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***OFFICIAL Stars 2014 MTT Discussion Thread*** ***OFFICIAL Stars 2014 MTT Discussion Thread***

10-17-2014 , 04:33 PM
When is the daylight saving happening?
10-17-2014 , 05:44 PM
Nov 2nd in the USA
10-17-2014 , 10:17 PM
Are there going to be sats to the Hot 1.10?
10-17-2014 , 10:50 PM
okii smth prolly almost nobody cares, but 88 4 max turbo has some trouble with the btn. a couple of times the btn was last to act and in position(while 2 or 3 players in the table). weird. only mtt in which that happens, take a look please.
10-18-2014 , 06:53 AM
[QUOTE=mashxx;44955508]These guarantees on the new bigs are LOL./QUOTE]

Originally Posted by straykatbluz
Gtds very lol. Understandable from your side of things but come onnnnn
Originally Posted by buffyslayer1
Really 5k gtd on the new bigs wtf
Originally Posted by fivetypes
So the Big 75 has the same gtee as the regular 75fo. Even for Stars seems a bit conservative. Hopefully they get a good turnout though and get raised sooner rather than later. Both should be pretty popular.
Originally Posted by Danshiel350
Yeah, GTD's definitely getting increased after 1 week max.
Originally Posted by DBerglin
Great to see the big 75 and big 44 finally coming, but the gtd's are just LOL. Big 33 gets 30k+ everyday so there is no reason to start with less than 40k gtd in these two.
Originally Posted by GOHAN
decent joke about these prizepools @ new big's
If the participation levels are as expected, no doubt the guarantees will go up in the future, each to a level which is sustainable relative to the natural amount of participation in the given tournament.

As for the comment about the Big $75 being the Big $82 instead, I thought of this a bit late in the game, myself, as did one of my colleagues. It's possible that this could change in the future... perhaps while also changing the Big $27.50 to the Big $27. Not planned to definitely happen, but possible.

In any case, I hope that people enjoy the new tournaments!
10-18-2014 , 06:58 AM
Originally Posted by broken_jia
Bryan, one of the takeaway from the player meetings from a few months ago was increasing the # of NLO8 MTTs through converting existing PLO8s and new additions.

Is this rollout complete? There are some tweaks that I believe would optimize the O8 schedule. There were too many non-guarantee MTTs that needs to be given a small guarantee for them to take off. (This is very different from adjusting the guarantee to unsustainable amounts.)
We converted quite a few tournaments to NLO8, as you mention. Please feel free to mention others you think might benefit from changes. As ever, I can't guarantee that we'll make requested changes, but I'm always happy to take a look.
10-18-2014 , 07:22 AM
Please do change to change to 27 and 82

Also, just noticed those 6max PSKO's are finally in the lobby.

Verrrrry happy with the later turbo time. Suits me very well (UK location, with a job).

Any other additions I have missed?
10-18-2014 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by BryanS-PS
We converted quite a few tournaments to NLO8, as you mention. Please feel free to mention others you think might benefit from changes. As ever, I can't guarantee that we'll make requested changes, but I'm always happy to take a look.
The main issues are not regarding the conversions, but the $0 guarantees and short late registration times. Here are some comments (all times EST):

0:05/0:35/5:05 - $51 NLO8 hypers [$1k guarantee]
  • Update structure in these to match $7.50 hyper turbo at 23:05. Jumps in these are incredibly fast and a tournament lasts no more than 45 mins.
  • Move one of 0:05/0:35 to 12:05 to have better spacing between the two tournament. Europeans, your largest market currently cannot play the 0:05 and 0:35 right now.
5:35 - $5.50 NLO8 [no guarantee]
  • Add guarantee ($200?)
  • Increase late reg from 10 mins to 60 mins
5:35 - $4.40 NLO8 [no guarantee]
  • Add guarantee ($200?)
  • Increase late reg from 10 mins to 60 mins
6:05 - $2.20 NLO8 [no guarantee]
  • Add guarantee ($200?)
  • Increase late reg from 10 mins to 60 mins
  • Change format (KO/PKO/SKO/6-max/turbo) so that it is different from
7:05 - $13.50 PLO8 KO [$1k guarantee]
  • Time to change this to a PKO?
9:05 - $27.50 NLO8 [no guarantee]
  • Add guarantee ($500?)
  • Increase late reg from 10 mins to 60 mins
  • Make format 6-max and/or KO
10:35 - $22 NLO8 [no guarantee]
  • Move start time to 11:05 or 11:35 to create better spacing between 9:05 $27.50 above and $8.80 Omania.
  • Add guarantee ($750?)
  • Increase late reg from 10 mins to 60 mins
**You could also try making this a Deep format and have this start the grind for Euro players who start a session around the $8.80 Omania.

16:05 - $2.20 NLO8 turbo [no guarantee]
  • Increase buyin to $22 (there is zero $10-$30 NLO8/PLO8 MTTs right now between 15:35 and 17:35 right now).
  • Add $500 guarantee
  • Change late reg from 10 mins to 60 mins
19:05 - $33 NLO8 [$500 guarantee]
  • Change format to 6-max and/or KO. There little differentiation between this tournament and the $27 Omania right now.
20:05 - $5.50 NLO8 rebuy with $25 addon [no guarantee]
  • This tournament surprisingly does well despite the zero guarantee. Gets $700-$900 fairly regularly. Time to add a $500 guarantee?

