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OT: [censored] thread, August, READ RULES IN TOP POST OT: [censored] thread, August, READ RULES IN TOP POST

08-26-2007 , 10:23 AM
Most were not hot at all, or even close.
But what do you expect from Kingston?
08-26-2007 , 12:04 PM
I think I am going to start telling chicks I invest online.
I think will have to make some modest trades just to make myself feel honest.
It is ghey that stock investing, day trading, has a rep as more safe, reputable than playing poker. There is no difference in my mind. Like they think that the fact that the trader is dealing in GE or whatever makes any difference to him at all, he's just looking for profitable edges to exploit just like a poker player.
This may be my most coherent drunk post ever.
I put down Investor for a recent credit card application, I don't think it impressed them

Does anyone know what errors a NLSNG player is most likely to make when trying to play microlimit? - I'd like to win more than just the bonus for 6 hours play.
08-26-2007 , 12:22 PM

You have to lead the conversation. If you don't like where it's going, cut the conversational thread and move on.

Junt is sorta correct. You can give a BS answer once (I'm a nascar driver, I'm a professional cup stacker, etc) or side step the question once. You have to move the conversation of course. If they still come back at you, the only way to pass their test is to own up. Otherwise you're hiding something and this communicates a weak identity - you don't feel 100% awesome about what you do.

So when you do say what you do, launch into an awesome story that shows you in an attractive light. The only transition you really need is "I love poker b/c it gives me the time to....[story]."

The reason ugly girls are laying into you is b/c they don't get as many opportunities as hot chicks to lay into guys with weak realities. If you communicate that they can walk all over you, they will.

08-26-2007 , 01:02 PM
Does anyone think it's possible to have a style at sngs that is a loser or marginal winner during the week, but a bigger winner on the weekends than someone who does better during the week?

IE - could my style be better at exploiting bad players, but suck in tougher games?
08-26-2007 , 01:04 PM
Sure, why not?
08-26-2007 , 01:15 PM

If you communicate that they can walk all over you, they will.

The more posts I read of Yugo, the more I think he should have a VH1 reality show.

Devin, you have the talent and skill to make your living at an activity most people lose money at. This is something to be proud of. The fact that these girls are hating means they don't have the imagination or courtesy to accept unconventional possibilities. Maybe if they are hot they'd be worth some mental acrobatics but if they are fat/ugly as well, why waste the energy on them?
08-26-2007 , 01:26 PM
I think its more possible that there is just less money to go around during the week. The pros arent at work (well, they are) and the donks are so its more about how well you are running than how well you play.
08-26-2007 , 01:27 PM
A lot of the [censored] here seem to be pretty into the fact that I can make a living playing poker, sometimes it's like I'm a doctor or something. It also helps to be not be as big of an AFC as I was once, it's pretty impressive some of the things you can learn to pull off.
08-26-2007 , 01:29 PM
Does anyone think it's possible to have a style at sngs that is a loser or marginal winner during the week, but a bigger winner on the weekends than someone who does better during the week?

IE - could my style be better at exploiting bad players, but suck in tougher games?
guess so. I am just the opposite. From my ss stats, I won on weekdays and Saturdays, but lose on Sundays. but I play most on Sunday
08-26-2007 , 01:46 PM

If you communicate that they can walk all over you, they will.

The more posts I read of Yugo, the more I think he should have a VH1 reality show.
I think if they weren't already filming Yugo's trip to Amsterdam, they've already missed the boat on that one. It might work if they relocated Thug Mansion to Vegas, ideally sharing a backyard wall with dom and bones. The key has to be getting the "exciting Yugo" density up and cutting down on the working/sitting at the computer chatting with other losers and surfing MySpace. Sure it's fun, but it doesn't make for good TV.
08-26-2007 , 01:59 PM
So, I go out in my home town tonight...small town. I haven't been out much cause of a month in vegas, couple weeks at turning stone etc.

I'm engaged in lots of conversations tonight. I talked to 1212123 girls tonight. they all put me on life tilt. Most were not hot at all, or even close. The further from hot, the quicker they asked 'what do you do?' and the more judemental they were of the anwser.

The hottest girl I talked to all night was genuinely interesting in my trip to vegas (which she new some how I went to without me telling her.)

Why is the the fatter, ugly the girl the more judgemental they are? And why do they think cuase they have a university degree or something they are so special? So what? I have one too....I have a partial advanced degree, so [censored] off.

If ur better than me, it's not cause I make money playing cards. Get more creative plz.
Any chick with an attitude, no matter what she looks like, deserves to be put in her place. People with attitudes should get attitude back. The dumber ones usually can't take it and ignore you completely. The smarter ones will back down and start interacting with you in non-bitch mode.

Remember, there's only two things a single woman in a bar wants:

1) Attention from the guy who all of their friends want.
2) Attention from the guy who all of their enemies hate.

