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Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28

07-23-2008 , 05:54 PM
Busto in like 45th or so. Worked my stack up to like 14k or so then table got moved and I got moved to the immediate right of shaundeeb (sigh). He won a huge pot when he 4 bet shoved a lagtard's 3 bet in LP with TT vs. lagtard's KK (obv runner runner flush). This put him at like 30k or so at 200/400. I then doubled to about 30k or so with AQss when I 4 bet shoved a squeeze only to run into AK. Flop was QQ4, turn Q. Me and deeb are pretty card dead nothing going on really, I restole from lagtard's button raise with 95o once to maintain stack. Eventually this hand comes up:

I raise 1550 UTG at 300/600/75 with AQcc. Deeb thinks for a bit, and flat calls (I put him on about nines or tens). Next guy shoves like 9k total or so. Folds back to me, and I shove, deeb takes about 5 seconds and calls w/ JJ other guy had TT. I lose flip, deeb has a massive chip lead with a 70k stack and around 45 left.
Sigh =/

Last edited by DickFuld; 07-23-2008 at 06:22 PM.
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-23-2008 , 06:13 PM
not going now.
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-23-2008 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by ZJ123
busto 350, prolly going to bed
do u think my KQd shove was bad or what?
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-23-2008 , 06:56 PM
def wanna see black knight
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-23-2008 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by ActionJeff

how do they have an Imax theater with no batman? What is wrong with upstate New York?
We have an awesome theater by my house in New Hardford ,,,,BATMAN I have to see it let me know

Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-23-2008 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by iplayscared
do u think my KQd shove was bad or what?
you were seat 9 with the headphones?
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-23-2008 , 07:11 PM
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-23-2008 , 07:27 PM
The 2000 + 200 CPC Main Event is 9 Handed
TV Table 6 Handed

Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-23-2008 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by ActionJeff

how do they have an Imax theater with no batman? What is wrong with upstate New York?
Nearest IMAX showing Dark Knight is in Rochester I believe (~2 hours west). The IMAX in Syracuse doesn't ever show mainstream films. Part of the Museum of Science and Technology (MOST), only documentaries and the like.

Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-23-2008 , 07:56 PM
65kish at dinner break, at shaundeeb's table, gl
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-23-2008 , 08:00 PM
Please Please Post self Pictures im getting to confused with these internet names

Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-23-2008 , 08:22 PM
My boy czar has 64k at the dinner break with 21 left.glglgl..ill be down to watch in a little

btw Mike im the kid whose hand got mucked by the dealer, all in pre w/ no flop..
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-23-2008 , 08:28 PM
ship to the czar 1x
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-23-2008 , 08:29 PM
qq<jj and ak<aq for like 40kish in chips back when 55 were left..

gg...hope for better luck in the 500
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-23-2008 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by 7DeLuX7
My boy czar has 64k at the dinner break with 21 left.glglgl..ill be down to watch in a little

btw Mike im the kid whose hand got mucked by the dealer, all in pre w/ no flop..
Im sick about that

Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-23-2008 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by slicknastyAK
qq<jj and ak<aq for like 40kish in chips back when 55 were left..

gg...hope for better luck in the 500

I Thought You were Christians dupe acct.??
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-23-2008 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by NoGimmicks
I Thought You were Christians dupe acct.??
lol nah...friends tho
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-23-2008 , 08:57 PM
here.............3 mins to decide whether to play nightlys or go to bed
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-23-2008 , 08:59 PM

Just Listen should I take lessons from this guy??
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-23-2008 , 09:21 PM
shauns the chipleader with 2 tables let.
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-23-2008 , 09:29 PM
gogogogo Monsieur Deeb
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-23-2008 , 11:10 PM
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-23-2008 , 11:33 PM
Deeb has a big lead with 5 left. The entire Deeb family was nearby TS and showed up, so we ran away

Gotta sleep early for this 10am tourney tomorrow. Bananas IMO.
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-23-2008 , 11:36 PM
Sigh I told deeb before the flop came out in our big flip that whoever won that flip would probably win the tournament. So sick.
Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
07-24-2008 , 12:08 AM
this is theczar19 on delux's acct...

Deeb's crushing with 4 left, he has so many chips and all of the other three were <30bbs..

I made the final but got 7th, if I win 1 of 2 huge hands me and deeb prob get hu.

First hand guy with ~20k at 1200/2400 ships from mid/early pos. and it folds to one of the CL's in the sb, he isoships, I look down at KK and get it in asap.
Shover=AJo, iso=99. ATM main was about 50k, sidepot around 140k.

Flop 542 so i'm looking real good, turn 3 which takes the main away but i am still good for side, river A so chop/chop/chop.

2nd hand of doom happened where laggy canadian guy opens to 6.5k (still 1200/2400) I 3-bet him from the small with TT to 18.5k, he thinks for about 5-10 seconds before shoving all-in, I call pretty quickly. He tables K2hh (lol).

flop A72 one heart, he runs hearts out on me for almost a 200k pot. Would've been in 2nd behind deeb if i win either of those 2 hands.

sigh to say the least, but its all starting again in 10 hours, see evry1 in the morning..

Official Turning Stone **Continental Poker Championship** July 19th - July 28 Quote
