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OT: [censored] thread, September, READ RULES IN TOP POST OT: [censored] thread, September, READ RULES IN TOP POST

09-30-2007 , 09:35 AM
I had a stretch of 1K SnGs in 2006 where my dominating aces couldn't win. It got to the point where if I had AK and they called with A3 I would cringe because I knew I was losing. I mean it was [censored] ridiculous.
I've been running like this for just about 12 months now. STTs, MTTs, Cash - doesn't matter. My volume is probably 25% of yours and suzzer's so I guess that means it could last another 3 years...?
09-30-2007 , 10:11 AM
even though it is already october here, i'm not starting a new [censored] thread given all the apparent angst it caused last month.

party on.
09-30-2007 , 11:41 AM
Alright I currently have 50,130 VPPs, I have never played more than 1500 sngs a month and in fact played under 1k last 2 months because I am lazy in general, I am currently 9-12 tabling 60s on stars, I think I can make Supernova by the end of october. Anyone interested in a prop bet?
09-30-2007 , 12:13 PM
wow kleath, that a [censored] of vpp's. Must be that sng players get the shaft and pay more rake when compared to players who just play ring or mtt's.

GL on your quest to supernova.
09-30-2007 , 03:11 PM
I'll hit supernova for sure next year, if my roll can get back to at least the 27s. God, I don't want to play the 6.50s today. So many sngs, so much variance, so little profit when I win. sigh.

09-30-2007 , 03:33 PM
Brad Childress must go. That is all.
09-30-2007 , 03:40 PM
Brad Childress must go. That is all.
I [censored] hate that [censored] [censored] sucker.
09-30-2007 , 03:41 PM
Thank god for devin hester. I'd rather the bears take a knee on offense every play and let hester and the defense score.
09-30-2007 , 03:47 PM
Brad Childress must go. That is all.
Tomlin>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> Childress.
Me>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>&g t;>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Kelly [censored] Holcomb
09-30-2007 , 03:48 PM
Thank god for devin hester. I'd rather the bears take a knee on offense every play and let hester and the defense score.
Maybe they should lobby the NFL to bring back the flying wedge, and just put the kick return team out there on offense.
09-30-2007 , 03:51 PM
Brad Childress must go. That is all.
Me>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>&g t;>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Kelly [censored] Holcomb
At this point, I'm willing to give pretty much anybody a chance at QB.
09-30-2007 , 03:55 PM
Brad Childress must go. That is all.
Tomlin>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> Childress.
Me>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>&g t;>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Kelly [censored] Holcomb
Bring in Greek to coach and Pudge to qb. They cant do any worse than who we have.
09-30-2007 , 04:22 PM
Woot, Packers = 4-0.
09-30-2007 , 04:23 PM
While both of those are pretty funny, I'd prefer something that I wouldn't have to close my browser for every time my 12 year old daughter comes to the computer to talk to me.
yea, both aren't appropriate for the title of a thread.
So it's the Helen Lovejoy argument: "Some parts of the human body, however functional they may be, are evil!"
09-30-2007 , 04:26 PM
Woot, Packers = 4-0.
totally sustainable...
09-30-2007 , 04:35 PM
I wonder if Bud Grant would come out of retirement again?
09-30-2007 , 04:40 PM
Brag: Won a sat to WCOOP ME today and chopped another.
Beat: When the tournament started I was magically no longer registered.
09-30-2007 , 04:42 PM
Brag: Won a sat to WCOOP ME today and chopped another.
Beat: When the tournament started I was magically no longer registered.
congrats & what happened? did they give you the T$ at least?
09-30-2007 , 04:58 PM
Brag: Outlasted 10 people in WCOOP ME.
09-30-2007 , 04:59 PM
Figured out what happen.

I won a sat and was automatically registered.

I then got HU in another sat, and chopped even with even stacks (my account at stars is pretty much busto so I wanted to chop). We did the chop through support. When we arranged the deal we played it out. I won. So, for winning the second seat, my account was credited W$2600.

Support then unregistered me from the ME, so they could split the W$2600. When they did not need to unregister me, because the second sat win just goes directly to W$ and into my account. I did double check I was registered after the first sat win, but not after that .

So, I'm going to ask that because it was their screw up, that they give me cash for the W$.
09-30-2007 , 05:09 PM
I won a WCOOP ME seat today, it put me about even for the weekend. Oh Variance, you're such a tricky bitch.
09-30-2007 , 05:11 PM
By the way, can someone start the September results thread. I don't know the procedures.
09-30-2007 , 05:12 PM
OK fine... how about something along the lines of "OFFICIAL OT THREAD: Is hot in here or is it just you?"

...something more interesting than "[censored] thread" anyway. I nominate microbet to think up something clever.
09-30-2007 , 05:26 PM
Hate it when you move up and run bad. I got donks minraising with [censored]. I shove with fe, they call with 2 bad overcards and I ship them a double up. [censored] me. I hate poker.
09-30-2007 , 05:29 PM
Doomswitched on the last day of the month. Rivered like a [censored].

AA cracked aipf x2
set over set x2

what a [censored] joke.