Find the women all the other women think are bitches and make them hate you (not hard). Then with a solid foothold of mutual hatred, you're free to climb all over the rest of them, and watch them scramble for you.
08-26-2007 , 02:08 PM
anyone who wants to swap some % or buy some % of the $530 today PM/IM me
08-26-2007 , 02:13 PM
I feel like a ****** not know this but can someone explain this to me slowly. If you were getting 2 to 1 odds on a call and you know for sure it's a 60/40 you being the 40 how are you making money. Yes I'm a idiot at math lol.
08-26-2007 , 02:18 PM
I feel like a ****** not know this but can someone explain this to me slowly. If you were getting 2 to 1 odds on a call and you know for sure it's a 60/40 you being the 40 how are you making money. Yes I'm a idiot at math lol.
ok so if yuo are calling 500 to win 1k, and you win 40% of the time, then 40% of the time you $1k, so .4*1k= 400, and 60% of the time you lose 500, .6*-500=-300

400-300= 100 so its +cEV
08-26-2007 , 02:23 PM
This month has been so terrible. Anyhow, a few new goals:

1) Play more on Stars. Reach Supernova by the end of the year (43k more VPPs).
2) Macbook Pro + 30" monitor. Final cost hopefully < $2500.
3) Save up for a car. Specifically a black 2002+ BMW 3-series sedan. Maybe a ZHP.
4) Travel more.
5) Get side businesses running.
6) Print this list and tape it to the wall.
Does Stars work on mac?

I believe they have a mac beta in the works. However, if you get a MBP you can run Vista/XP on it in order to access stars.
08-26-2007 , 02:23 PM
I feel like a ****** not know this but can someone explain this to me slowly. If you were getting 2 to 1 odds on a call and you know for sure it's a 60/40 you being the 40 how are you making money. Yes I'm a idiot at math lol.
2 to 1 means you are risking 1 to get two. Like you are betting $33.33 to win $66.66 or what will be a $100 pot (you get the $33 back when you win.)

Say you win that 40% of the time.

Do it 100 times and you win 40 x $66.66 and lose 60 x $33.33, which is profitable.

The confusing thing could be that if you are in this situation over and over again you will be making a profitable decision on this call, but could be losing money overall. If this hand were HU you had to put your money in badly at first to build a pot where you only had 40% equity. After that money goes in badly, you can still have a profitable call.

If a hand is 3 way, it gives you 2 to 1 immediately and if you are 40% to win it should be obvious that you should call.
08-26-2007 , 02:36 PM
I feel like a ****** not know this but can someone explain this to me slowly. If you were getting 2 to 1 odds on a call and you know for sure it's a 60/40 you being the 40 how are you making money. Yes I'm a idiot at math lol.
ok so if yuo are calling 500 to win 1k, and you win 40% of the time, then 40% of the time you $1k, so .4*1k= 400, and 60% of the time you lose 500, .6*-500=-300

400-300= 100 so its +cEV
So if the blinds were 100/200 and you have 1300 chips on the button and there are 6 players left including you. Let's say utg+1 and MP limp and it's folded to you. Let's assume the limpers aren't trapping you but you don't know for sure. Let's also say you have k9s would you push or fold? So your stealing 200 + 200 + 200 + 50 which = 650 which is giving you 2 to 1 odds. So it's a good time to push? I'm trying to use the 2 to 1 odd thing in these type of situations. Good idea or not? If you had 1500 chips this would be a bad idea or no? Is this a good method of accumlating more chips in the mid game or this could be a huge leak. I started doing this more after I read collin moshan book.
08-26-2007 , 02:37 PM

The more posts I read of Yugo, the more I think he should have a VH1 reality show.
I don't have huge goggles or big fuzzy hats, .

08-26-2007 , 02:45 PM

Any chick with an attitude, no matter what she looks like, deserves to be put in her place. People with attitudes should get attitude back. The dumber ones usually can't take it and ignore you completely. The smarter ones will back down and start interacting with you in non-bitch mode.

Remember, there's only two things a single woman in a bar wants:

1) Attention from the guy who all of their friends want.
2) Attention from the guy who all of their enemies hate.

Find the women all the other women think are bitches and make them hate you (not hard). Then with a solid foothold of mutual hatred, you're free to climb all over the rest of them, and watch them scramble for you.

No just get all the women to like you. This is with the caveat that it's ok to piss women off temporarily, but if they stay upset then it doesn't help you in any way. Pissing people off intentionally all the time is just being a jerk.

That being said, a lot of flirting involves teasing and comments that on paper can be fairly dickish. It's completely unnecessary to be a huge dick to anyone. I have a feeling that devin mixes up "flirting" and "testing" with women actually being jerks.

It's only attitude if you react to it as if it is.

