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***OFFICIAL Stars 2014 MTT Discussion Thread*** ***OFFICIAL Stars 2014 MTT Discussion Thread***

12-05-2014 , 04:33 PM
+1 to what jdawg said, and put a daily 109 deepstack in that timeslot too.
12-05-2014 , 04:33 PM
Rebuys will be ditched from my schedule in the new year.
12-05-2014 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by gollyheck
Meh kinda seemed like he just wants them to die for everyone. I can see why you guys wouldn't want to play them but leave them for us (and the UK fish that don't realise about the extra rake)
I hope they die because stars is charging an exorbitant amount extra to the countries (raked rebuys) where the extra tax is being introduced

Originally Posted by Richas
It is still awful and totally unjustified, even DNeg is not defending it!

The extra tax is 15% less the VIP so 10c in the dollar of the rake. They will be charging us 10x the whole tax bill for every extra rebuy/add on and by doing so increasing the tax bill by another 10c on the dollar. OK this gives us about a third back in VIP stuff but even post VIP it is 7x their tax bill.

This is not the same as for France where the tax is on the prize pool.

It is a disgusting indefensible rip off, it is not tweaking up the rake to be about the same as others it is using tax and monopoly to abuse consumers.

The more I think about it the more convinced I am that if Stars do not drop this I will end up submitting to the competition authorities a paper on how this is an abuse of the consumer, blaming tax but exploiting monopoly power.

Please Stars, save me the grief, it will take me hours and hours but if and when the CMA come asking you questions it will cost you a lot more time and money, just drop it.

NB - any other UK facing sites, don't copy this money grab, adding you to a cartel paper would take more time but I'll do it, unfortunately you jumping on the UK player money grab would however weaken the case a bit - by making it more complex.

It is totally unjustified
Basically just massively screwing a whole bunch of people, not just UK, Germany, Denmark and others IIRC because they can, and passing it off as some justifiable charge. Which it appears it is not.

So yeh I hope they all die a death and Stars reconsiders charging players a reasonable amount rather than taking the opportunity to grab a load of cash.
12-05-2014 , 04:47 PM
12-05-2014 , 05:27 PM
Big215 would indeed be awesome.

However I think the best timeslot would be at the time big11 starts.
Dont think they would harm each others traffic either.

I guess most mid/hs regs start around 109$+ and reg regular speeds until big162 (+ maybe an hour). If you look at the interesting tourneys in that time window there is a real gap at 11:00 I would say. Ok there is the 109$ 2xt but whatever.

Hot 215 and maybe even 162 would be great as well. I would like to see them running around the time hot11/16 start. Or at 12:30.
12-05-2014 , 06:56 PM
Lot of players still regging Big 109 when Big 11 starts. Best timeslot is 1-2 hours after big 162.

Or move Big 75 back 30 minutes and place it same time big 8.8 starts.
12-05-2014 , 07:15 PM
I very rarely post here but felt compelled to after a combination of struggling to find the motivation to grind online lately and reading Jdawgs great post. A big 215 at 12.00ET would encourage people to register earlier in the day and play other tournaments in that time slot such as the 109r. It would also stop me (and I'm sure others) from waiting to play untill 15.00ET in order to late register tournaments such as the b109 (because at the moment if you bust the 265ko and b75 early the rest of the schedule is very uninspiring).

A Hot 215 to replace the late 215 turbo would also have a similarly positive impact on tourneys such as the 100 and 30 quads, the 50c and the 109 6 max with them all receiving a significant increase in participants as a result.

At the moment the daily schedule is way too turbo based and it's ridiculous that the biggest daily freezeout is a 162 when you see the the regular success of the Super Tuesday and even more so the size of the 1k Thrill in its first week on a Thursday!
12-05-2014 , 08:01 PM
Moorman speaks!! Make it happen and its soooooooo true...
12-05-2014 , 08:11 PM
There is a lot of great suggestions here adding a Big 215, which made me want to finally present my own idea of European Nightlies.

We regs always want to jam new stuff into the schedule, but for that to happen it has to be good for us and for Pokerstars. Taking a look at the schedule these days there is one obvious hole in the schedule that is hurting everyone.

