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***OFFICIAL Stars 2014 MTT Discussion Thread*** ***OFFICIAL Stars 2014 MTT Discussion Thread***

11-24-2014 , 10:46 AM
Yeah you might be right , I grind everyday and seen the effect it had by them lowering the guarntees in a few tournaments , just killed them slowly.
11-24-2014 , 10:48 AM
Rounder63 brings up some good points. In some tourneys the 250/500 level is missing but the whole structure is flawed. The bigs structure are so much better and brings the ante's to play much quicker. It's no fun playing a tourney with 20-25bb avg stack and have no ante's.

But the other points are for catering the high stakes regs. They do not need catering! It's about bringing more people to the games and make them feel that they got a chance. The 265 KO should absolutely not have sats because the recs are so much outnumbered that they're being eating alive. Same with the daily 320$ 6-max. If the high stakes regs aren't making money from their schedule they aren't good enough and need to game select better and/or lower their buy-ins.

That's why I support Pokerstars in their quest to have sats only to the "special" tournaments where the prizepool is high, more recs have a change to make their big scores because you know, the recs are playing other recs and sharks in between.

I agree with Doggz though about the rebuy tourneys. There is no coincidence that 3r, 5r, 5q, 11r and 22c have seen there gtd been reduced last couple of years. There should absolutely be a daily red rebuy tourney, preferable the 11r but a fiver mid day would also be good. **** post black friday the 5r and 5q had 30k gtd.

And the 27$ KO turbanotor idea is not a good one. The recs will be frusturated with that quick structure and the 10% rake is even more redic because of all the blind levels there are missing in comparison to the hot tourneys.
11-24-2014 , 10:50 AM

Even on a monday morn, which I think is slowest time of week for mtt traffic, this 27 6m psko is hitting a 5figure prizepool, make it a 10k guarantee, at least.

And yea, rebuy/cube/quad tourneys obv a trag on PS, amazing how timbey ass sites like Party and Ipoker can have bigger rebuy mtts at the midstake level than PS does

Also the missing 250/500 lvl in a few mtts is confirmed absurd, fix that
11-24-2014 , 11:03 AM
109 fo missing 500 bb
44 six max
55 7.5k
11-24-2014 , 11:25 AM
any explanation as to why the 8cubed is like 4x faster than the 33cubed that starts at the same time and they are labelled as identical tournaments?
11-24-2014 , 11:31 AM
missing 3 early levels
11-24-2014 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by rounder63
missing 3 early levels
No it's not just that, 8.8c has the 15min blind format (8.8r, 55 7.5k and 109 10k fo etc) but has blind duration of 10min, so it gets really screwed.

By comparison :

33c levels :

100 first ante 10

8.8c levels :

250 first ante 25

so 8.8c should either change to 15min blinds or have the structure modified
11-24-2014 , 12:14 PM
Yeah fix it lol
11-24-2014 , 11:40 PM
In for the turbonators
11-25-2014 , 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by Aaralynn
In for the turbonators

Enough turbos already. NO.
11-25-2014 , 10:38 AM
They put a 1k guar on the 55 no guar and started it 3k starting stack its up to 3k in prizepool.... good move
11-25-2014 , 11:14 AM
they put 7.50 turbo on 10pm GMT to 2.5k GTD too with 3k stack which saw the biggest field of about 1k players yesterday, but it looked weird paying 216 places
11-25-2014 , 12:28 PM
Now during the carneval "the bigs" guarantees are fair and still getting crushed.

You should keep the same gtds on the bigs even after this carneval...and lower them IF they dont reach their gtds..