All this being said, if a woman crosses a line and is clearly being a jerk, then you don't be a jerk back, you simply don't tolerate it. People who rule at life have boundaries and a solid reality that is healthy for themselves. If a chick keeps lashing out, then you let her know that is really lame and hope she takes care of it later if you talk again. Then you walk away to be with cool people.

08-26-2007 , 02:50 PM
I feel like a ****** not know this but can someone explain this to me slowly. If you were getting 2 to 1 odds on a call and you know for sure it's a 60/40 you being the 40 how are you making money. Yes I'm a idiot at math lol.
ok so if yuo are calling 500 to win 1k, and you win 40% of the time, then 40% of the time you $1k, so .4*1k= 400, and 60% of the time you lose 500, .6*-500=-300

400-300= 100 so its +cEV
So if the blinds were 100/200 and you have 1300 chips on the button and there are 6 players left including you. Let's say utg+1 and MP limp and it's folded to you. Let's assume the limpers aren't trapping you but you don't know for sure. Let's also say you have k9s would you push or fold? So your stealing 200 + 200 + 200 + 50 which = 650 which is giving you 2 to 1 odds. So it's a good time to push? I'm trying to use the 2 to 1 odd thing in these type of situations. Good idea or not? If you had 1500 chips this would be a bad idea or no? Is this a good method of accumlating more chips in the mid game or this could be a huge leak. I started doing this more after I read collin moshan book.
This is very different. You could say the pot is giving you 1 to 2 (you are risking 1300 to win 650) on whether they fold or not, but then you can still win if you are called and the price for that isn't set yet.

The only time you know for sure what the final odds the pot will be laying you are when you close the action for the entire hand. This can only be done when you are calling, not raising.

You can figure the immediate odds the pot is giving you to call, in this case it's 650 to 200 (3.25 to 1), but that's not the end of the hand, there are implied odds, reverse implied odds, and whatever you call it when you just fold (losing?).

edit: If you push and it folds around to the last limper, what odds are the pot giving him?
08-26-2007 , 02:59 PM

Any chick with an attitude, no matter what she looks like, deserves to be put in her place. People with attitudes should get attitude back. The dumber ones usually can't take it and ignore you completely. The smarter ones will back down and start interacting with you in non-bitch mode.

Remember, there's only two things a single woman in a bar wants:

1) Attention from the guy who all of their friends want.
2) Attention from the guy who all of their enemies hate.

Find the women all the other women think are bitches and make them hate you (not hard). Then with a solid foothold of mutual hatred, you're free to climb all over the rest of them, and watch them scramble for you.

No just get all the women to like you. This is with the caveat that it's ok to piss women off temporarily, but if they stay upset then it doesn't help you in any way. Pissing people off intentionally all the time is just being a jerk.

That being said, a lot of flirting involves teasing and comments that on paper can be fairly dickish. It's completely unnecessary to be a huge dick to anyone. I have a feeling that devin mixes up "flirting" and "testing" with women actually being jerks.

It's only attitude if you react to it as if it is.

All this being said, if a woman crosses a line and is clearly being a jerk, then you don't be a jerk back, you simply don't tolerate it. People who rule at life have boundaries and a solid reality that is healthy for themselves. If a chick keeps lashing out, then you let her know that is really lame and hope she takes care of it later if you talk again. Then you walk away to be with cool people.

Slim is saying he doesn't really care if he's liked by women that he doesn't like.

His second point is good. It's not that men don't like to talk [censored] about guys they don't like; women just like it about 100 times more (on average - ok, maybe just 50 times more). If you can make fun of someone a woman hates, you will have a rapt audience. It might not be so easy to figure out who a woman's enemies are in a bar though, but you could probably go with making fun of someone who is hotter.
08-26-2007 , 03:11 PM

Oh, well obviously. Why would you care about what a woman you don't like thinks?

Making fun of other women in front of a woman you are interested in is bad. Coming off as judgmental is want to come off as a personal with high personal standards.

The only time I really directly burn someone is by calling other guys "creepy" and then launching into any type of story that communicates I understand the "hot chick" daily struggle with being hit on by guys who create awkward/creepy vibes.

But, whatever, I have a very hard time going around trying to be manipulative and negative and still have fun, .

08-26-2007 , 03:27 PM
Manipulative no, but you know negative maybe. Imagine Jerry making jokes about that woman Elaine hated that ended up just wearing the bra outside and pulling it off.

You know, it's like how you hate pudge and how into it you are when anyone makes fun of him.
08-26-2007 , 03:34 PM
Just to clarify my frustrations from last was not that I could not or did not impress these girls.

Like I said, most were not attractive at all, and most initiated the conversations with me. I really had no interest in most them. So, I didn't spend much energy trying to win them over.

The hot girl I talk to, I did initiate the conversation and I did speak enthusiastically about playing poker for a living.
08-26-2007 , 03:39 PM
anyone who wants to swap some % or buy some % of the $530 today PM/IM me
