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OT: Say Two True Things, One False Thing. OT: Say Two True Things, One False Thing.

10-06-2008 , 07:33 AM
I'm going to go with three more. In case you were curious, I am not at all scared of flying.

1. At school, I saved a boy's life during a rugby game by giving him CPR when he had "died".
2. I was thrown out of campus accommodation because there were so many complaints about my girlfriend moaning and shouting when I ****ed her.
3. A doctor in Khajuraho, India told me I would die during the night from dysentery.
OT: Say Two True Things, One False Thing. Quote
10-06-2008 , 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by AMT

def #2 imo.

I'll give this a shot I guess:

1) I used to work out with Dikimbe Mutumbo and Patrik Ewing

2) I can understand 5 spoken languages fluently, but can only speak two.

3) I'm a U.S citizen and have trained for a non U.S army
2 seems like the most believable so I'll say its false.

Originally Posted by SlackerMcFly
I'll go with 1 is false.

My turn:

1. I have a 6' deep hole in my backyard for no good reason.
2. Saved a cop's life and got sued for doing so.
3. Can play Free Bird on expert on Guitar Hero.
OT: Say Two True Things, One False Thing. Quote
10-06-2008 , 09:23 AM
Great thread!

1. I have never smoked.
2. I have won an Emmy.
3. I was inside the World Trade Center within 24 hours of the attack.
OT: Say Two True Things, One False Thing. Quote
10-06-2008 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by microbet

Was supposed to be 2 true and 1 false.

I think you scored the goal, but your nanny was just a runner up or something.
You poker players with your fancy numbers.

I never scored against Lehtonen though we played in the same league/team for years. My nanny truly was miss Cayman Island. I remember I was scared at first because of her dark skin (FWIW there were only few black people in Finland at the 80s and I hadnt seen one before). She was really nice.
OT: Say Two True Things, One False Thing. Quote
10-06-2008 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by AMT

def #2 imo.

I'll give this a shot I guess:

1) I used to work out with Dikimbe Mutumbo and Patrik Ewing

2) I can understand 5 spoken languages fluently, but can only speak two.

3) I'm a U.S citizen and have trained for a non U.S army
1 and 3 seem like you. 5 languages could be true, but I'll go with #2 being false.

Originally Posted by SlackerMcFly
I'll go with 1 is false.

My turn:

1. I have a 6' deep hole in my backyard for no good reason.
2. Saved a cop's life and got sued for doing so.
3. Can play Free Bird on expert on Guitar Hero.
6' hole huh? No shallow graves for you? I'm gonna be different here and go with #2.

Originally Posted by drzen
I'm going to go with three more. In case you were curious, I am not at all scared of flying.

1. At school, I saved a boy's life during a rugby game by giving him CPR when he had "died".
2. I was thrown out of campus accommodation because there were so many complaints about my girlfriend moaning and shouting when I ****ed her.
3. A doctor in Khajuraho, India told me I would die during the night from dysentery.
#2. I like to pick #2, plus, you wish.

Originally Posted by MikeMcQ1
Great thread!

1. I have never smoked.
2. I have won an Emmy.
3. I was inside the World Trade Center within 24 hours of the attack.

Ok, me again

1. I've climbed to the top of one of the Great Pyramids in Egypt (which is forbidden)
2. I dug under a fence to break into the Roman Coliseum
3. I've eaten a full serving of waffles while driving a motorcycle.
OT: Say Two True Things, One False Thing. Quote
10-06-2008 , 10:50 AM
Micro, 3 - ldo. Pudge - 3. Mike - 1?

I've never played tennis with Larry David. You guys are pretty good.

One more:

1. I'm in the movie George of the Jungle.
2. I ****ed the first two girls I kissed.
3. I've totaled 4 vehicles and walked away w/o a scratch every time.
OT: Say Two True Things, One False Thing. Quote
10-06-2008 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by Pudge714
1. My best friend in elementary school was black
2. When I was 12 I was on the front page of the Toronto Star
3. Neil Young lived in my house
Pudge - 3?

Originally Posted by suzzer99
One more:

1. I'm in the movie George of the Jungle.
2. I ****ed the first two girls I kissed.
3. I've totaled 4 vehicles and walked away w/o a scratch every time.
OT: Say Two True Things, One False Thing. Quote
10-06-2008 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by AMT
1) I used to work out with Dikimbe Mutumbo and Patrik Ewing

2) I can understand 5 spoken languages fluently, but can only speak two.

3) I'm a U.S citizen and have trained for a non U.S army
1 seems kind of random. I'll say #1 is a lie.

Originally Posted by SlackerMcFly
1. I have a 6' deep hole in my backyard for no good reason.
2. Saved a cop's life and got sued for doing so.
3. Can play Free Bird on expert on Guitar Hero.
#1. You know why it's there.

