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****OFFICIAL STTF January NewYearAments **** THREAD! READ OP. NO BBV**** ****OFFICIAL STTF January NewYearAments **** THREAD! READ OP. NO BBV****

01-25-2010 , 12:22 AM
Pretty sure that's exactly what sippin was saying, though I don't know how CFL OT works but it sounds just like college football.
01-25-2010 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by Hood
put the word "global" at the start of the function. subroutines are naturally all global.

there's also a switch to make all functions global (and then you use 'local' command to make one specific function local access only); cant remember what it's called off the top of my head
01-25-2010 , 12:52 AM
I swear I was just hu v a super user on FTP. Incredible how it went down. Bout 20bbs deep in a 90 man, every single sb I complete with trash he raises. So I start to get trappy and complete also with monsters. He doesn't raise once. Then post flop he checks every one then leads turn for a massive over bet. Every time I min raise, as he HAS to be on a bluff 70% or something, he shoves. Every time I raise with a hand, he folds. And a lot of hands were played. Probably just coincidence but defo the freakiest hu I've ever played. Once desperate I shoved with 92 he called with T3, with no odds at all to do so :|
01-25-2010 , 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
How about like extra innings in baseball?

One team gets the ball on the ? yard line and gets one possession.
Other team gets same deal.

Repeat until no tie.
Just do this. If first time that gets the ball scores, 2nd team has one chance to beat that score. So if first team gets a FG, 2nd team needs a TD. First team gets a TD, 2nd team needs TD+2. If first team has the balls to go for 2 they win. But no one would because that leaves you vulnerabl to TD+1. So the most OT is ever extended is one extra series, no ongoing ties. Once both teams have had a shot to touch the ball, OT proceeds just like it does now.
01-25-2010 , 12:57 AM
Is it sad I know exactly who the girl is that sippin posted? I guess having a long distance relationship can have that effect.
01-25-2010 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by cha59
sofa king rigged
Sorry cha, VF, and the others

Congrats DDD

At least everyone can agree that NFL OT sux.

So, the Favre "silly season" has officially begun. Right?
01-25-2010 , 01:14 AM

01-25-2010 , 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by Bonneville
Sorry cha, VF, and the others

Congrats DDD

At least everyone can agree that NFL OT sux.

So, the Favre "silly season" has officially begun. Right?
I dont even want to think about the off season. I think we should just flat out tell Favre he does not have to go through training camp and end the charade that happened this year. We need him back to contend again, unless somehow some other great QB somehow becomes available. I think Favre might have broken at least one rib today.
01-25-2010 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by sippin_criss
/table selection talk]
I can't find it atm, but wasn't there a script posted by a guy a while back that basically had a program/script that would follow the registrations and un-reg u from a table if too many people on a flagged list regged behind you? I've looked for this post twice now and I can't find it. It would be so nice...

Anyone know where it is? Was it removed?

01-25-2010 , 01:32 AM
I was hoping for Colts vs. Vikings /sigh
Why Favre didn't run it out of bounds so they could kick at the end of regulation is beyond me...

and YES, NFL OT sux.

01-25-2010 , 01:35 AM

That was fun.
01-25-2010 , 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by TheNoodleMan
That was fun.
Do you have superbowl tickets?

I'm thinking about driving to Miami to tailgate/party for the weekend. Anyone live around, or going to be around there that weekend?
01-25-2010 , 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by DirDirDirty
Do you have superbowl tickets?

I'm thinking about driving to Miami to tailgate/party for the weekend. Anyone live around, or going to be around there that weekend?
I was thinking of doing the same. It's going to be a complete cluster**** and I hate crowds so probably won't make it down there.
01-25-2010 , 01:47 AM
season ticket lotto drawing sometime in the next couple days... one time plz.
01-25-2010 , 01:48 AM
Originally Posted by DirDirDirty
Do you have superbowl tickets?

I'm thinking about driving to Miami to tailgate/party for the weekend. Anyone live around, or going to be around there that weekend?
I live in west palm beach, like 90 minutes away. I'm not sure yet what I'm doing for superbowl. I convinced my boss to give me off work because it's also my 22nd birthday on Feb 7th.

Can anyone give me any direction as far as buying a guitar? I want to learn and I'm a complete noob. Just want something to start with, electric or acoustic is fine, prob going to spend ~$100-250.
01-25-2010 , 02:10 AM
On the subject of mysoginism again I just had a blazing row on msn with a 19yr old girl about older guys who like younger girls. Her words were "I'm put off by men that only go for younger guys cos it means they're just pervs". So I goes "well I had all ages from 18 to 40 lol". So she says that puts her off even more!! I question that saying wtf? Makes no sense. "So you don't like guys who go for young uns, but you don't like guys who go for any age who are more centred on who the person is rather than their age?? Just wtf do you like???????????". I then say to her ALL older guys fancy younger girls, they're far sexier than older ones and evolution has them looking more like the future aliens we're turning fkng amazing!! It's perfectly normal and if any guy in his 30s, 40s and prob onwards to the day they die, tells you he ain't attracted to a fit 18yr old then he's lying thru his teeth! From this she then sed I have totally enlightened her about men and she right there and then dumped her 21 yr old bf by text, and he's actually almost her age HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! See what I mean about hypocritical, self contradicting, double standrd women? Man I was crackin up. Wot a fkn brainless bint!!!!!!!! I'm gonna have to be more tactful to get in her knickers tho hmmmmmmm LOL.

