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Preflop spot FTP Preflop spot FTP

08-03-2010 , 10:10 AM
Note stack sizes. UTG raiser, MP2 flatter, and CO 3bettor are all winning regs. If we raise here, what's the appropriate sizing? If we flat, what do we do on undercard flops?

Full Tilt Poker $16,500 Guarantee No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t40/t80 Blinds - 9 players

UTG: t6431 M = 53.59
UTG+1: t2321 M = 19.34
UTG+2: t3180 M = 26.50
MP1: t815 M = 6.79
MP2: t8130 M = 67.75
CO: t9428 M = 78.57
BTN: t3190 M = 26.58
SB: t3760 M = 31.33
Hero (BB): t8070 M = 67.25

Pre Flop: (t120) Hero is BB with Q Q
UTG raises to t240, 3 folds, MP2 calls t240, CO raises to t640, 2 folds, Hero ?
Preflop spot FTP Quote
08-03-2010 , 10:13 AM
Bad spot especially given they're all good regs...I think flatting is the best option.

On undercard flops, check and see what they do
Preflop spot FTP Quote
08-03-2010 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
If we raise here, what's the appropriate sizing? If we flat, what do we do on undercard flops?
If we choose to raise, probably heading somewhere in the neighborhood of 2k. Shoving any low card flop. CO raise to me looks more like a value raise than an iso/squeeze play based on sizing, but if they are all winning regs, his intention may have been to make it look like a value bet in order to illicit folds. Tough spot here, not sure what I would do.

I'm definitely not a fan of flatting this 3b. Outside of that, would depend on the play style of these winning regs. I'd think MP2 is no stronger than AQ or a small PP pair. UTG 3x'er worries me a bit, as does the CO squeeze. Definitely not shoving pre as you aren't likely to be called by worse. I'm not against a fold here though as you are 100bb's deep and are not forced to play.

Tough spot, but after further consideration of the table dynamic, stack sizes, and players, I'd most likely advocate a fold and wait for a better spot. Not a crime to simply minimize our losses here and avoid an ugly spot that we would otherwise willingly put ourselves into.
Preflop spot FTP Quote
08-03-2010 , 10:19 AM
Flat, go 4-handed to the flop and hit set over set. Ez game.

But in all seriousness, ugly spot. If you 4bet you're folding out pretty much everything you beat and folding seems so weak. I think I probably end up calling in real time, but I don't know if it's the best option.
Preflop spot FTP Quote
08-03-2010 , 10:25 AM
might be a spot to flat QQ pre to reduce variance.
Preflop spot FTP Quote
08-03-2010 , 10:57 AM
Im pretty sure I just fold here.
Preflop spot FTP Quote
08-03-2010 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by Texas Chuck
Im pretty sure I just fold here.
Yah if CO is as you say he is then he is flatting JJ and even AK here, has very few (if any bluffs) and is pretty bladed here.

Flatting is bad cuz UTG and other dude still have to act and you prob don't have the best hand out of the 4 of you.

I would sigh fold and I really, really don't like to fold queens. (4bet is the worst option imo)
Preflop spot FTP Quote
08-03-2010 , 11:02 AM
I probably start by cold 4betting somewhere in the neighborhood of 1540
Preflop spot FTP Quote