Originally Posted by MikeMcQ1
1. I have never smoked.
2. I have won an Emmy.
3. I was inside the World Trade Center within 24 hours of the attack.
Since I don't watch or care about the Emmys, it's totally possible for there to be a "best non-major sports coverage technical production" category, so again I'm going with #1 s the lie.

Originally Posted by microbet
1. I've climbed to the top of one of the Great Pyramids in Egypt (which is forbidden)
2. I dug under a fence to break into the Roman Coliseum
3. I've eaten a full serving of waffles while driving a motorcycle.
1 and 2 seem pretty standard for you. I guess that makes #3 the lie.

Originally Posted by suzzer99
1. I'm in the movie George of the Jungle.
2. I ****ed the first two girls I kissed.
3. I've totaled 4 vehicles and walked away w/o a scratch every time.
4 vehicles seems like a lot, but is it #2?
OT: Say Two True Things, One False Thing. Quote
10-06-2008 , 11:49 AM
Someone please tell me how to Multi-quote........

BTW, 3 is false for me. I suck at Guitar Hero.

As for the cop, 6 dudes jumped a cop in my parking lot at work and took his gun from him. I waded in and took the gun away from the "shooter", broke his arm, 4 ribs and his collarbone. Two others went to the hospital with jaw and head injuries.

They all sued me for excessive force. They lost.

Don't f*ck with Slacker.
OT: Say Two True Things, One False Thing. Quote
10-06-2008 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by SlackerMcFly
Someone please tell me how to Multi-quote........

BTW, 3 is false for me. I suck at Guitar Hero.

As for the cop, 6 dudes jumped a cop in my parking lot at work and took his gun from him. I waded in and took the gun away from the "shooter", broke his arm, 4 ribs and his collarbone. Two others went to the hospital with jaw and head injuries.

They all sued me for excessive force. They lost.

Don't f*ck with Slacker.
wow sic..Are you Chuck Norris?
OT: Say Two True Things, One False Thing. Quote
10-06-2008 , 12:15 PM
The GH one was obv because if you were good at GH you would have said TTFAF not Freebird.
OT: Say Two True Things, One False Thing. Quote
10-06-2008 , 12:18 PM
Slacker -
try this little guy

Awesome story about the cop. You should elaborate.

I'll go with my saving stories (none anywhere near as badass as Slackas):

1. I saved a cop by taking a big chunk of concrete away from someone who was going to throw it at the cop.
2. I saved young girl (not one of my kids) from drowning when she was stuck in some roots on a rafting trip.
3. I rescued an old man who was being beaten and mugged by 3 youths.
OT: Say Two True Things, One False Thing. Quote
10-06-2008 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by Beerocrat
1. I've driven Allen Iverson's Bentley
2. I've smoked weed with George Clinton
3. I've gotten a BJ on a crowded train
For anyone who guessed/was curious #2 is false.

Originally Posted by th1986
are you still mormon?
are mormon's the ones they had a msnbc special on and were saying they are "cult like"

make a bbv ask a mormon anything about being a mormon imo.

and no offense , but from what i've seen on television (so my opinion matters like 0) , and im just speaking about how they potrayed them on specials i've seen (can't remember the mormon special name but the amish one was the devils playground), the difference is amish people are sane
No, I'm not still mormon, or I wouldn't be allowed to gamble. A lot of my family still is, and yeah some of the stuff is crazy. A BBV thread might have some potential.
OT: Say Two True Things, One False Thing. Quote
10-06-2008 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by Pudge714
1. My best friend in elementary school was black
2. When I was 12 I was on the front page of the Toronto Star
3. Neil Young lived in my house

Originally Posted by AMT
1) I used to work out with Dikimbe Mutumbo and Patrik Ewing
2) I can understand 5 spoken languages fluently, but can only speak two.
3) I'm a U.S citizen and have trained for a non U.S army

Originally Posted by drzen
1. At school, I saved a boy's life during a rugby game by giving him CPR when he had "died".
2. I was thrown out of campus accommodation because there were so many complaints about my girlfriend moaning and shouting when I ****ed her.
3. A doctor in Khajuraho, India told me I would die during the night from dysentery.

Originally Posted by MikeMcQ1
1. I have never smoked.
2. I have won an Emmy.
3. I was inside the World Trade Center within 24 hours of the attack.

Originally Posted by suzzer99
1. I'm in the movie George of the Jungle.
2. I ****ed the first two girls I kissed.
3. I've totaled 4 vehicles and walked away w/o a scratch every time.