European players generally stop registering during the Big 162. There isn't a lot of good tournaments later on. Nothing inspiring them to keep going.

American players generally start registering sometime around the Big 27.5. There is very little to entice them to start early.

We can fix that.

The European Nightlies

17:00 $2.20
17:15 $215
17:30 $27

Something for everyone.

Take a look how this would slide right into the schedule. It gives players on both sides of the ocean a reason to stay playing on Pokerstars longer than they normally would. Players in the Americas can hop on and late reg, and players in Europe might register a bit longer. It really helps revive a dead period of our playing schedule.

Time (ET)	
13:00	Big 109
14:00	Big 11
14:30	Hot 75
15:00	Big 55
15:30	Hot 55
16:00	Big 162
16:45	Hot 0.55
17:00	Euro Nightly 2.20
17:15	Euro Nightly 215
17:30	Euro Nightly 27
17:30	Hot 7.50
18:00	Big 4.4
20:00	Big 27.5
21:00	Americas Nightly 162
21:30	Americas Nightly 55
12-05-2014 , 08:17 PM
i like the suggestions made i dont start until big 109 time because theres only a few mtts worth grinding if u bust the big 75 early something inbetween there and b 109

and if were going to get ass raped by rebuy rake at least put a big rebuy guara on the $11r $70k at 2100 gmt used to be the greatest MTT alive with 5 figs ftw daily, now its $25k guara and 888 11r gets more uptop, i think if u had a daily 50k guara reebuy ($11 -$33) even do 1.30mins of rebuys sometime inbetween big $22 and big $55 it would be epic for all buy in grinders
12-05-2014 , 08:26 PM
bryan or 2p2 er should make a poll of a selection of the afformentioned mtts and see which is most popular a red rebuy daily would be dream make it happen give the people what they want
12-05-2014 , 08:33 PM
A few quick notes...

1. We won't be expanding the Bigs or Hots again this calendar year. We may modify or expand them in the future (that's never really off of the table) but there are no plans to do so at this time.

2. Three Hyper-Turbos have had their structures adjusted (slowed down to be in-line with the rest, basically): 00:05 ET NLO8, 01:05 ET NLO, 15:35 ET NLO8. These changes go into effect on December 8th (Monday).

3. I had a look at the Sunday Kickoff structure as requested. While the structure appears at first glance to be faster than the Bigger $109 (for example) when looking at a level-to-level comparison, when factoring in the starting stacks (3,000 in the Bigger $109, 5,000 in the Sunday Kickoff) and the level times (12 minutes in the Bigger $109, 15 minutes in the Sunday Kickoff), an analysis reveals that the Sunday Kickoff is actually deeper (significantly so) than the Bigger $109.

For example, assuming one hand played per minute (you can use whatever figure you want, as long as you assume the same pace of play for both structures, the comparison holds), in the Sunday Kickoff the following number of starting stacks are forced into play in the first five hours (of game play, not clock time): 0.075, 0.475, 1.715, 5.395, 14.595. The same values for the Bigger $109 are: 0.153, 0.907, 3.273, 9.213, 21.580. The Kickoff stays deeper than the Bigger $109 throughout both tournaments. If each tournament ran for 10 hours of play (to level 40 in the Kickoff, to Level 60 in the Bigger $109), they'd begin to converge in terms of total number of stacks forced into play, but neither tournament lasts that long.

