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*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** *** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread ***

03-20-2012 , 01:03 AM
Idk if stars will go with it from Bryans posts in the MTT thread about oversaturation and not wanting to add more games.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-20-2012 , 02:41 AM
If stars dont want a higher rebuy 180 for rake reasons then why not increase the bi of the $3.5+r 180 man to $5+r or $6+r. That would mean there are bi's of 2.5/8/15/22ish(avg for $5 or $6 r)/35.
Would be a compromise I'd be happy with and stars wont have to add another 180man that would effect liquidity. I cant imagine the increase being too bad for the 35's. With inflation over time bi's should slowly increase anyway and if they will only allow 1 180 rebuy then a $5 or $6 rebuy would be best.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-20-2012 , 05:11 AM
Originally Posted by Alex Wice
Btw if you play 45man SNGs and are willing to discuss rake and the state of the games with me, please skype/AIM me at: alexwice . I am trying to get as much information as possible. Thanks.
Added you on skype.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-20-2012 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by Alex Wice
[Also the addon bonus that many dont take probably adds a few % to your roi. But again this is at the expense of fish which I don't like.]
LOL what is this?!?! You're going against the very point of poker. He doesn't like us exploiting bad players, guys. Funny.

I think you should focus your efforts on trying to get 7r's off the ground -- either moved to 7r/180, or more people playing, or something. Basically if 7r's cant get off the ground, then Stars is definitely not going to consider rebuy 180s for some time. I say they should trial some rebuy 180s on sunday.
As I already suggested, make the $7/90 late reg for the whole rebuy period. But then who knows what Stars have in mind for these ZOOM SnG's they might bring in. I think ZOOM is a baaaaaaaaaad idea. They will ruin ALL other MTT SnG's just like they did on FTP. One thing's for sure though, dump those $60 180's, they only load up on Sundays.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-20-2012 , 09:45 AM
Stars says they are nervous about liquidity when introducing 11r/180 turbos and I read a bunch of responses about rake, I believe they are underestimating the demand 11r/180 turbos will have from a wide population of poker players (NOT JUST SNG) looking for midstake action.

The 7r/90 are a failure bc they have little interest outside the SNGMTT universe and take from other sngs. The 11r/180 would draw not only SNG players but tons of mtt players who aren't interested in playing the $35/180 and $60/180s. Just look how popular the HOT turbos are. This tourny will appeal outside the SNG player base and bring traffic into the mttsng world which is what we need when there are liquidity concerns.

Last edited by fightingcoward; 03-20-2012 at 09:50 AM.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-20-2012 , 01:11 PM

-Allow late registration for a certain amount of levels
-Allow multiple tournaments to be open for registration at once, like you allow STT's
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-20-2012 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by GET0NMYLEV3L

-Allow late registration for a certain amount of levels
-Allow multiple tournaments to be open for registration at once, like you allow STT's
pretty please
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-20-2012 , 02:09 PM
Zoom MTT SNG and i'm probably done with Stars.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-20-2012 , 02:39 PM
requests for zoom mtt/sng is a clear demonstration that you do not understand the format

"please funnel a segment of the fish population where noone fish>simakos will be able to multitable very effectively" (aka lets put the fish somewhere noone can ever get to them)

****ing briliant
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-20-2012 , 02:45 PM
And where they will auto-fold a big percentage of hands they'd normally spew with because they can immediately get dealt a new hand.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-20-2012 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by Alex Wice
Edit: Or maybe they should just move those to a more consistent scheduling. Like for example, just have a generic 7r MTT every 10 minutes, with late registration open for 30 minutes like normal. Actually, thats not a bad idea -- it means you can start playing 3 of them right away when you login. [They can use the data discovered to go to every 5 minutes or every 15 minutes at certain time periods so as to keep the number of entrants near 200]
Originally Posted by Alex Wice
Ya, after thinking about it more, I really like this idea actually. What does everyone think about that?
that idea is going to effectively be the same as on demands (im all for either idea)

id personally prefer 8 cubed turbos to 7rs but either has its advantages over the other

11 freezeouts at similar intervals ought to be considered as a non turbo equivalent

on demands with a specifically "tuned" starting # and late reg time == scheduled mtts with a specifically tailored starting frequency by hour of the day and consistent late reg period

just saying
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-20-2012 , 03:01 PM
please please please no zoom mttsngs! im sure theres plenty of other people who feel the same way
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-20-2012 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by mcfc1234
please please please no zoom mttsngs! im sure theres plenty of other people who feel the same way
And im sure the other 90% of the market do not.

Its gonna happen. The reg will have to adjust to what the fish want.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-20-2012 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by tomsom87
And im sure the other 90% of the market do not.