Part 2: Additional Hyper MTTs needed in schedule
Presently only five hyper MTTs:
  1. 0:05 - $51 hyper [$1k guarantee]
  2. 0:35 - $51 hyper [$1k guarantee]
  3. 5:35 - $51 hyper [$1k guarantee]
  4. 15:35 - $25 NLO8 [$2k guarantee]
  5. 22:05 - $7.70 NLO8 [$400 guarantee]
  • NLO8 6-max SNG hypers have been incredibly popular since their introduction, I don't see why there aren't any MTT versions every two hours (or even every hour).
  • $5.10/$10.20 placed throughout the day would be a hit and isn't enough volume to impact volume on the SNGs.
  • Please use the structure from the 22:05 $7.70 NLO8 and not the $25, as that's too fast as well.
10-18-2014 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by BryanS-PS
In any case, I hope that people enjoy the new tournaments!
cant find the new tournaments?

maybe a "new" label should be added so its easy for people to search them and addt them to their favorites?

not seeing new offerings is the most -ev thing about the favorites tab in 7
10-18-2014 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by broken_jia
Part 2: Additional Hyper MTTs needed in schedule
Presently only five hyper MTTs:
  1. 0:05 - $51 hyper [$1k guarantee]
  2. 0:35 - $51 hyper [$1k guarantee]
  3. 5:35 - $51 hyper [$1k guarantee]
  4. 15:35 - $25 NLO8 [$2k guarantee]
  5. 22:05 - $7.70 NLO8 [$400 guarantee]
  • NLO8 6-max SNG hypers have been incredibly popular since their introduction, I don't see why there aren't any MTT versions every two hours (or even every hour).
  • $5.10/$10.20 placed throughout the day would be a hit and isn't enough volume to impact volume on the SNGs.
  • Please use the structure from the 22:05 $7.70 NLO8 and not the $25, as that's too fast as well.
+1 to all but the last sentence (bolded)

6m makes the 25 structure good/apropriate, if it were applied to fullring yes it would be a bit fast, but fullring just seems far and away worse than shorthanded for hypers in general imo
10-18-2014 , 06:30 PM
Agree. Turn any and all
Fullring hypers into 6max and they will become grind able MTTs. Absolutely hate the 51$ fr hyper at around 11pm
10-19-2014 , 12:30 PM
and fwiw

i think theres something about the approx $55 bi level where bounties become really tantalizing, who gives a **** about a 12.50 bounty(where you only get $6 to) but for whatever reason a $25 bounty(where you only get 12.5) is v appealing

point is a trailing edn peak time $55progsko, is a v v good idea, hang 75k on that bitch and itll always hit it
10-19-2014 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by BryanS-PS
If the participation levels are as expected, no doubt the guarantees will go up in the future, each to a level which is sustainable relative to the natural amount of participation in the given tournament.
but you somehow could make the sunday $82 nlo8 30k right off the bat? not sure why it's so inconsistent, hopefully it doesn't take you 3 months to adjust
10-19-2014 , 04:48 PM
Bigger $55 is in the lobby for next week and people have registered.

According to this the Red Spade replaces the it next week?

So is this an oversight or what?
10-19-2014 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by 22riverrat22
cant find the new tournaments?

maybe a "new" label should be added so its easy for people to search them and addt them to their favorites?
A "NEW" label would be awesome.
10-20-2014 , 02:48 AM
Good that theres another Big for the pacific rim timezone ($44) though I still think a $55 Pacific Rim Nightly Red tourney is needed 1 hour before the big 33 with a 20-25k guarantee to fill out the schedule
10-20-2014 , 03:09 AM
Needs to be earlier than that please.
10-20-2014 , 04:01 AM
Yea, a pacific rim nightly 55 somewhere between the big 16.5 and the big 33 would be perfect. There is only one 109fo going on for midstakes there.
10-20-2014 , 04:32 AM
Originally Posted by Rowniwn
Yea, a pacific rim nightly 55 somewhere between the big 16.5 and the big 33 would be perfect. There is only one 109fo going on for midstakes there.
This. Would snap click it every day.
10-20-2014 , 05:07 AM
$55 $5k even if it isn't a red at 4:30 ET would be superb.
10-20-2014 , 10:29 AM
I thought the big 75 would replace the other $75? Now they are running simultaneously.
10-20-2014 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by rsfb
I thought the big 75 would replace the other $75? Now they are running simultaneously.
Would assume that was an error and it will be corrected sometime in the next cpl days, hopefully by tomorrow.

Also, I don't rlly mtt grind, but I think that Big $44 should be a bit earlier. There's only 1 reg speed mtt $44+ bi in between the start of the late 55^3 (21:15 PST) and the early $109 fo (06:00 PST), that being the super early $109 fo (02:30 PST).

Once 04:00 PST comes around, which is when the big 44 is starts now, have tons of stuff coming up in the midstake range; 30^3, 11r, 11r AH, 55 fo, 109 fo, big 75, 265 ko, 55 fo, 54 ko all in the next 4 hours compared to there being just about nothing in the $40-109 reg speed range earlier
10-20-2014 , 12:28 PM
75 made 33k and 44 over 20, on a Monday. In before new gtd's 6.5k.
10-20-2014 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
Also, I don't rlly mtt grind, but I think that Big $44 should be a bit earlier.
Lol stfu pls.

We've been asking for a b44 and b75 at these exact times for ages (THANKYOU STARS (L)), so pls dont change them theyre perfect how they are. Not everyone who plays a b44 plays 109fos etc so no there are not a lot of tourneys to play at these times. YES it is a huge improvement to have the b44 at this exact time. (not saying there isnt room for an extra 55fo before b33 tho)
10-20-2014 , 01:54 PM
Seems aggressive