Originally Posted by microbet
1. I saved a cop by taking a big chunk of concrete away from someone who was going to throw it at the cop.
2. I saved young girl (not one of my kids) from drowning when she was stuck in some roots on a rafting trip.
3. I rescued an old man who was being beaten and mugged by 3 youths.
OT: Say Two True Things, One False Thing. Quote
10-06-2008 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Slacker -
try this little guy

Awesome story about the cop. You should elaborate.

I'll go with my saving stories (none anywhere near as badass as Slackas):

1. I saved a cop by taking a big chunk of concrete away from someone who was going to throw it at the cop.
2. I saved young girl (not one of my kids) from drowning when she was stuck in some roots on a rafting trip.
3. I rescued an old man who was being beaten and mugged by 3 youths.
Thanks man! I can now multi-quote, but still can't multi-table

I'd have to go with #3 for your un-truth.

About "the fight", I was 18 yrs old, 6'4" and 210 lbs working at a roller-skating center. We hired off-duty Sheriff officers (in full uniform) for Friday and Saturday nights. At the time, the Bloods and Crips along with a few other gangs were prevelant and we were trying to run a clean place.

I was the manager on duty one Friday night when I noticed that our officer hadn't been inside for a while and was probably out in the parking lot. I grabbed my Kel-Light (large, metal flashlight) and went looking for him. He had apparently approached a car with 3 guys in it, ran the plate and the car turned out to be stolen.

While trying to get the gangstas out of the car, another car pulled up and 3 guys jumped him from behind and took him down. I showed up just seconds after they took his gun and were beating the crap out of him on the ground.

I went for the gun hand, yanked it up and hit the guy's arm with the flashlight, breaking his arm and taking the gun from him. Other guys were attacking me, so I hit anyone who came at me wherever I could with the light. The dude that had the gun kept coming at me and wouldn't stop, so I pounded him pretty hard until he went out for good. Two others were on the ground and not moving (but bleeding a lot).

The cop had called for back-up and I could hear sirens in the distance. Three of the guys pussed out, got into the stolen car and sped off. The other three were either too scared or too injured to move. I gave the cop his gun back, other cops arrived and took the punks to the hospital, then to jail.

The officer was taken to the hospital with multiple injuries and spent like a week in there for internal bleeding. He survived and we are friends to this day.

Since I was an adult and all the "victims" were minors, their parents took me to civil court for excessive use of force. Their argument was that I was bigger, stronger and "armed", while the "yutes" were simply defending their friend from my brutal, maniacal and un-provoked attack.

The judge pretty much laughed them out of court.

I started carrying my .45 auto full-time after that incident.
OT: Say Two True Things, One False Thing. Quote
10-06-2008 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
1) I grew weed hydroponically in a 35 unit apartment building

2) I graduated summa cum laude from Northeastern U

3) I told Greg Raymer to **** off in a tournament at Foxwoods

Originally Posted by microbet
1. I saved a cop by taking a big chunk of concrete away from someone who was going to throw it at the cop.
2. I saved young girl (not one of my kids) from drowning when she was stuck in some roots on a rafting trip.
3. I rescued an old man who was being beaten and mugged by 3 youths.
Does three count if you were the old man?
I think three is the answer regardless.

Originally Posted by suzzer99

1. I'm in the movie George of the Jungle.
2. I ****ed the first two girls I kissed.
3. I've totaled 4 vehicles and walked away w/o a scratch every time.

Originally Posted by microbet
1. I've climbed to the top of one of the Great Pyramids in Egypt (which is forbidden)
2. I dug under a fence to break into the Roman Coliseum
3. I've eaten a full serving of waffles while driving a motorcycle.

Originally Posted by MikeMcQ1
1. I have never smoked.
2. I have won an Emmy.
3. I was inside the World Trade Center within 24 hours of the attack.

Originally Posted by drzen
1. At school, I saved a boy's life during a rugby game by giving him CPR when he had "died".
2. I was thrown out of campus accommodation because there were so many complaints about my girlfriend moaning and shouting when I ****ed her.
3. A doctor in Khajuraho, India told me I would die during the night from dysentery.
Hmm this is tough since you are a writer so you don't have obvious tells.
2 seems like such an obvious lie, but I am going to level myself and end up picking 3.
OT: Say Two True Things, One False Thing. Quote
10-06-2008 , 01:24 PM
I stink at this game: Just about everybody correctly guessed my false story.
OT: Say Two True Things, One False Thing. Quote
10-06-2008 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Slacker -
try this little guy

Awesome story about the cop. You should elaborate.

I'll go with my saving stories (none anywhere near as badass as Slackas):

1. I saved a cop by taking a big chunk of concrete away from someone who was going to throw it at the cop.
2. I saved young girl (not one of my kids) from drowning when she was stuck in some roots on a rafting trip.
3. I rescued an old man who was being beaten and mugged by 3 youths.

