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***OFFICIAL Stars 2014 MTT Discussion Thread*** ***OFFICIAL Stars 2014 MTT Discussion Thread***

08-04-2014 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by TooRareToDie
It's Omaha Week on

There will be a 82$ PLO 6max PSKO, and a 82$ NLO8 6max PSKO on this Sunday, and double guarantees on Saturday's Omanias. (Not yet in the client, but announced on their website)
Please keep the 82$'s in the schedule, and don't just offer them this week

Though, it is quite strange to see just one day of PLO Hi, and then 5 days of Hi/Lo variants being promoted. PLO Hi MTT's are way more popular nowadays, and there is neither a day with Courchevel Hi, nor a day of No-Limit Omaha Hi the whole week.
honestly I'd like to see it moved up an hour and yes, please keep the $82 6max progressive as a DAILY mtt.

Sunday should have a $215 6max PSKO PLO with a 50k gtd (prob should be higher but w/e). As someone who grinds primarily nlhe mtts aside from the 530 6m plo and the Saturday stuff and the random omania, I would def like to see some more 6max pLo mtts added to the schedule.

Doesn't necessarily need to be the biggest buyin (I really like this $82) but, Sundays should definitely have a bigger buyin one.
08-04-2014 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by BryanS-PS
I expect that we'll add a couple of big weekend tournaments by mid-August (that's the plan at this point). There are other changes and additions on the slate which should be able to take place more quickly than that. I'm sure it's a little frustrating to know that information is there but not available at the moment, and I can only apologize for that.
Maybe these 2 PLO mtts are what Bryan is talking about
08-05-2014 , 06:51 AM
Omaha week. 1.50 sitngoes and 1 day of double gtds is this supposed to be a joke? Wow you put in 2 weekly $80. How about actually having a decent omaha week(trying some new daily tournaments actually worth going in, actually putting some kind of effort into it, because it looks like a 3 year old has come up with this) Maybe some advertisement leading up to it?(that's if there were anything to advertise) And you have it when all the gtds are still down on the site, the gtds that were promised to go back up 3 weeks ago. Just like changing the pl h/l to no limit whilst the gtds were down( as if you are going to get an accurate assumption on whether it works or not) and will also probably take you 6 months to change back to pl, the tournaments you ruined.(but hey at least you did something, just doesn't look like you have thought about for more than 5 seconds.) Omaha week massive fail. Some thought into a new daily plo and H/L schedule would be great(22rebuy H/L, 751r1a plo 109 or 82 in both formats) the only way to fix it is to make the daily tournaments bigger. I play hi lo, hi and nlhe and we need the nlhe players to get behind the omahas and after that the other formats even if you don't play them, big prize pools in as many formats of the game are what is going to keep poker interesting and alive.
08-05-2014 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by unite4fun
Omaha week. 1.50 sitngoes and 1 day of double gtds is this supposed to be a joke? Wow you put in 2 weekly $80. How about actually having a decent omaha week(trying some new daily tournaments actually worth going in, actually putting some kind of effort into it, because it looks like a 3 year old has come up with this) Maybe some advertisement leading up to it?(that's if there were anything to advertise) And you have it when all the gtds are still down on the site, the gtds that were promised to go back up 3 weeks ago. Just like changing the pl h/l to no limit whilst the gtds were down( as if you are going to get an accurate assumption on whether it works or not) and will also probably take you 6 months to change back to pl, the tournaments you ruined.(but hey at least you did something, just doesn't look like you have thought about for more than 5 seconds.) Omaha week massive fail. Some thought into a new daily plo and H/L schedule would be great(22rebuy H/L, 751r1a plo 109 or 82 in both formats) the only way to fix it is to make the daily tournaments bigger. I play hi lo, hi and nlhe and we need the nlhe players to get behind the omahas and after that the other formats even if you don't play them, big prize pools in as many formats of the game are what is going to keep poker interesting and alive.