Its gonna happen. The reg will have to adjust to what the fish want.
I dont think the fish particularly care what they play, theyre still always going to exist, they may for example prefer to play a zoom 180 over a normal 180 if they came around but I doubt many of them will be bothered if they come in or not and will stilly happily continue playing what is on offer now but as pointed out by others above zoom mttsngs will just mess alot of things up
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-20-2012 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by GET0NMYLEV3L

-Allow late registration for a certain amount of levels
-Allow multiple tournaments to be open for registration at once, like you allow STT's
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-20-2012 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by Langerdang
And where they will auto-fold a big percentage of hands they'd normally spew with because they can immediately get dealt a new hand.
Originally Posted by mcfc1234
please please please no zoom mttsngs! im sure theres plenty of other people who feel the same way
These two exactly.
Look at the current 180 tables, the average vpip is probably 18/14 or something ridiculously low. If zoom is added this will get even lower as the fish start folding even more.

The games need to somehow be made more jucier, this will do the exact opposite.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-20-2012 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by general_jim3
If stars dont want a higher rebuy 180 for rake reasons then why not increase the bi of the $3.5+r 180 man to $5+r or $6+r. That would mean there are bi's of 2.5/8/15/22ish(avg for $5 or $6 r)/35.
Would be a compromise I'd be happy with and stars wont have to add another 180man that would effect liquidity. I cant imagine the increase being too bad for the 35's. With inflation over time bi's should slowly increase anyway and if they will only allow 1 180 rebuy then a $5 or $6 rebuy would be best.
This post seems to have got overlooked?
This to me seems the best idea/compromise for players & stars.
Lets be honest atm the $3rs are great to play but really they are pretty similar to the $15s. If they simply got changed to $6rs as mentioned by jim the average buy ins would be a lot smoother:


as opposed to present:

2.5/8/13/15/35 .
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-20-2012 , 05:49 PM
**** zoom. don't want it thanks.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-20-2012 , 06:05 PM
If $9 is the abi for the $3r then it won't be "$22ish" for a $6r. Simply switch the current $7/90 to a 180 and prize pools would be $1300 ($8)/ $1700 ($3r)/ $2500 ($15)/ $3800 ($7r)/ $5800 ($35).
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-20-2012 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by Starzz
If $9 is the abi for the $3r then it won't be "$22ish" for a $6r. Simply switch the current $7/90 to a 180 and prize pools would be $1300 ($8)/ $1700 ($3r)/ $2500 ($15)/ $3800 ($7r)/ $5800 ($35).
$9 would be an abi for $3r only if you never bust during the rebuy period and be forced to rebuy. For regs the avg bi for $3.5+r would be around $11 to $12 (was about $11.50 for me when I used to play them) depending how aggressively they play in rebuy period so would be about $22 abi for regs for a $6+r.

In a perfect world we would get another higher rebuy 180 but unfortunately it seems its not going to happen so this would probably be the only way we'd get a higher rebuy 180.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-20-2012 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by Starzz
If $9 is the abi for the $3r then it won't be "$22ish" for a $6r. Simply switch the current $7/90 to a 180 and prize pools would be $1300 ($8)/ $1700 ($3r)/ $2500 ($15)/ $3800 ($7r)/ $5800 ($35).
I was saying $13 was the average for $3r for regs. Maybe 11-13
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-20-2012 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by Starzz
If $9 is the abi for the $3r then it won't be "$22ish" for a $6r. Simply switch the current $7/90 to a 180 and prize pools would be $1300 ($8)/ $1700 ($3r)/ $2500 ($15)/ $3800 ($7r)/ $5800 ($35).
boom something like this a rebuy that fits a prizepool between the $15/180 and $35/180 would be perfecto (everyone loves a nice 1k for first)
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-21-2012 , 05:01 AM
Originally Posted by mcfc1234
I dont think the fish particularly care what they play, theyre still always going to exist, they may for example prefer to play a zoom 180 over a normal 180 if they came around but I doubt many of them will be bothered if they come in or not and will stilly happily continue playing what is on offer now but as pointed out by others above zoom mttsngs will just mess alot of things up
I absolutely agree they will mess things up. I just really cant see the regs having a voice on this one and stars will go ahead regardless. Just put any opinions you have in the same bin as the higher rebuys.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-21-2012 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by Alex Wice
CG, believe me, I have played 1000s of 3r/180s in my life. They are a great thing. But you can't kill the messenger. What I said are the facts about WHY PS doesn't want higher rebuy 180s. Infact, 3r's are very likely under review. Of course I have the player's interests in mind. But I can't come to the meeting and push to offer a product with 3% rake when similar offerings are 9%. It will never happen. 3r/180s are an anomaly, an artifact of the past.
I think you underestimate the power of the players. Of course PS want to make as much money as possible from the given situation, but they also have to offer games the players like to play. So, if 180r is what alot of people want (and i think thats the way, i also think 180r are good poker games from the game structure view) we should give that clear message instead of backing off before even trying.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-21-2012 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by chilin_dude
These two exactly.
Look at the current 180 tables, the average vpip is probably 18/14 or something ridiculously low. If zoom is added this will get even lower as the fish start folding even more.

The games need to somehow be made more jucier, this will do the exact opposite.
Perhaps you should start homegames with your grandparents if the fish get to hard for you. The players at PS have internet, you know?
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
