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Poorly Squeezed Hand? Poorly Squeezed Hand?

12-07-2015 , 04:53 PM
Bovada $2RB MTT (far from money)
Blinds: 100/200

Preflop: HJ(22,307) opens 935; CO(9530) calls; Hero(11,355) 3bets to 2270 AK; blinds folds; HJ calls; CO calls

Flop: J73 [7110] HJ(20k behind) checks; CO(7k behind) checks ; Hero(9k behind) checks

Turn: 4 HJ checks; CO jams; Hero folds

*HJ Stats: 39/13 over 61 hands
*CO Stats: 50/0 over 2 hands

HJ's open size is fairly large, but do you guys like my squeeze here? While reviewing the hand I thought that my sizing was too small but I seem to recall it was designed to basically get CO to either fold or jam (and I would have re-jammed if he jammed). What are thoughts or my sizing?

The reason I hate the sizing is because I did a poor job projecting what stack-pot-ration would be on the flop and got in a spot where I didn't think I could cbet-fold the flop; and really didn't want to cbet-call against a x/jam.

Overall my biggest issue with this hand is I suppose what sizing I should make it, and how to react to missing the flop with scary stack sizing on the flop when my squeeze gets call (as played). Could use any guidance on this hand and squeezing concepts in general, thank you.
Poorly Squeezed Hand? Quote
12-08-2015 , 04:09 AM
Yeah the sizing should be bigger with stacks that deep so you can either take the pot down pre flop or on the flop with only 1 opponent in the hand. Basically it prices them in to call with anything they opened with and now you don't got a clue about their hand strength. I like the way you played the hand after though all you can really do is check give up now.
Poorly Squeezed Hand? Quote
12-08-2015 , 05:06 AM
Any reads on sizing? I'd go 2800+.
Poorly Squeezed Hand? Quote
12-08-2015 , 01:08 PM
I don't mind flatting AKo last to act. That way you can float more flops and have more turn options IP.
Poorly Squeezed Hand? Quote
12-08-2015 , 02:33 PM
I would squeeze for like 3500, I want to get value in the middle if the donks want to call, and would prefer to take down the pot PF. I think either squeeze for 3500+ or flat and be ready to fold if you don't connect with flop.

Last edited by Wealth$; 12-08-2015 at 02:39 PM.
Poorly Squeezed Hand? Quote
12-08-2015 , 02:53 PM
^ Yeah, but what's HJ's fold to 3b %? If it's marginal or effectively nil, you're not squeezing, you're bloating.
Poorly Squeezed Hand? Quote
12-08-2015 , 03:04 PM
But it should be good to be bloating the pot with AK right??
Poorly Squeezed Hand? Quote
12-08-2015 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by Wealth$
But it should be good to be bloating the pot with AK right??
I like your sizing better than the OP's, although I would do ~3-3.1. If the purpose is to isolate HJ in position, yeah, it's ideal.

3-way, you're investing nearly 1/3 your stack in a situation that plays out for you (remember, the AK is offsuit) less than 1/3 the time assuming competent opponents.

In bloated pots, you have less FE. There is also this to consider: In flatting AKo, you disguise your hand, and can float flops easier, or dump it and have immediate impetus to raise or 3-bet wider in the next 2-3 hands. Although it helps if you pick up a hand in that interval.
Poorly Squeezed Hand? Quote
12-09-2015 , 11:12 AM
4.5x open is very large and with one caller I think your sizing should be between 2800-3000. Pretty much want to iso and not play multi way OOP.
Poorly Squeezed Hand? Quote
12-09-2015 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by onehandatatime
4.5x open is very large and with one caller I think your sizing should be between 2800-3000. Pretty much want to iso and not play multi way OOP.
We have position, but I'd still make it ~3k
Poorly Squeezed Hand? Quote
12-09-2015 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by Puzo
We have position, but I'd still make it ~3k
just saw that, thought OP was in the blinds. Yes, still would rather make it bigger to try and iso and play HU
Poorly Squeezed Hand? Quote
12-10-2015 , 04:53 PM
Thanks for the responses. Still gotta work on my squeezes and their sizes but this thread was a lot of help
Poorly Squeezed Hand? Quote
