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*Official SSMTT BUDDY HH REVIEW Vol 2.0* *Official SSMTT BUDDY HH REVIEW Vol 2.0*

11-02-2010 , 12:35 PM
Alright you hungry bunch of poker hippos, the last one went down pretty well (as far as I can tell) so welcome to volume 2.0!

Unfortunately my IRL commitments are very hectic at the moment so wont be participating directly, but will still draw partners for everyone.

Since the first buddy HH review was a success it's time to do another one.

What is it all about?
Post in the thread if you would like to participate stating the BI or specific MTT to which you made a deep run. Preferably, these would not be Sit n Go MTT's. By participating, you will get a random buddy assigned. You and your buddy swap a HH from a deep MTT run. Your buddy reviews your play and you review your buddy's play. In the end, both of you hopefully learn something

How does the review work?
That's up to you and your buddy.
Usually you would use the Universal Replayer. Load the HH, go through the hands and take notes. If you send the notes by email, talk over AIM/Skype, do a live screen sharing session via Mikogo/Teamview etc. is all up to you and your buddy.

How long is registration open?
Registration is open until FRIDAY 5TH NOVEMBER 1pm ET. (Thats 5pm GMT for euros)This should be enough time for everyone to see this thread. I will post pairings Saturday Morning.

My buddy sucks / doesn't respond. What to do?
That's unfortunate, but there is nothing that can be done. The draw is random so next time you will probably get a better buddy. Just suck it up as variance

What else?
  • Please check back in this thread SATURDAY to find out who your buddy is
  • If you and your roomate, coach, student etc. participate and you don't want to get paired together, please post so
  • If this goes well, we'll aim to do another one asap if the interest is there.
Benfits to this include seeing general game flow rather than looking at 1 hand in a vacuum, and seeing hands that you maybe wouldn't post alone but to an outside observer may raise some questions. Also, it also allows fellow posters playing similar stakes to talk to others they might have not done otherwise.

*Official SSMTT BUDDY HH REVIEW Vol 2.0* Quote
11-02-2010 , 12:36 PM
I'm in with various buyins from 3r on UB to some 4max/4k 1000caps also various DS tourneys on UB.

edit: Also I have a copy of camtasia so I can make a vid of the HH review which will probably be more valuable to me since you will have insight into how I think and can thus comment on my rationale on whether it's good or not. But whoever I draw if you'd like notes instead just let me know

Last edited by vikingprogress; 11-02-2010 at 12:44 PM.
*Official SSMTT BUDDY HH REVIEW Vol 2.0* Quote
11-02-2010 , 01:22 PM
Hungry hungry poker hippos =).

I'm in with a run in the UB 10k dimebag and some 3R nonsense on stars.
*Official SSMTT BUDDY HH REVIEW Vol 2.0* Quote
11-02-2010 , 03:56 PM
Put me down for any SNG 18 - 90 players low stakes, and any big MTT under a bi of $5 on stars.
*Official SSMTT BUDDY HH REVIEW Vol 2.0* Quote
11-02-2010 , 03:57 PM
down for a 4.40 mtt or anywhere in that buy in range
*Official SSMTT BUDDY HH REVIEW Vol 2.0* Quote
11-02-2010 , 04:30 PM
I've got an 11 dollar mtt FT for this.
*Official SSMTT BUDDY HH REVIEW Vol 2.0* Quote
11-02-2010 , 04:35 PM
Sign me up. I'm playing $1 45-mans at the moment Played a lot of $2 180's last month but my game has changed and those HH's won't really be relevant.
*Official SSMTT BUDDY HH REVIEW Vol 2.0* Quote
11-02-2010 , 05:07 PM
I've got a 2.20 FT for 3rd place. I'm missing the first couple levels I think if that's ok. I can't remember if it was a 3k starting stack or 1500.

Can we also do older mtts too? Or should these be semi recent? Can we also get a new link to the universal replayer and someone help me how to share the HH with whoever I get paired with please? Either in here or PM is totally chill. I'm on here a lot so either way works. Thanks in advance.
*Official SSMTT BUDDY HH REVIEW Vol 2.0* Quote
11-02-2010 , 05:12 PM
Alright I have 2 FTs. I dont play too much besides weekends since i am a college student w/ a job. Anyways the 2 FTs are 3.30 6 max on FTP and a 5.50 on FTP.
*Official SSMTT BUDDY HH REVIEW Vol 2.0* Quote
11-02-2010 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by killer_kill
I've got a 2.20 FT for 3rd place. I'm missing the first couple levels I think if that's ok. I can't remember if it was a 3k starting stack or 1500.

Can we also do older mtts too? Or should these be semi recent? Can we also get a new link to the universal replayer and someone help me how to share the HH with whoever I get paired with please? Either in here or PM is totally chill. I'm on here a lot so either way works. Thanks in advance.
I think it would be more beneficial to do more recent HH's as they would be a better representation of your game as it currently is. You may have learned some things and made minor adjustments to your game in the meantime without even realizing it. Unless you think an older HH is particularly noteworthy for some reason - a super tough FT or whatever.

