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Pokerstars looking for feedback on MTTs Pokerstars looking for feedback on MTTs

09-10-2010 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by Drifter84
just enter "$6.50 45" in the filter

(or add something similiar)
This + infinity
Pokerstars looking for feedback on MTTs Quote
09-10-2010 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by killa smith
there does need to be more turbo in the 12pm to 5 pm eastern hour. there are only two with guarantees and they are 4 and 5 dollars. there really should be a turbo guarantee in the 10 - 50 range every hour. some people never can play a tourney that takes 8 hours. Hyper Turbos that start with 3k chips every few hours!!

HYPERS WITH 3K CHIPS!!! $20/$50 turbos in the 12-5 pm slot
Pokerstars looking for feedback on MTTs Quote
09-10-2010 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by LFmagic
also, a sunday 215 dbl/trpl shotoout?
HOW BOUT A 109 turbo triple shootout minimajor type thing
Pokerstars looking for feedback on MTTs Quote
09-10-2010 , 09:53 PM
$109 8-game 10-min weekly tournament. Put it on a weekend and slap a 50k guarantee on it to start.
Pokerstars looking for feedback on MTTs Quote
09-10-2010 , 09:54 PM
a dinner break would be nice sometime.
Pokerstars looking for feedback on MTTs Quote
09-10-2010 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by ColdChicken
a dinner break would be nice sometime.
god no.
Pokerstars looking for feedback on MTTs Quote
09-10-2010 , 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by Mc Tout
Add an "exact sum/amount of players" option to the SNG tournament filter
+1, a way to filter out the 18's without ridding of the 180's would be the nuts.

Originally Posted by Drifter84
(or add something similiar)
Originally Posted by Adzi
This + infinity
+ another infinity because it's impossible for someone to even come remotely close to Top 100'ing the TLB playing solely 45-mans.
Pokerstars looking for feedback on MTTs Quote
09-11-2010 , 02:53 AM
turn 1 of the 55 6 max 7.5ks into a 109 6 max 20k theres 2 of them and 1 needs to be a 109
Pokerstars looking for feedback on MTTs Quote
09-11-2010 , 03:15 AM
when you run out of timebank there needs to be a countdown to when your hand is folded. this isnt a suggestion, its ABSURD for this not to be the case
Pokerstars looking for feedback on MTTs Quote
09-11-2010 , 04:40 AM
Would love to see 27 man turbos and especially hyperturbo SNG/MTT. This is what FT has and it is the only big differences that distinguishes stars from FT.
Pokerstars looking for feedback on MTTs Quote
09-11-2010 , 05:44 AM
Which Tourney do i play at the moment?

Please implement a (colored) Tourneyinfo. I want know which 'Tourney i play (when it pops up, stacked).
The info in the left corner (Border) is to small to read fast when Multitabling.
Pokerstars looking for feedback on MTTs Quote
09-11-2010 , 11:40 AM
I was thinking about something fun, Jackpot Tournaments.


$11 Daily 40K becomes $11.25 Daily 40K, the extra 25 cents going into a jackpot. If someone makes a royal flush (and shows), at end of the tournament anyone who did splits the jackpot, if no one, it gets rolled over to next day. The Daily 40K got 5885 people yesterday, so that would have given a $1471.25 jackpot.
$55 Daily 90K becomes $56 Daily 90K. The royal flushers from a 2411 field yesterday would have spilt a $2411 jackpot.
$162 NHG becomes $165 NHG. The royal flushers from a 641 field yesterday would have spilt a $1923 jackpot.

I'm not sure how many royals come up in a tournament, would be a nice bonus either way.
Pokerstars looking for feedback on MTTs Quote
09-13-2010 , 07:26 PM
thanks,, Bryan.

whatever you do, please please please try not to mess with these 2 MTTs

17:15 - $55 1R1A
17:35: $33 2R1A

also an hourly turbo MTT with a $10k guar would be the cats pajamas.

and moving the $36/180s to the main MTTpage.

that is all.
Pokerstars looking for feedback on MTTs Quote
09-13-2010 , 10:26 PM
Are they easing the new tournements in or something? I'm noticing the odd new one each day.
Pokerstars looking for feedback on MTTs Quote
09-13-2010 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by ace23spades
Which Tourney do i play at the moment?

Please implement a (colored) Tourneyinfo. I want know which 'Tourney i play (when it pops up, stacked).
The info in the left corner (Border) is to small to read fast when Multitabling.
If you do this, make it an option you can turn off. I'd hate to have extra clutter on my screen because some people use mini tables!
Pokerstars looking for feedback on MTTs Quote
09-13-2010 , 11:23 PM
I am sure that there are some great ideas itt Bryan....