Omaha week has been an embarassment.. i mean, did you guys really think people wanna play 100s of $1.50 tournaments that pay out 200 dollars to the winnner? Some bigger omaha tournaments daily (not just during omaha week) and we will all stop crying..

if you decide to finally put the guarantees up, that would be awesome.. or perhaps let us know when this will occur? it would be much appreciated..
08-05-2014 , 06:18 PM
More NLHE MTTs between Big 16.5 and Hot 33 please... Its been asked 132342 times already. Just start by adding 20-50 freezouts and see how the entire schedule will flourish. Currently people have little incentive to play MTTs during European day due to the absence of enough decent games - please change that as soon as possible.
08-05-2014 , 07:03 PM
I agree with above but would extend that period to even earlier than that by a few hours.

I understand the reasoning is traffic is lower at this time so more tournaments will spread the player pool even thinner and it becomes sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy because there are not that many tournaments to play people that want to multi-table are less inclined to play during this period.

So perhaps adding better tournaments can grow the player pool here.

This is late afternoon for Asia/NZ/Australia after all and capturing the after work crowd in these markets may well prove lucrative.
08-05-2014 , 09:02 PM
Please make a 1r 3x turbo between big 16.50 and big 33. Maybe an 3.30r action hour would be cool too.

Last edited by LoveFish2013; 08-05-2014 at 09:09 PM.
08-06-2014 , 12:36 AM
Just add more decent freezeouts. and that 82 should be a plo 6m ,not h/l ffs.
08-06-2014 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by Transcendence

Omaha week has been an embarassment.. i mean, did you guys really think people wanna play 100s of $1.50 tournaments that pay out 200 dollars to the winnner?
+1 Seriously why $1.50 for all the tournaments? Why not buy ins from $1 to $109 just like full tilt has?
08-06-2014 , 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by TooRareToDie
It's Omaha Week on

There will be a 82$ PLO 6max PSKO, and a 82$ NLO8 6max PSKO on this Sunday, and double guarantees on Saturday's Omanias. (Not yet in the client, but announced on their website)
Please keep the 82$'s in the schedule, and don't just offer them this week

Though, it is quite strange to see just one day of PLO Hi, and then 5 days of Hi/Lo variants being promoted. PLO Hi MTT's are way more popular nowadays, and there is neither a day with Courchevel Hi, nor a day of No-Limit Omaha Hi the whole week.
+1 Even the buyinn is to low compared to what the community wanted.

Petition: Pokerstars PLO Sunday MTT

Bryan I was told a regular Sunday PLO mtt would be launched in Omaha week.

A) Is this 82$ PLO tournament gonna be regular every Sunday?
B) Have you absolutely decided on the buyinn or is this some kinda lower buyinn because its PLO week and it caters to new players to the game?

Not sure if you read the PLO forum Bryan but we have been told to go here for PLO MTT request.

This is post I think have some merits:

Originally Posted by _MicahJ_
So after the WCOOP PLO crushes the 300k guarantee (650k), stars runs a SPECIAL OMAHA WEEK highlighted with an $82 20k guarantee? HUH?
08-06-2014 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
to be fair the Commonwealth Games squash finals and the England-India test match have had a devastating effect on player numbers
Loled irl
08-06-2014 , 11:29 AM
Haven't heard from Bryan for a while, I hope hes doing okay
08-06-2014 , 12:59 PM
is seriously no one interested in a 2.10 hyper turbo NLHE??

or something similar.. just a microstakes version of the 5.1 hyper (obv also micro, but real microstakes grinders usually cant play the 5.1 if they wanna apply proper BRM)

Im aware of the 1$/180 hyper... but yeah.. its not the same
08-06-2014 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by aicrag99
is seriously no one interested in a 2.10 hyper turbo NLHE??

or something similar.. just a microstakes version of the 5.1 hyper (obv also micro, but real microstakes grinders usually cant play the 5.1 if they wanna apply proper BRM)

Im aware of the 1$/180 hyper... but yeah.. its not the same
Im in, but then make it 2.05 with 5cent rake.
08-06-2014 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by LoveFish2013
Im in, but then make it 2.05 with 5cent rake.
yeah i thought about that.. imo they could also make it a 2.55 or whatever..

but tbh i would play a 2.10 version 100% of the time even if its basically too much rake..

a $2 hyper would be nice for all microstakes grinders and for TLB grinders..

Edit: As has already been mentioned itt.. a $2 or $3 action hour would be reaally nice too!