I downloaded the universal replayer from here:
*Official SSMTT BUDDY HH REVIEW Vol 2.0* Quote
11-02-2010 , 05:25 PM
The more recent the better, for reaqsons mentioned above. Link is there for hand replayer.

WRT sharing HH's, discuss with your buddy how you want to do it. I exchanged them via email, but many did it over skype/aim.

Preferably, the HH's would not be SnG's but if thats all you play then thats all you play.
*Official SSMTT BUDDY HH REVIEW Vol 2.0* Quote
11-03-2010 , 05:50 AM
*Official SSMTT BUDDY HH REVIEW Vol 2.0* Quote
11-03-2010 , 02:47 PM
I'm pumped for this. That replayer is cool, thanks for the link. I'd think there'd be more interest in something like this.
*Official SSMTT BUDDY HH REVIEW Vol 2.0* Quote
11-03-2010 , 04:57 PM
I'm in. All I have that might be interesting is a FT on a $5 FTP donkament, only 200 runners or so. Might also do a video (Camtasia style) cuz a lot of the time I have no ideia why I'm doing certain ****.

I also play $5 45man and def need improvement on that.
*Official SSMTT BUDDY HH REVIEW Vol 2.0* Quote
11-03-2010 , 10:41 PM
i would also like to join. im playing MTTs from 1-10$ and also MTTSNGs
recently i came 1st in a 2$ 6max and 3rd and 15th in a 5$ 2R1A

Last edited by ilovebutton; 11-03-2010 at 10:51 PM.
*Official SSMTT BUDDY HH REVIEW Vol 2.0* Quote
11-03-2010 , 10:58 PM
Put me down for a non-turbos 180s SNGs please... And can we open a thread when we just ppost the link to a HHS and everybody (not just one guy - my buddy) can watch it and post my leaks? Isnt thae better? Getting the insight on not just one but several guys?
*Official SSMTT BUDDY HH REVIEW Vol 2.0* Quote
11-03-2010 , 11:54 PM
I'm in for 45 man turbos at the $6 or $3 level.
*Official SSMTT BUDDY HH REVIEW Vol 2.0* Quote
11-04-2010 , 04:06 AM
In for some Cereus 3r/11fos
*Official SSMTT BUDDY HH REVIEW Vol 2.0* Quote
11-05-2010 , 05:42 AM
Bump for last day to sign up.

Gotta be honest guys, from the PM's and such I was getting I figured this was gonna be a lot more popular than it currently is.
*Official SSMTT BUDDY HH REVIEW Vol 2.0* Quote
11-05-2010 , 09:01 AM
I guess ssmtt players are just too cool for HH reviews

I've pretty much gotten my HH reviewing fix already anyways just over skype and through PMs with other players. But I'm still in for $1/3 45 mttsng's or $2 180's (though I haven't been playing those the past week).
*Official SSMTT BUDDY HH REVIEW Vol 2.0* Quote
11-05-2010 , 09:44 PM
I'm a few hours late, but is it too late to sign up?
*Official SSMTT BUDDY HH REVIEW Vol 2.0* Quote
11-06-2010 , 02:41 PM
Omg I saw this the other day... don't know why I didn't sign up right away.

I shipped a small 2R on FTP last week if you can squeeze me in. I mostly play 90man KOs, but I mix in all the micro mtts and occasional 26er.
*Official SSMTT BUDDY HH REVIEW Vol 2.0* Quote
11-07-2010 , 07:01 AM
Sorry Im late, weekend took a turn for the worst. I Apologise. Again we have an odd number so Ive made a group of three, If anyone would prefer to be a 3 or not be a two then see if you can arrange that yourselves.

Elachim / Justblaze47
WOLVER1NE / ilovebutton
JomboJuice / BWTaylor
Jason Bud / Kid Warrior
Vikingprogress / sopoRific
TNMTurtle / Cheechi
SkinnyStax/ Killer_Kill/ potamito
*Official SSMTT BUDDY HH REVIEW Vol 2.0* Quote
11-07-2010 , 05:25 PM
So I'm assuming I'm doing two? If that's ok w/skinny and potamito I'll help both for sure. Also if they HH is in two/three different parts is it easier to just cut/paste them into one long ass one for the replayer? Skinny/potamito, I'll send you guys pm tonight after I do finish some stuff up. If you read this before I pm, shoot me a pm if you'd like to lmk how you'd prefer to do this. Like send HH over aim/email etc and how to chat. I currently have aim/fb and dl'ed skype but haven't installed it.

Also I hope everything is ok auchi....
*Official SSMTT BUDDY HH REVIEW Vol 2.0* Quote
11-08-2010 , 10:15 AM
KK, yeah C+P into one notepad make it a lot easier for the replayer, plus you dont have to go changing file mid review etc.

Everything ok here!
*Official SSMTT BUDDY HH REVIEW Vol 2.0* Quote
