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Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28

07-27-2008 , 04:36 AM
To be real, I don't really see where you get off questioning Tibbs mankind. Keep on keeping on Tibbs.
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-27-2008 , 05:04 AM
Originally Posted by mkind0516
Can you plz stop telling ppl u 5bet me w/ 84o? You did no such thing. You 3-bet me twice: the 1st time I folded (maybe this was the time u had 84o...kudos) and the 2nd time u jammed QJo w/ no fe into my KQ. Those were the only 2 pots we played together. Not once did you 5-bet me (I never even 4-bet you so it would be impossible for you to 5-bet me unless u just suck at basic math). Ty.

Your inebriated friend,
first of all to set the record straight, i dont think about you nearly as much as people are making it seem... second of all, i am not walking around turning stone telling ppl about a certain hand i played with you, i told 2 people one day on the day it happend or after it happenes, nobody has approached me about the hand nor do i care because i bubbled... i have played hands better vs ppl more noteworthy imo... 3rd of all wwi suck at math i am a product of the public school system... 4th of all IGGGHHHHHHHHHHTTTTTT

your neighborhood black kid,

p.s. - the rockbottom/peoples elbow > mandible claw
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-27-2008 , 05:19 AM
made the worst call of my life with ATs against Harry I think? (he has massive chip lead i think)....he makes it 1600 at blinds of 300/600 75ante from EP (think we are 7 handed) i flat with ATs directly to his left, small blind nit old man shoves for 7500 ish and he isolates to like 50k...i had 30k and called...he had AQ i suck...worst ****ing call evver..exactly 1 hand prior he put me on the worst monkey tilt ive been on in a long long time by raise calling my 3 bet, checking the flop, checking the turn, and check raising a river K on a board of 6778K...dont even know why it put me on tilt cause it was such an obvious/bad bluff by me on the river (had Q high)...after that I insta left turning stone and drove 5 hours straight home....o well, got 2nd in the 750 to those still in.
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-27-2008 , 06:06 AM
Originally Posted by TTibbs
p.s. - the rockbottom/peoples elbow > mandible claw

Actually I'm pretty much owning myself here b/c I'm pretty sure that for the dozen times the Rock faced Mankind, the only time Mankind won was in the empty arena match during 1/2time of the Superbowl. And I'm not even sure that match should count since he actually used a bag of popcorn as a weapon.

Last edited by mkind0516; 07-27-2008 at 06:15 AM.
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-27-2008 , 07:12 AM
If you smell what the rockkkkkkkkkkkkk is cookin> Play Music
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-27-2008 , 10:27 AM
I'm like 110% sure that mankind was 5 bet by Tibbs with 84o.
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-27-2008 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by AGame18
I'm like 110% sure that mankind was 5 bet by Tibbs with 84o.
Which would make you 220% wrong. See above post for what actually happened.

If this trend continues, I'm going to have to answer these claims by saying I soul-read you w/ 95s and held.
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-27-2008 , 11:12 AM
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-27-2008 , 12:13 PM
played in the deepstack started with twenty two built it up to thirty two...someone then proceeds to double through me with five three down to a little over thirteen K....sigh
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-27-2008 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by TTibbs
first of all to set the record straight, i dont think about you nearly as much as people are making it seem... second of all, i am not walking around turning stone telling ppl about a certain hand i played with you, i told 2 people one day on the day it happend or after it happenes, nobody has approached me about the hand nor do i care because i bubbled... i have played hands better vs ppl more noteworthy imo... 3rd of all wwi suck at math i am a product of the public school system... 4th of all IGGGHHHHHHHHHHTTTTTT

your neighborhood black kid,

p.s. - the rockbottom/peoples elbow > mandible claw
The same people who control the school system control
The prison system, and the whole social system
Ever since slavery, nawsayin?
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-27-2008 , 01:14 PM
Out of the deepstack...

Blinds 200/400 I make it 1100 from CO with AA, BTN is aggro young kid, prob posts on here, he makes it 4000, I call. Flop K53dd I c/r all in he snaps with 53ss gg me
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-27-2008 , 01:21 PM
please tell me that was the asain kid with white glasses
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-27-2008 , 02:42 PM
18 left @ lunch break right now

Very first hand of the day: (400-800(100))

We are 7 handed. UTG limps, AGame limps UTG+2, I am next to act and have QQ and make it 4000. Folds to UTG who calls, AGame folds quick.

Flop: JsTd2s

UTG instantly announces allin for 32,700
I call
He flips 8s9s.

Turn: 7s

So I am down to ~24k instead of being at ~110k.

But I grinded up to 89,200 which is probably 4-7 out of 18 remaining.

AGame has 95k on my direct right. Kingdan has 10k (crippled last hand before lunch break) on my direct left. Tufat has 120k and hes at the other table.

Blinds are about to be 800-1600(200)

15 pay and 6 make TV final table btw
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-27-2008 , 02:49 PM
out 21st A4s<KQs
gl guys, someone get on tv!
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-27-2008 , 02:56 PM
gl friends
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-27-2008 , 03:49 PM
gl dudes, esp adam.
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-27-2008 , 04:05 PM
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-27-2008 , 05:35 PM
need updates!
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-27-2008 , 05:36 PM
still in the deepstack at 72k right now with thirty two players left...need to pick my spots the blinds are so wearing my witness tee so hopefully it works out lol...
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-27-2008 , 06:42 PM
gl mrmossy
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-27-2008 , 06:47 PM
sigh bubbled

was tilted but schedule a massage and all should be right with the world

lemme know when you guys are done with tournies and we can do something not tourney related still have yet to play pong
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-27-2008 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by KingDan
lemme know when you guys are done with tournies and we can do something not tourney related still have yet to play pong
me and joel are down to play ....hit our room up...1903 in the tower
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-27-2008 , 07:25 PM
text from adam -"ft" , not sure if thats 10 handed or 6. He won a 170k pot earlier, so i assume hes doing well.
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-27-2008 , 08:37 PM
gogogo Adam, you cute little puppy dog you
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-27-2008 , 08:54 PM
14th lol...played since ten am outasted over 170 people and didnt even make double the sick to my stomach right now...
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