But MY BIGGEST problem with stars (aside from things like time bank and structure etc.)

Your late night tournament schedule really really sucks.. After 9:30 you have basically three MTT tournaments that run..

33 FO
109 2nd chance

As some other people have said on here, look at what FTP has as nightly tournaments... I am sure if they can hit their guarantees, stars should....

Also, look at their Buy-ins for mid stakes... They have a lot of great tournaments $75-$11... All with Guarantees


$75 40k Guarantee
$26 32k Guarantee
$26 28k Guarantee (22:00 start time)
2 $75 10k Guarntees (22:00 starts)
$55 1r1a 18.5k Guar. (22:30)
$109 30k Guarantee (23:00)
$26 15k Guarantee (23:00)
$55r Turbo 25k Guarantee (23:30)
$75 KO 23k Guarantee (23:30)
$11 20k Guarantee (00:00)

These are just the holdem tourneys that i think are great plays.. after 9:30..
Pokerstars looking for feedback on MTTs Quote
09-13-2010 , 11:24 PM
Add more NLO8 tournaments
Pokerstars looking for feedback on MTTs Quote
09-14-2010 , 03:10 AM
Please fix your Limit Tourneys. Your weekly 215 Limit Tourney is the only one worth playing on Stars yet only has 1 weekly satellite to it. No wonder you had to drop your guarantee from 20k to 10k. All of your other Limit tourneys are basically sit and go's with 18 players max. Full Tilt offers a Sunday night 75 dollar 5k and a Tuesday night 216 dollar 5k. Also every night at 19:15 est they have a 24+2 3k guarantee. Stars has a 15 dollar Limit tourney at 19:00 with 75 runners. Put a 2k guarantee on that and the number will swell and will keep customers from going to Full Tilt. For over a year your nightly H.U Limit tourney at 20:15 est has not had a single registrant, yet it still sits there nightly looking ugly. Please quit on it. If you offered some guarantees even if small (1k) to your <20 dollar buy ins then people would start to play these and not go to Full Tilt.
Pokerstars looking for feedback on MTTs Quote
09-14-2010 , 03:14 AM
After the WCOOP is done and the NAPT is the next big promo, have a weekly 1 dollar 3X rebuy with 1 package guaranteed. This guarantee would easily be hit and it would def. be fun for true recreational players to have a chance at going to a Live event.
Pokerstars looking for feedback on MTTs Quote
09-14-2010 , 03:32 AM
wow, just noticed another major problem that stars has

in 4m tourneys the blinds are backwards when its HU, at least on the ft bubble.

its enough of a disadvantage to be on the HU table, having the blinds like that makes it pretty awful.
Pokerstars looking for feedback on MTTs Quote
09-14-2010 , 04:14 AM
While I've never played it, I noticed that the payout structure on the weekly $215 Triple Draw is messed up. Its 6 max but has the payout structure of an 8-max. This causes hand for hand play to not deploy if 6 players cash. It should probably be fixed.
Pokerstars looking for feedback on MTTs Quote
09-14-2010 , 11:59 AM
How about a daily $109 6-max PLO in the vein of the daily $109 PLO/8 donkament? It would be the greatest thing ever and I would play it religiously.

Also, I don't like how the blinds double from 25/50 to 50/100, but I imagine that's been discussed ad nauseam in this thread.
Pokerstars looking for feedback on MTTs Quote
09-14-2010 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by areaman
PLO 3r 6max
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PLO 3r 6max
this has been mentioned so often and why on earth dont we have something like this.
Pokerstars looking for feedback on MTTs Quote
09-15-2010 , 10:42 AM
Prob not the most appropriate place to post but whatever:

I had a fake city, but PokerStars changed it back to my original and reported that if I keep changing it they will lock it. This sort of destroys the anonymity of online poker especially if you're from a little town/place so it'll might be easy to guess who you are.

Would it be possible to show only your country beside your name, not the city?
Pokerstars looking for feedback on MTTs Quote
09-15-2010 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by ezdonkey
Prob not the most appropriate place to post but whatever:

I had a fake city, but PokerStars changed it back to my original and reported that if I keep changing it they will lock it. This sort of destroys the anonymity of online poker especially if you're from a little town/place so it'll might be easy to guess who you are.

Would it be possible to show only your country beside your name, not the city?

Also what is the update for today? anything noticeable?
Pokerstars looking for feedback on MTTs Quote