As for comparisons to the new Thursday Thrill, the Thrill is akin to the Super Tuesday, and is in fact much deeper than the Kickoff by design, just as the Super Tuesday is deeper by design.
12-05-2014 , 08:37 PM
The problem with the kickoff is that those middling levels are so absurdly fast/missing so many lvls that the avg stack goes from quite deep to quite shallow really fast; I think adding T500 and cutting some level somewhere (maybe 10/20) would be a great solution, even though I'm sure it won't happen
12-05-2014 , 08:38 PM
hat about all the other normal 109 freezeouts that suffer this no 500bb
12-05-2014 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by 1moortime
At the moment the daily schedule is way too turbo based and it's ridiculous that the biggest daily freezeout is a 162 when you see the the regular success of the Super Tuesday and even more so the size of the 1k Thrill in its first week on a Thursday!
The biggest buy-in daily freeze-out at the moment is the $320 6-Max ($15K Gtd) which runs every day at 13:30 ET. There's also a $265 Knockout ($20K Gtd) which runs every day at 10:15 ET. There are also some $215s which run daily ($24K Gtd at 14:45 ET, $20K at 18:30 ET, and $15K at 22:00 ET), though those are Turbos.
12-05-2014 , 08:46 PM
Any reason as to not try out a 215 freezeout even if it isn't a labelled one? put $0 guarentee on it for a week and then add one based on demand.

the timeslots discussed in the last few pages are still the places of interest to put it.
12-05-2014 , 08:51 PM
Before u named the big 75 "big 75" it just was just **** tourney, with a bunch of regs in it, its now a good tournament... Listen to the people that play everyday and things will only get bigger and better.

You want your site to fall behind go ahead and do not make changes, Pokerstars will fall to 2nd. In fact the Players have the power to make this happen, Esp the regs.
12-05-2014 , 08:57 PM
Truth to what rounder says, the big 75 is a fantastic tournament now that used to just be a ridiculous bowlcomp.

I used to play solely stars and now probably 1/4th of my mtt volume is on other sites, and on MTT only days its definitely like 50% on other sites. I have SNE rb too, so less incentive for me to play other sites, but with all the ridiculous changes this yr I stopped a million vpps short of what I would have gotten otherwise (2mil instead of 3mil) and next yr I will be doing the bare min and stopping at 1mil...this trend will continue and I'm sure a lot of other regs will be doing similar to me in 2015
12-05-2014 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by rounder63
Before u named the big 75 "big 75" it just was just **** tourney, with a bunch of regs in it, its now a good tournament... Listen to the people that play everyday and things will only get bigger and better.

You want your site to fall behind go ahead and do not make changes, Pokerstars will fall to 2nd. In fact the Players have the power to make this happen, Esp the regs.
lol sure.

Just one problem: No other site really cares about poker that much, just stars
12-05-2014 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
Big $215 could potentially go 1 hour after the Hot 33 starts and then the $215 turbo that runs with the Hot 44 could be the Hot $215 (or push it back 30 or 60 mins if you don't want 2 hots starting at same time). I only suggest this as there really isn't much early in the the top of my head, stuff that I potentially play on days I fire MTTs starting with Big 75 until Big 109 starts (3 hour window)

Big 75 (7:00 pst)
265 KO (7:15)
55 fo (7:30)
Hot 33 (7:30)
55 KO (8:00)
33^3 (8:30)
109rebuy (9:00)
Big 22 (9:00)
55 tko (9:45)
Big 109 (10:00)

That's not a whole lot of MTTs for a 3 hour period of time. I feel that the 8:30 PST timeslot could be good as well as a lot of hsmtters start their day with/around the 109rebuy, and this could potentially help grow the 265 KO larger as guys might start with late reg 265ko when the Big $215 starts and then jump in the 109r on time.

Then on flipside, later in the day mid-hs events that sometimes get cancelled like the 55^3, 109^4 might start never not running (and might get bigger) because there'd be a huge $215 turbo a few hours later which would keep ppl loading. I'd say that the Hot $215 should start 1 hour after the Hot $44, seems a good timeslot for it.

I find it weird that there is no Big $215 since most of the weekend 'special' events are $215 buyins and events such as the $1050 ST are literally bigger than they have ever been before, so there is clearly a demand for high stake fo's. On top of that, lolol_Party and lolol_Merge both run successful $200 fo's every day, don't see why PS doesn't have one as well.