Now I know why you have that superman logo as your avitar.
OT: Say Two True Things, One False Thing. Quote
10-06-2008 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by AMT
do I always claim my whiteness? Weird. Anyways, your reasoning and your pick do not match up at all, but the pick stays imo!

anyways, it means that I am only a citizen of the U.S, but have dressed and trained for/with a non U.S army....that's all I'm saying imo's, more information might give away its status as a fact or a lie imo.
israeli citizens all serve time (2yrs mb?) in the army. i don't think you're an israeli citizen so mb when u went to israel you trained for a day with someone in the army.
OT: Say Two True Things, One False Thing. Quote
10-06-2008 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by drzen
3. A doctor in Khajuraho, India told me I would die during the night from dysentery.
When I was young, I was in Nicaragua. A doctor diagnosed me with malaria. We then went to a better doctor where my condition was upgraded to "not having malaria".
OT: Say Two True Things, One False Thing. Quote
10-06-2008 , 01:41 PM
Great story Slacka

I did rescue an old man from being beaten/mugged. I just showed up on my motorcycle, the villains backed off a bit, I told the old man to get on the bike and we drove off. I was with a friend, but he was a little guy on a scooter with his girlfriend, so I would have had to do the fighting if it came to that (and I would have most likely lost badly). It was #2 - I never saved the drowning girl.

The other one - I've never been to Egypt. A friend of mine camped one night on top of a great pyramid. I snuck into the Coliseum because I was in Rome for only one day and it was closed. A girl on the back of the motorcycle helped me eat the waffles.
OT: Say Two True Things, One False Thing. Quote
10-06-2008 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by SlackerMcFly
Thanks man! I can now multi-quote, but still can't multi-table

I'd have to go with #3 for your un-truth.

About "the fight", I was 18 yrs old, 6'4" and 210 lbs working at a roller-skating center. We hired off-duty Sheriff officers (in full uniform) for Friday and Saturday nights. At the time, the Bloods and Crips along with a few other gangs were prevelant and we were trying to run a clean place.

I was the manager on duty one Friday night when I noticed that our officer hadn't been inside for a while and was probably out in the parking lot. I grabbed my Kel-Light (large, metal flashlight) and went looking for him. He had apparently approached a car with 3 guys in it, ran the plate and the car turned out to be stolen.

While trying to get the gangstas out of the car, another car pulled up and 3 guys jumped him from behind and took him down. I showed up just seconds after they took his gun and were beating the crap out of him on the ground.

I went for the gun hand, yanked it up and hit the guy's arm with the flashlight, breaking his arm and taking the gun from him. Other guys were attacking me, so I hit anyone who came at me wherever I could with the light. The dude that had the gun kept coming at me and wouldn't stop, so I pounded him pretty hard until he went out for good. Two others were on the ground and not moving (but bleeding a lot).

The cop had called for back-up and I could hear sirens in the distance. Three of the guys pussed out, got into the stolen car and sped off. The other three were either too scared or too injured to move. I gave the cop his gun back, other cops arrived and took the punks to the hospital, then to jail.

The officer was taken to the hospital with multiple injuries and spent like a week in there for internal bleeding. He survived and we are friends to this day.

Since I was an adult and all the "victims" were minors, their parents took me to civil court for excessive use of force. Their argument was that I was bigger, stronger and "armed", while the "yutes" were simply defending their friend from my brutal, maniacal and un-provoked attack.

The judge pretty much laughed them out of court.

I started carrying my .45 auto full-time after that incident.
So Slacker pretty much owns at life TR's. Confirmed.
OT: Say Two True Things, One False Thing. Quote
10-06-2008 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by SlackerMcFly
Since I was an adult and all the "victims" were minors, their parents took me to civil court for excessive use of force. Their argument was that I was bigger, stronger and "armed", while the "yutes" were simply defending their friend from my brutal, maniacal and un-provoked attack.
Apples not falling far from the trees.
OT: Say Two True Things, One False Thing. Quote
10-06-2008 , 01:55 PM
The old guys are owning the thread imo, slacka esp made 2 of the most interesting posts in the last several months of this forum, wp sir

Originally Posted by kleath
1. I have never fired a gun
2. I have spent more time total in church related activities than I have playing poker
3. I have been to vegas more times for street fighter tournaments than I have for gambling

I have fired a gun, the other 2 sadly true
OT: Say Two True Things, One False Thing. Quote
10-06-2008 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by bones
There was a better version of this in OOT where you listed 2 things that were true about yourself and one thing that was false. The others guessed which was the false one.
1. I have been married to the same woman for more than 40 years

2. I have been locked-up in ten (10) different jails

3. I have perfected a system that beats roulette
OT: Say Two True Things, One False Thing. Quote
