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Poker hand theory question Poker hand theory question

02-03-2011 , 06:18 AM
sorry, i dont have the exact hh for it, but it's a hypothetical situation anyway...

scenario: final table for tourny

folds to the SB(hero) I raise an attempt to steal the BB 2.5xbb.
SB: J7o 2.5xbb raise [350,000 chips] effective M = 5-7
BB: Calls [475,000 chips]
Pot: 200,000

couple of different plays i want to ask you guys-

Option A: Shove immediately - Logic (maybe some fold equity and want to end the pot as soon as possible due to effective stack sizes and don't want an over to get there?)

Option B: check/call or shove - Logic (he never calls with worse once we shove, however he might semi bluff AJ/KQ/89 type hands for use to get value in shoving and we have some showdown equity check/check to river??)

do we prefer option A to end the pot as soon as possible

or option B because his calling range vs. our shove is so narrow and it prevents an over from getting on the turn and also, because it has the % for us to pick up value from his semi bluffs?

tl;dr: i have midpair on dry board. pretty short stacked do i insta-shove or check/with intention of overshoving/calling???
Poker hand theory question Quote
02-03-2011 , 06:50 AM
Couple of things...

People will need more info than this.

How many people left on the FT, what are the pay jumps, where are you overall, how big are the rest of the stacks.

This info will allow people to look at the ICM considerations, which there will be if you are all in the money on a FT.

Also I am sure I could work it out if I wanted to, but what are the blinds and antes.

What reads do you have on the BB, what is your take on their image, what has your image been.

This info is required so that we can see what range your opponent might have and also what range he thinks you might have.

I know your point is hypothetical, but as you can see there are lots of things that will effect the decision.

As a quick point, if the BB was tight, I am shoving J7o pre if it folds to me, but I may well have a different view if the guy UTG had 2BB left and the next jump in payout was a significant one.

Poker hand theory question Quote
02-03-2011 , 08:30 AM
^ if OP answers some of these I'll edit them into the OP to make it easier for everyone
Poker hand theory question Quote
02-03-2011 , 11:47 AM
Couple of things...

People will need more info than this.

How many people left on the FT, what are the pay jumps, where are you overall, how big are the rest of the stacks.
8 people left at final table
1st. $2,487.97
2nd. $1,811.42
3rd. $1,363.00
4th. $1,022.25
5th. $715.57
6th. $579.27
7th. $442.97
8th. $306.67

Blinds are normal speed

This info will allow people to look at the ICM considerations, which there will be if you are all in the money on a FT.

Also I am sure I could work it out if I wanted to, but what are the blinds and antes.
not really sure about blinds and antes- i don't think this info is vital

What reads do you have on the BB, what is your take on their image, what has your image been.
not an exceptional player, preflop range is probably a bit looser than standard. I 2.5xd it from the SB so he was getting great odds to call with any decent hand combos
i dont think my opponent was that intuitive, but he's not going to call with bottom pair/and the very top of his folding range has some A7 (so there is some fold equity in him folding Q7-A7

This info is required so that we can see what range your opponent might have and also what range he thinks you might have.

I know your point is hypothetical, but as you can see there are lots of things that will effect the decision.

As a quick point, if the BB was tight, I am shoving J7o pre if it folds to me, but I may well have a different view if the guy UTG had 2BB left and the next jump in payout was a significant one.
both of our M's were less than 10- I understand that shoving pre is probably a stronger play, but im just here to talk about a hypothetical scenario

Last edited by yee-raise; 02-03-2011 at 11:57 AM.
Poker hand theory question Quote
02-03-2011 , 12:10 PM
I'm also in the shoving pre camp with these stack sizes fwiw but w/e.

Basically, we have pretty much flopped a monster hu and need to think of the best way to get value from our hand. I don't like option A because he just misses so often and folds, although I guess he sometimes calls with worse 7's and a hand like 55 or 66 but this just doesn't happen too often. So, I prefer option B - check and let him shove a lot of his range that we beat.
Poker hand theory question Quote
02-03-2011 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by wakes123
I'm also in the shoving pre camp with these stack sizes fwiw but w/e.

Basically, we have pretty much flopped a monster hu and need to think of the best way to get value from our hand. I don't like option A because he just misses so often and folds, although I guess he sometimes calls with worse 7's and a hand like 55 or 66 but this just doesn't happen too often. So, I prefer option B - check and let him shove a lot of his range that we beat.
and this.

on such a dry board like that, i definitely think most of the time we have the best hand HU. which means, by shoving, he's just going to miss so so much of the time and only be calling with hands that have ours beat (and occasionally 89)
and because the pot is relatively big compared to both the blinds' stack sizes- he's going to happily check back any Ahi/Khi/2's/88/66/Q7/K7/A7 type of hands-

judging by stack sizes- i dont think there is enough equity distributed in the prize pool (from 7th-8th) where having to take down this pot early on the flop is mandatory and if we win/lose this pot- it's not going to increase our effective M or our holding in the prize pool so much where shoving on the flop gains us the most ICM equity.

judging by his actions on the turn/or our actions depending on the card (i like shoving if any 7,8,9,J, maybe another T (if he checked back the flop))

but that's a different scenario which involves ur hh with the villain

but by checking and letting him bet, we open a very wide range for him to bet on that flop (A2/78/AJ/JK/QK/66? and etc.) (im taking out AK and AQ out of his range because i think the standard line with stack sizes would be a 3bet reshove with a hand like that.)

but yeah, the best line in this spot is to shove pre.
Poker hand theory question Quote
02-03-2011 , 05:40 PM
Poker hand theory question Quote
02-03-2011 , 05:54 PM
with that stack its shove or fold pre
Poker hand theory question Quote