Last edited by aicrag99; 08-06-2014 at 02:31 PM.
08-06-2014 , 07:20 PM
couple more 55-162 freezeouts throughout the day wouldn't be the worst either.
08-06-2014 , 08:53 PM
The $82 6max PLO tournaments are indeed permanent fixtures on the Sunday Majors schedule. If attendance is consistently strong the guarantees will be adjusted appropriately.
08-06-2014 , 09:15 PM
^^RAWR ! ! !

First in epic thread!

Structure looks great. 10 min blinds like the 33$ Omania only, but after 4 hours, it's just 1200/2400 blinds in the 82$'s, instead of 2.5K/5K in the 33$ Omania. Many extra levels build in, while both will likely have roughly the same fieldsize on average (about 350+).

Last edited by TooRareToDie; 08-06-2014 at 09:30 PM.
08-06-2014 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Steve
The $82 6max PLO tournaments are indeed permanent fixtures on the Sunday Majors schedule. If attendance is consistently strong the guarantees will be adjusted appropriately.
Decent reply to about 20 pages of questions. An answer that should be easily accessible on your website anyway.

Cant believe that the 82s are your answer to the big plo and 8 or better sunday game people want. These should be daily games along with another 10 or so daily plo and 8/orbetter additions.

But judging by omaha weeks poor effort, it is clear not a whole lot is going on behind the scenes and no one really cares at pokerstars about keeping the money they are getting in there pocket because soon enough people will have had enough and stop playing.

I am a reg and play omaha hi, 8 or better and holdem and have done so for a few years now. And i am starting to not play omaha or 8 or better as they are drying up and there is starting to be no point. And the reason they are drying up is because stars have done absolutely nothing since the introduction of omania(with the biggest buy in being $30, which is laughable) Some how since then you have not added one daily not even a 55, like really??? What goes through your heads as a business? That you are swimming in money and you think that its just going to keep coming with minimal effort.
08-06-2014 , 09:55 PM
Hi Bryan,

thanks for those 82$'s. Now I can play twice my avg buy-in on Sundays, as every NLHE player can, and as it is supposed to be like

Daily 55$ PLO Hi Omania Re-Entry, and a 11$+R NLO8 Omania at prime-time, and we'd be satisfied for ~3 months now, I guess (except NLHE guys)

Last edited by TooRareToDie; 08-06-2014 at 10:07 PM.
08-06-2014 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by unite4fun
Decent reply to about 20 pages of questions. An answer that should be easily accessible on your website anyway.

Cant believe that the 82s are your answer to the big plo and 8 or better sunday game people want. These should be daily games along with another 10 or so daily plo and 8/orbetter additions.

But judging by omaha weeks poor effort, it is clear not a whole lot is going on behind the scenes and no one really cares at pokerstars about keeping the money they are getting in there pocket because soon enough people will have had enough and stop playing.

I am a reg and play omaha hi, 8 or better and holdem and have done so for a few years now. And i am starting to not play omaha or 8 or better as they are drying up and there is starting to be no point. And the reason they are drying up is because stars have done absolutely nothing since the introduction of omania(with the biggest buy in being $30, which is laughable) Some how since then you have not added one daily not even a 55, like really??? What goes through your heads as a business? That you are swimming in money and you think that its just going to keep coming with minimal effort.
Originally Posted by TooRareToDie
Hi Bryan,

thanks for those 82$'s. Now I can play twice my avg buy-in on Sundays, as every NLHE player can, and as it is supposed to be like

Daily 55$ PLO Hi Omania Re-Entry, and a 11$+R NLO8 Omania at prime-time, and we'd be satisfied for ~3 months now, I guess (except NLHE guys)

I feel somewhere in the middle of those 2 guys
08-07-2014 , 03:32 AM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Steve
If attendance is consistently strong the guarantees will be adjusted appropriately.
hehehe, nice one
08-07-2014 , 08:10 AM
I was just wondering whats the reason that like 7/10 players who has regged to Wcoop Main are from Greece? And other Wcoops as well....
08-07-2014 , 08:18 AM
They avoid taxes this way.
Search the forum. People make threads about this extremely important subject every other day.
08-07-2014 , 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by ratslla
They avoid taxes this way.
Search the forum. People make threads about this extremely important subject every other day.
Oh,i see. That is pretty sick....
