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***OFFICIAL Stars 2012 MTT Discussion Thread*** ***OFFICIAL Stars 2012 MTT Discussion Thread***

05-31-2012 , 11:16 AM
stars, please consider create some multi-table table theme, or MTT table theme. I would love the option to resize the font of stack sizes and player sn, i.e., I want to minimize player sn (since I have hud which has player sn already) and maximize the font of stack sizes.

In short, when I tile lots of tables on my screen, the stack sizes are too small to read, while the player sn are kinda of redundant. so I hope this can be fixed. the hyper simple theme or nova theme could be a very good base, and just add the option to resize the two fields in the box, stack size and player screen name.
05-31-2012 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by probability1
stars, please consider create some multi-table table theme, or MTT table theme. I would love the option to resize the font of stack sizes and player sn, i.e., I want to minimize player sn (since I have hud which has player sn already) and maximize the font of stack sizes.

In short, when I tile lots of tables on my screen, the stack sizes are too small to read, while the player sn are kinda of redundant. so I hope this can be fixed. the hyper simple theme or nova theme could be a very good base, and just add the option to resize the two fields in the box, stack size and player screen name.
Options -> Table Display Options -> Larger fonts on smaller tables

When I use hypersimple tiled 12 tables on 2560x1440 the stacksizes is bold and sn not.
05-31-2012 , 11:26 AM
another one is to create the "my favorite games" tab, as requested by many other players. basically this "my fav" tab will save our favorite games and gives us the option (upon check) to auto-register some of the "my fav" tourney that will start in, say, next 48 hours.
05-31-2012 , 11:32 AM
Thanks a lot, bro. I am so glad I asked.

Originally Posted by rckyu
Options -> Table Display Options -> Larger fonts on smaller tables

When I use hypersimple tiled 12 tables on 2560x1440 the stacksizes is bold and sn not.

Last edited by probability1; 05-31-2012 at 11:47 AM. Reason: the player sn no longer have the bright white color that usually hurt my eye real bad, weeeee
05-31-2012 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by Matt Crocker
im going to post a number puzzle and see if anyone can figure it out
1.5 ÷
143.333333333333333 = 1 = 9

3.0 ÷
233.333333333333333 = 0 = 45
ill only give one hint, these not so obviously related numbers can be explained by a single constant i will name "PS"

ill be back later to see if anyone has figured it out
05-31-2012 , 01:20 PM
guessing its something to do with sats but idk what
05-31-2012 , 01:34 PM
some sort of comparison between rake or prizes in step4 and step5 SNGs?
05-31-2012 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by 22riverrat22
im going to post a number puzzle and see if anyone can figure it out

ill only give one hint, these not so obviously related numbers can be explained by a single constant i will name "PS"

ill be back later to see if anyone has figured it out

215 (the cost of a sunday million seat)
÷ 1.5 (the cost of a unit in a 3x turbo rebuy satty to the sunday million)
143.333333333333333 = 1 seat guaranteed = "Minimum 9 players"
^^ ratio of units per seat ^ # of seats gtd ^ # of players to run

for the most common 3x turbo sat stars runs

700 (the cost of a wsop qulaifier seat)
÷ 3.0 (the cost of a unit in a 3x turbo rebuy satty to the wsop qualifier)
233.333333333333333 = 0 seats guaranteed = "Minimum 45 players"
^^ ratio of units per seat ^ # of seats gtd ^ # of players to run
when we look at the "0 seats guaranteed", "Minimum 45 players" numbers for the 700 seat qualifiers and the differences in those values from their counterparts for the most successful and basic of 3x turbos to the mil a few thoughts should come to mind:

why is there no guaranteed seat for the 3r to the 700 WSOP qualifier? -the importance of guaranteeing at least one seat to getting players to register has been addressed multiple times itt.

why is the starting field requirement for a very similar satellite five times greater? (the change in minimum field size is neither related to the ratio of units per seat [this would be 15 entrants minimum] nor any potential risk of overlay since nothing is guaranteed) the 45 min starting req frequently causes cancelations and has been complained about more than once itt.

why would a satellite be scheduled, given special color font, then advertised on the login popup, ......and then be rendered less attractive by not being given a [1 seat guaranteed] and then be fatally assigned a prohibitive starting field requirement which will ensure that at least 12-14 hours out of each day each instance of the satellite will be canceled?

