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Poker Competition For Recreational and Average Players Poker Competition For Recreational and Average Players

08-20-2011 , 04:40 PM
Greetings, I'm here hoping for some advice and how I should proceed following this idea.

I have been working on a tournament which will be offered and promoted to a set amount of Casinos within a certain area. (Could be a total of 30 different casinos).

The basis of this idea is that it will include an extra set fee alongside the registration fee and tournament entry.

Players who enter the casino can either opt in or opt out of this.

Basically this tournament can last for lets say # amount of weeks.

Say one of these casinos brings in about 300 people a week and say 150 opt into this tournament. Now say the extra fee is 1. We now have 150 made for one week. Say this is the Casino's average over lets say 20 weeks, they have made 20 x 150. This makes 3000.

(Around 60% will go to the total prizepool, 10% would go to the casino for hosting and promoting this idea.
10% can go to Leaderboard prizes and food/drinks, welcoming etc...(this can change) and then
10% would go towards the companies cost. (This would cover advertisement, money from organising).
We can also incorporate charity into such an event and we can say 10% of this can be donated towards a certain charity, or different charities chosen by the top 5 people on the leaderboard).

This basically works out as:
- 1800 for Prizepool
- 300 for leaderboard prizes etc..
- 300 for companies cost
- 300 to charity.
- 300 to casino.

(This could all change over-time and percentages will change etc.. this is just a broad over, a lot more information will be introduced overtime).

Now lets say 3000 is an average for 20 casinos who do opt in.

That produces 60,000.

Now the breakdown.
- 36,000 prizepool
- 6000 leadboard prizes
- 6000 company fees
- 6000 charity
- 6000 paid out to each of the casinos (300 to each casino for their 20 week work)

Now looking at this it isn't too bad, a good amount of money is going out to charity, Casinos will be making money for just asking people if they want to op in and explaining it etc..

Okay that is how the money can work.

Then its the case of how many people can qualify or you have to acquire # amount of points to be able to enter the tournament, we could limit this to say an average of 10 players from each casino, (we know that some casinos will have more entries than others but by having this 200 is a solid number for these entrants.

So basically you must acquire a set amount of points, which would be calculated in due course.

Paying players could be quite simple, with 36k being the prizepool, we can pay top 40 or something like this. Players who have made this tournament have done incredibly well, they would have at least won some tournaments or placed reasonably well to accumulate points, and by playing in this tournament it is giving the recreational tournament player the experience of playing in a top flight tournament.

The Casino who hosts the inaugural tournament can be the casino who has raised the most money, therefore this will increase, rake on cash games, money behind the bar and food etc...table games blah blah, this is what can happen if they are the hosts so we can advertise this.

By Casinos allowing this tournament it could promote more people coming to their tournaments, and doing the same as above but on a daily basis.

(Points wise we would have to calculate a formula i.e, set amount of points to qualify and blah blah, will work on this more over time ) Sorry I haven't gone into more detail here

Basically thats the concept :/ I've probably missed out a lot of main points but this is just an overview of what it will basically be.

Now what do you guys think? Would you opt in? I mean its only an extra £1, $1 or €1 (trying not to give away where it is) and you would be entered into high prizepool competition.

Thank you for any feedback or advice.

(Once again I apologise if stuff has gone missing).
Poker Competition For Recreational and Average Players Quote
08-20-2011 , 05:32 PM
Poker Competition For Recreational and Average Players Quote
08-20-2011 , 05:40 PM
Are mediocre ex-regs also welcome?
Poker Competition For Recreational and Average Players Quote
08-20-2011 , 05:45 PM
^^ thats my daddy.
Poker Competition For Recreational and Average Players Quote
08-20-2011 , 05:45 PM
I was just generalising it as people who play in tournaments a couple nights a week, recreational players, obviously its open to every single player who enters a casino.
Poker Competition For Recreational and Average Players Quote
08-20-2011 , 09:48 PM
casinos already do this

its not a new idea so theres no way they would give your company a cut of their rake
Poker Competition For Recreational and Average Players Quote