sidenote: I just chopped for first time in my life. It was a $10 45 man. Hilarious
01-25-2010 , 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by RagzToRiches
On the subject of mysoginism again I just had a blazing row on msn with a 19yr old girl about older guys who like younger girls. Her words were "I'm put off by men that only go for younger guys cos it means they're just pervs". So I goes "well I had all ages from 18 to 40 lol". So she says that puts her off even more!! I question that saying wtf? Makes no sense. "So you don't like guys who go for young uns, but you don't like guys who go for any age who are more centred on who the person is rather than their age?? Just wtf do you like???????????". I then say to her ALL older guys fancy younger girls, they're far sexier than older ones and evolution has them looking more like the future aliens we're turning fkng amazing!! It's perfectly normal and if any guy in his 30s, 40s and prob onwards to the day they die, tells you he ain't attracted to a fit 18yr old then he's lying thru his teeth! From this she then sed I have totally enlightened her about men and she right there and then dumped her 21 yr old bf by text, and he's actually almost her age HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! See what I mean about hypocritical, self contradicting, double standrd women? Man I was crackin up. Wot a fkn brainless bint!!!!!!!! I'm gonna have to be more tactful to get in her knickers tho hmmmmmmm LOL.

sidenote: I just chopped for first time in my life. It was a $10 45 man. Hilarious
01-25-2010 , 02:34 AM
Originally Posted by RagzToRiches
On the subject of mysoginism again I just had a blazing row on msn with a 19yr old girl about older guys who like younger girls. Her words were "I'm put off by men that only go for younger guys cos it means they're just pervs". So I goes "well I had all ages from 18 to 40 lol". So she says that puts her off even more!! I question that saying wtf? Makes no sense. "So you don't like guys who go for young uns, but you don't like guys who go for any age who are more centred on who the person is rather than their age?? Just wtf do you like???????????". I then say to her ALL older guys fancy younger girls, they're far sexier than older ones and evolution has them looking more like the future aliens we're turning fkng amazing!! It's perfectly normal and if any guy in his 30s, 40s and prob onwards to the day they die, tells you he ain't attracted to a fit 18yr old then he's lying thru his teeth! From this she then sed I have totally enlightened her about men and she right there and then dumped her 21 yr old bf by text, and he's actually almost her age HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! See what I mean about hypocritical, self contradicting, double standrd women? Man I was crackin up. Wot a fkn brainless bint!!!!!!!! I'm gonna have to be more tactful to get in her knickers tho hmmmmmmm LOL.

sidenote: I just chopped for first time in my life. It was a $10 45 man. Hilarious
I understood maybe 40% of that, but yes, women are strange and exotic creatures.
01-25-2010 , 02:59 AM
Okay, here are the cliffs:

Originally Posted by RagzToRiches
On the subject of mysoginism again I just had a blazing row on msn with a 19yr old girl about older guys who like younger girls. Her words were "I'm put off by men that only go for younger guys cos it means they're just pervs". So I goes "well I had all ages from 18 to 40 lol". So she says that puts her off even more!! I question that saying wtf? Makes no sense. "So you don't like guys who go for young uns, but you don't like guys who go for any age who are more centred on who the person is rather than their age?? Just wtf do you like???????????". I then say to her ALL older guys fancy younger girls, they're far sexier than older ones and evolution has them looking more like the future aliens we're turning fkng amazing!! It's perfectly normal and if any guy in his 30s, 40s and prob onwards to the day they die, tells you he ain't attracted to a fit 18yr old then he's lying thru his teeth! From this she then sed I have totally enlightened her about men and she right there and then dumped her 21 yr old bf by text, and he's actually almost her age HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! See what I mean about hypocritical, self contradicting, double standrd women? Man I was crackin up. Wot a fkn brainless bint!!!!!!!! I'm gonna have to be more tactful to get in her knickers tho hmmmmmmm LOL.

sidenote: I just chopped for first time in my life. It was a $10 45 man.
01-25-2010 , 03:00 AM
The problem with NFL overtime is that it's anti-climactic not that it is inequitable.

I really really hope childress and favre get injured in some sort of awful accident (firing/retirement would also be sufficient)

Last edited by Pudge714; 01-25-2010 at 03:00 AM. Reason: joe buck too
01-25-2010 , 03:01 AM
01-25-2010 , 03:02 AM
Originally Posted by RagzToRiches
On the subject of mysoginism again I just had a blazing row on msn with a 19yr old girl about older guys who like younger girls. Her words were "I'm put off by men that only go for younger guys cos it means they're just pervs". So I goes "well I had all ages from 18 to 40 lol". So she says that puts her off even more!! I question that saying wtf? Makes no sense. "So you don't like guys who go for young uns, but you don't like guys who go for any age who are more centred on who the person is rather than their age?? Just wtf do you like???????????". I then say to her ALL older guys fancy younger girls, they're far sexier than older ones and evolution has them looking more like the future aliens we're turning fkng amazing!! It's perfectly normal and if any guy in his 30s, 40s and prob onwards to the day they die, tells you he ain't attracted to a fit 18yr old then he's lying thru his teeth! From this she then sed I have totally enlightened her about men and she right there and then dumped her 21 yr old bf by text, and he's actually almost her age HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! See what I mean about hypocritical, self contradicting, double standrd women? Man I was crackin up. Wot a fkn brainless bint!!!!!!!! I'm gonna have to be more tactful to get in her knickers tho hmmmmmmm LOL.

sidenote: I just chopped for first time in my life. It was a $10 45 man. Hilarious
Well, part of the problem is that she's a girl, but she's also just 19 and her brain isn't fully developed yet. Here's some science:

01-25-2010 , 03:07 AM
WTF are the colors/shapes in that picture supposed to represent?
01-25-2010 , 03:13 AM
I'm no anatomist, but I think the green is the Medulla, yellow I think Cerebellum, purple maybe limbic system, dark blue is the smart part - I don't know about the light blue.
01-25-2010 , 03:16 AM
mmm that's some good science