Agree wholeheartedly with this. Im another who starts 1pm EST with big 109/late reg 100r who would love to start early with the 265ko but doesnt because if u bust this you're left playing ****ty 30 cubes or 50 freezes. Big 215 in this time slot would be enough for me to start earlier every day and im sure it would be the same for others.
12-05-2014 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
The problem with the kickoff is that those middling levels are so absurdly fast/missing so many lvls that the avg stack goes from quite deep to quite shallow really fast; I think adding T500 and cutting some level somewhere (maybe 10/20) would be a great solution, even though I'm sure it won't happen
I've been spending some time looking at recent Sunday Kickoffs and the average stack throughout them (via looking at the busting histories, the total numbers of players remaining at given times, etc). I will point out that it's intrinsic to tournament poker (as I'm sure you know) that there are always going to be choke points in the structure, times when the average stack dips precipitously for various reasons; one of these times is when the bubble bursts and players get much looser with the pressure of cashing gone, releasing their inhibitions; the bustouts come fast and furious for a little while, for no other apparent reason. We try to smooth these out, of course... and have done so in many ways over the years. Those who have been playing with us since the mid-2000s can probably remember the old 24-level structure that used to be common and the massive choke points that used to exist in it. (They may also remember the resistance to the smooth structures when they were first introduced, the ones which are now "old", the 50-level and 56-level ones which have largely been overtaken by the 66-level, 74-level, and 80-level structures found in tournaments like the Bigs, Hots, etc.)

I can tell you that in the analysis so far, aside from that bubble period, at no point in the most recent Kickoff in the time period from three hours in until the end of the tournament did the average stack as measured in BB dip below 20. Measured in 10-minute increments, the average of the averages was 23.27 in Hour 3, 22.15 in Hour 4, 23.09 in Hour 5, 27.85 in Hour 6, 25.69 in Hour 7, and then the Final Table was reached in Hour 8 (the averages jump all over the place at the Final Table, for obvious reasons). Having said that, one of the biggest dips in average stack as measured in BB is in the transition from Level 11 (200/400) to Level 12 (300/600), and perhaps we should address that, though I'm not promising anything.

All of this is a long-winded way of saying don't be sure of anything, particularly don't be sure that we're not open to change, because if we weren't, I wouldn't be taking this deep of a look at the structure to see if there are weaknesses we need to address (especially not at 8:30pm on a Friday night while my fiancee is sitting on the couch wondering when I'll get up from my work computer ). I'll be discussing this analysis in much greater detail with others who work on tournaments at PokerStars, and we'll see if any changes are made to the Kickoff's structure. Genuinely, thank you very much for the feedback here and for bringing this to my attention. I'm not promising any changes right now, but we'll definitely be discussing this structure, and that's thanks to feedback and discussion on this forum... which is of course why I'm here reading and posting in the first place... so again, thank you.

Last edited by BryanS-PS; 12-05-2014 at 09:42 PM.
12-05-2014 , 09:53 PM
Awesome, thanks much for the post back and for taking a look at the structure. We, specifically rounder63 and I, who have been more vocal than anyone about T500 itt than anyone, really would just like to see T500 added; I think it's a necessary level and I feel I actually really notice the T400-T600 jump in that tournament each week which seems absurd with the table count I play

But yea, thanks again for taking a look, it's much appreciated, I'll just keep hoping that T500 is added

And again, sorry for being over-melodramatic in my posts yday
12-05-2014 , 10:11 PM
hey bryan,

would you please consider adding a few more levels into following tournaments:

17:30 CET 8.80 NLHE 1R1A 10k gtd
20:15 CET 22 NLHE 1R1A 15k gtd
22:00 CET 11+R NLHE 25k gtd

I think adding a 250/500 level in those tournaments is mandatory, and would also consider changing something in the neighbourhoud of 500/1k to 800/1600. I was looking at the structure of the bigs to see what you could improve, because I noticed average stack drops a lot in the neighbourhood of those levels and I would consider adding a 700/1400 level there as well.

But that isn't priority though, please fix the 250/500 level first, it doesn't make much sense that level get skipped in those tournaments

Also consider raising the guarenteeds of the 11r & 22c again. Before the Worldcup/WSOP it was much bigger (i thought 40k and 25k), and there was never overlay iirc.

12-06-2014 , 02:26 AM
the 22c 15k goes on for about 3 days why would we need more levels in the lol
12-06-2014 , 02:32 AM
+1 for adding Big $215