As Rounder said, you were just randomly lowering guarantees on tourneys that didnt even overlay..EVER...thats just insane and just a way to slowly kill these tourneys.
11-25-2014 , 12:37 PM
....and when is a bigger 2day event starting on saturday coming up? Everyone has been asking for this it really this hard to create one?
11-25-2014 , 12:47 PM
phase 33/55 already.

saturday 2 day deepstack would be fun. maybe inbetween big 109-big 55 with possibly a low and mid/high buying. 22/82 or 33/109. 25K GTD on both buyins will get crushed so quick.
11-25-2014 , 02:04 PM
Saturday 2day deepstack is a great idea, but if it were two events I needs to be a higher buyin spread. 33/109 for example is the same playerpool. 5.50 and 75 or something makes most sense.
11-25-2014 , 02:33 PM
pretty disappointed with the sats to the Billion. $7.50 deep turbos would have been great, as would $1r 3xts, but the weird mix of micro crapshoots and $30+ ABI turbo rebuys offered is totally unappealing.

Good to see a sprinkling of deep turbos to the million though. I don't even object to these being re-entry, as at least they're better structures than those hideous ultra-deep things that emerged towards the end of WCOOP.
11-25-2014 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by 1gambler
they put 7.50 turbo on 10pm GMT to 2.5k GTD too with 3k stack which saw the biggest field of about 1k players yesterday, but it looked weird paying 216 places
what were the fields earlier? something like 400man if I remember right?

btw I am just comparing gtd sizes.

The 2$R at 03.30ET went from 12k gtd to 8k gtd. that is sick.
5.00ET - 8$ Re-Entry from 2k to 1k
05.30 ET - 5$R from 10k to 7.5k
05.45 ET - 4max 4.4$ from 2k to 1k
06.00 ET - 1$ from 2k to 1k and 11$ from 5k to 4k
07.00 ET - 11$ from 6k to 4k and 1$ from 1.5k to 1k
07.45 ET - 2.2$ Ante Up from 1k to 400$
08.30 ET - 5.5$r from 20k to 16k
08.45 ET - 5$ Hyper from 4k to 3k

getting tired of it, but it's basically this accross all games. some games have kept their gtd's but not a lot.

and other changings from 6 to 4k or 60k to 40k (1$R 3x- Turbo 14 ET!)

bad bad bad.

Last edited by Uhrenknecht; 11-25-2014 at 10:50 PM.
11-25-2014 , 10:46 PM
the 2rs, 2turbos and 11freezeouts (few examples i can think of off the top of my head) have all withered due to guarantee drops relative to a few months ago. Most of the decreases happened around wsop/world cup and I had the impression that they would be raised back to normal right after but apparently not..
11-26-2014 , 09:53 AM
how about finally having the phase in MTT filters? I still barely play sats and miss it all the time, take my rake ffs
11-26-2014 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by Asjbaaaf
the 2rs, 2turbos and 11freezeouts (few examples i can think of off the top of my head) have all withered due to guarantee drops relative to a few months ago. Most of the decreases happened around wsop/world cup and I had the impression that they would be raised back to normal right after but apparently not..
This is all true, changed for no reason and sloly the games got smaller and smaller, self induced really.

Had to be by accident but I remember the 33q at night accidnetly turned into a 17.5k for like 3 days. Not only did the Gtd get hit it got over it! Then stars changed it to a 4k lool.

Is Sheldon Anderson running things?
11-26-2014 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by ONLYRAISEAA
how about finally having the phase in MTT filters? I still barely play sats and miss it all the time, take my rake ffs
I know that's maybe not entirely what you want but just type phase in it and reg and delete it?
11-26-2014 , 10:38 AM
Yeah obv there's a way around it / I can pre reg etc.
Thing is that I multisite up to lile 6-7 sites and there's a lot to keep in mind when you don't want to end up 25 tabling. Also I'm sure a lot of recs have sats filtered out and I can't see any reason to not change it when it's been pointed to 10304010249x times itt
11-26-2014 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by Uhrenknecht
what were the fields earlier? something like 400man if I remember right?
yea 400-500 max now they have put 2.5k gtd its hitting about 7k(1k+runner)already in 2days. but pay is still flat like 20% instead of usual around 12%
11-26-2014 , 11:20 AM

Let me reiterate that Carnival promo + Golden SNG are the way to go (instead of rake increases that turn games unbeatable). Everyone is happier with these promos. For you, it's more rake. For regs, it's better fields. For recs, it's juicier prize pools.