this is where we require an understanding of the PS constant in order to make sense of the numbers. the PS constant simply states "PS constantly does nonsensical things with their satellites"

there is of course no reason why pokerstars this far into their history should have trouble deploying properly thought out satellites without extremely detrimental built-in drawbacks that prevent the games from effectively fulfilling their purpose for existing.... and yet thats what invariably happens every time stars introduces a new sat or fails to change an old one that has been complained about hundreds if not thousands of times* (see 4 unit remainder payouts to 2/3rds of entrants and 0 seats for one example*)

just shoot me or others who have commented repeatedly on satellites in the past a damn pm and in 5 minutes of us looking at a satellite we can likely tell you if you made any mistakes in its construction (do this before advertising it on the welcome popup lol)
05-31-2012 , 07:02 PM
When railing a friend/horse while playing a session of our own it'd be cool if we could select a player on a table we're not currently on and get some sort of an alert when that player is involved in a hand so we can pay attention to the action there, too

Would also be fantastic if we could lock our tables into a preferred size and have no tournaments pop up this, too (if this is already available I'd loveeee to know how to do this)

For table backgrounds it'd be cool if we could have an option to set a default table theme for turbos/rebuys/freezeouts and have the appropriate theme pop up when the tournament begins
05-31-2012 , 10:19 PM
details on the new sunday major?
06-01-2012 , 04:26 AM
Originally Posted by 22riverrat22
Can't disagree with anything you've said. Just saying that main event satties do exist (even if they suck)
06-01-2012 , 05:38 AM
Originally Posted by Matt Crocker
Can't disagree with anything you've said. Just saying that main event satties do exist (even if they suck)

i know you were just helping the other guy with his question

i just think ps should be more systematic with their sats so clearly suboptimal situations like this dont arise and hoping making light of their idiosyncrasies nudges us closer to a standardized/optimal satellite selection. theres lots of solid feedback in this thread if they would respond with some changes

also im currently planning on passing the wsop this year so if these sats were solid and i shipped an excuse to go id certainly be pleased the worse the sats are the worse my chances of a little unexpected vacation
06-01-2012 , 05:41 AM
Originally Posted by 22riverrat22
also im currently planning on passing the wsop this year so if these sats were solid and i shipped an excuse to go id certainly be pleased the worse the sats are the worse my chances of a little unexpected vacation
Or you could save it for EPT/PCA/LAPT/APPT
06-01-2012 , 06:53 AM
Please, put some superknockouts in the regular schedule. Also, don't remember if discussed, but shouldn't the $320/100k on Saturday have that special layout - being in red and everything?
06-01-2012 , 07:23 AM
Originally Posted by H0LDiT
Sunday million and warm up sattys,

Maybe two or three times a day, run a 11$ or 22$ into the 215$ BUT have multiple seats gtd, these things will fill up and the fact they have more than 1 seat gtd will encourage people to play them.

also +1 on zoom tournaments
06-01-2012 , 06:59 PM
as PokerStars Stefan advised I'm re-posting this here from here

How about final table breaks?
Final tables are great for everyone but the feeling is even more special for recreational playes. This way they will have the time to inform their friends (who can watch them then) on Skype or other messengers and it will not be a problem for the players to do that because the lack of time like now. Or they can easy SHARE that they are going to play FT on Facebook/Twitter/etc. This is like win-win-win situation. For players, for poker and for PokerStars.

And (again on final table) "I'm ready" button?
It is obvious why this should be FT only option but anyway - when there are lets say 200 players in, it will be super non-sense option. But when there are lets say 4-5 players which don't want to wait another 5 mins for break, they can just continue with their games.

Please add daily HUMTT with buy-in something like 50-100$ as the old one $215 wasnt attractive. And one HUMTT Hyper like this one in French PokerStars will be great.

Last edited by -Gio-; 06-01-2012 at 07:08 PM.
06-01-2012 , 07:13 PM
^ Think FT breaks are a great idea, especially for recreational players. Probably only for fields bigger than 180 players though.
06-03-2012 , 05:50 AM
yeah obv it will be best for 180+ tourneys
06-03-2012 , 07:48 AM

oh forgot u got the whole marked now and don't give a *** about what we think. guess u'll make a new sched which is worse than this or just don't do anything. ps monopol ftw
06-03-2012 , 07:55 AM
whats so bad about the current one?
06-03-2012 , 08:39 AM

Originally Posted by Lee Jones
The tournament-meisters tell me that they're ramping up WSOP qualifiers next week. They were just concentrating on SCOOP while it was going on. With SCOOP (a record-setting one, BTW) in the books, they're turning their full "event" attention to WSOP.

Best regards,
Lee Jones
06-03-2012 , 10:07 AM
Very happy with recent updates, great job stars
06-03-2012 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by Azofnorway

oh forgot u got the whole marked now and don't give a *** about what we think. guess u'll make a new sched which is worse than this or just don't do anything. ps monopol ftw
lol? PS is running the best schedule they have ever done so far.. I dont see how you can post something like this without and reasonable feedback.
06-03-2012 , 04:22 PM
When can we expect to see tournament tickets for the HOT tourneys in the VIP store?
And why do you rake turbo tourneys the same as normal ones? (e.g. big 55 / hot 55) Should be less for obvious reasons
