTG+1 call and SB call), with such a board, do we actually need a balanced check/call vs check/fold range? Thus, do we really need a check/call range at all. I would actually be more inclined to put my strongest holdings (sets and nut-flush draws) in a check/raise range and a few scarce low value hands in my very narrow check/calling range in order to not have 100% give-ups when I check, but I'm not sure that these kind of spots happen often enough to force us to have a balanced strategy here. For example, if I really put all my strongest holdings in a check/raise range in this particular spot, who's really going to read, when I bet this flop, that my range is capped?

--> "Disclaimer": I am not saying that I'm right, I might actually be completely levelling myself here. I'm just sharing my train of thought, as this discussion is actually very rare in these forums (cbet balance on 3-way flops)
QQ utg Quote
12-22-2016 , 06:27 AM
Originally Posted by gregz41
You should be aggressive when you have a clear range advantage. You're not going to convince me we don't on 972r when we raise UTG and get called by UTG+1 and the SB.
[ ] 972r Greg

Fwiw Im not saying we should always check range here, but Im saying its ok to check overpair sometimes 3 way vs utg1 when you have little idea about his range.

And I think its a mistake to always cbet range.
QQ utg Quote
12-22-2016 , 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by scheier

And I actually have a very "stupid" question in this context: in such a spot (UTG raise, UTG+1 call and SB call), with such a board, do we actually need a balanced check/call vs check/fold range? Thus, do we really need a check/call range at all. I would actually be more inclined to put my strongest holdings (sets and nut-flush draws) in a check/raise range and a few scarce low value hands in my very narrow check/calling range in order to not have 100% give-ups when I check, but I'm not sure that these kind of spots happen often enough to force us to have a balanced strategy here. For example, if I really put all my strongest holdings in a check/raise range in this particular spot, who's really going to read, when I bet this flop, that my range is capped?
no, but it makes things easier. you will have some holdings which you dont want to check/fold but cbetting yourself doesnt accomplish a whole lot as you wont fold out better hands (e.g. AcKx/88/A7). People occasionally stab their flatted AJ or sth which you will get value from if you check/call.
Also it makes things easier having a c/r range (which you want to have here!) even though I would mostly go for a bet with my strong holdings readless. If you have reads on the flatter that he stabs alot/vbets very thinly when checked to check/raising strong hands becomes way better then betting - but as I said this needs a read as you let people realize way2much equity checking strong/vulnerable hands on this texture.

I tend to not care about balancing too much in everything lower than 200$ buyins but it helps you to understand how ranges are constructed when playing against better players. Its also nice to know which line is the best in a vacuum and exploitatively so you can shift gears in certain spots.
QQ utg Quote
12-22-2016 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by user12345
[ ] 972r Greg

Fwiw Im not saying we should always check range here, but Im saying its ok to check overpair sometimes 3 way vs utg1 when you have little idea about his range.

And I think its a mistake to always cbet range.
If I was going to check some combos on this board, it would be AcAx, 99, 88, A7s, T9s. Don't check TT-KK, these hands are vulnerable to overcards.
QQ utg Quote
12-22-2016 , 01:06 PM
I think that betting the flop will either pick up the pot right there or give you a range of villain if called. The last thing I want to do is check a flop like this and give an A or K a free shot on the turn. Just my opinion, as played you handcuff yourself and now are tasked with a tough decision, I fold. Runner runner diamonds seems likely flush.
QQ utg Quote
12-22-2016 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by gregz41
If I was going to check some combos on this board, it would be AcAx, 99, 88, A7s, T9s. Don't check TT-KK, these hands are vulnerable to overcards.
QQ utg Quote
12-23-2016 , 01:55 AM
Originally Posted by gregz41
If I was going to check some combos on this board, it would be AcAx, 99, 88, A7s, T9s.
its not enough (to protect your Ax) vs some ranges when you would have to check a lot not having range advantage, moreso 3way once again.

I would rather bet AA vs UTG+1 and check QQ.

Don't check TT-KK, these hands are vulnerable to overcards.
KK isn`t close to TT in terms of protection they need on 972, I wouldn`t align them.
QQ utg Quote
