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****Official PartyPoker/Bwin 2015 MTT Discussion Thread**** ****Official PartyPoker/Bwin 2015 MTT Discussion Thread****

05-30-2016 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by the_bridler
You need to bring back the 10r turbo you use to have in the evening.

Also yeh there are some fans of these slower turbos you have, but there is also a market for normal 5 min turbos, and adding some 5 min turbos that arent 6 max would be nice, specially for those who just wanna play a few quick fire games in the evening/late evening.
Yeah the 10$ big add-on turbo (was The Right Hook) was always popular. It did manage to go on rather well for some time despite all other rebuys were removed and some people didn't notice it (it didn't show up as rebuy in lobby).

5k$ prizepool should be manageable easily, as it consistently kept up with 10k$ prizepool. Maybe adding it back with 10k$ prizepool (20k$ in Sundays) would actually be best idea to support your other high guaranteeds. Even during summer time it would thrive and support your waning player base, as it wouldn't hurt other tournaments and instead bring back those players who might play your other high guaranteeds... especially if they're going to overlay.

Just don't ruin it with ridiculous (X levels rebuy, y levels latereg) structure. We have all seen it doesn't work.
05-31-2016 , 04:08 AM
Originally Posted by Dearman2
Can a party rep please give a good reaso why your company would devalue party points without at least warning the players?
Pretty shady / unethical . A shame after putting on such great tourneys as of late.
Originally Posted by Alexos
Can we get an answer on tourney ticket prices in the shop? Seems pretty unfair to change them w/out notice.

This new promo is pretty sweet though!
The ticket price changes were planned post powerfest - we do reserve the right to change our offering at any time
I have asked the management team if we can share such changes with the community going forward and I do understand the frustration

Originally Posted by konrad
Even I know that the first part of this statement is false.
Originally Posted by DoGGz

a) you are ignorant to what industry standard is. Very concerning for someone with your title and position.
b) you just straight up came here and lied to us hoping we'd ignore it.
Don't ****ing amaya us, please.
I shared feedback offered from our management team
I have let them know the response on the thread and shared your comments
They have confirmed for now the rake will not change

All feedback above has been shared with the team for review
Thanks for taking the time to share your opinions

Kind regards

05-31-2016 , 08:03 AM
Originally Posted by Party_Rep
I have let them know the response on the thread and shared your comments
They have confirmed for now the rake will not change

All feedback above has been shared with the team for review
Thanks for taking the time to share your opinions

Kind regards

I'm very disapointed about this Colette, you decided to rake also the bounty's... you've told us you're doing this cause it is industry standard, but actually it isn't...

And now you're telling us rake will not change.

Very dissapointed in this, I really thought Partypoker could be the new Pokerstars! But right now I really have my doubts.

I'll not play those knockouts as long rake is DOUBLE as industry standard, and I will make sure, my friends + stable will do the same till the rake is again acceptable...

I hope the 2+2 community will do the same.

Sorry, really very disappointed in your team right now
05-31-2016 , 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by the_bridler
You need to bring back the 10r turbo you use to have in the evening.

Also yeh there are some fans of these slower turbos you have, but there is also a market for normal 5 min turbos, and adding some 5 min turbos that arent 6 max would be nice, specially for those who just wanna play a few quick fire games in the evening/late evening.
05-31-2016 , 09:12 AM
y playing the 55$ 7.5k but skipping the bounty one for obv reasons #industrystandard

if some regs are doing the same, which they will do if they are sensible for rake issues, the problem will solve itself...
05-31-2016 , 09:40 AM
i guess they are content robbing people blind that know no better, not a good look.
06-01-2016 , 07:49 AM
Originally Posted by kimsaprincess
I'm very disapointed about this Colette, you decided to rake also the bounty's... you've told us you're doing this cause it is industry standard, but actually it isn't...

And now you're telling us rake will not change.

Very dissapointed in this, I really thought Partypoker could be the new Pokerstars! But right now I really have my doubts.

I'll not play those knockouts as long rake is DOUBLE as industry standard, and I will make sure, my friends + stable will do the same till the rake is again acceptable...

I hope the 2+2 community will do the same.

Sorry, really very disappointed in your team right now
Originally Posted by gettym
i guess they are content robbing people blind that know no better, not a good look.
I will share your feedback and concerns with management


06-01-2016 , 10:05 AM
Its not a problem that you changed the prices in the Shop, but it is a problem to do so without telling anybody. People thought their Points had Value X, while overnight the value decreased without any warnings. That's just not ok.

You misleading your customers with this advertising, while saying Palladium is 30,5% Value=Rakeback. You should adjust those numbers asap as its far away from 30,5% Value.

Rake on KOs.
Industry standards are on all sites, Kos are not raked, exceptions are Proko.
So i dont get it why you push this rake through while investing 60k in weekly random promotions. Makes no sense to mee, i'll skip those 2 games for now like many other players will do. So where is the point in raking them so high? So far you did everything to be a good Site again, increased min/lvl in turbos, changed structures and so on.Just change the rake on those 2 KOs and everybody is happy. Poeple here will say this for the next month, so just change it please, its not like you would do something special>#Industrystandards
06-01-2016 , 11:48 AM
You are sustaining a $109 50k Gtd but your $55 is a 7.5k Gtd, seems like something is wrong here if you can't rebrand the $55 and hit 15-20k Gtd everynight
06-01-2016 , 11:55 AM
Satellite to majors needs a massive overhaul. Is anything planned?
06-01-2016 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by schmette
Its not a problem that you changed the prices in the Shop, but it is a problem to do so without telling anybody. People thought their Points had Value X, while overnight the value decreased without any warnings. That's just not ok.

You misleading your customers with this advertising, while saying Palladium is 30,5% Value=Rakeback. You should adjust those numbers asap as its far away from 30,5% Value.
06-02-2016 , 02:56 AM
Rake on KOs.
Industry standards are on all sites, Kos are not raked, exceptions are Proko.
So i dont get it why you push this rake through while investing 60k in weekly random promotions. Makes no sense to mee, i'll skip those 2 games for now like many other players will do. So where is the point in raking them so high? So far you did everything to be a good Site again, increased min/lvl in turbos, changed structures and so on.Just change the rake on those 2 KOs and everybody is happy. Poeple here will say this for the next month, so just change it please, its not like you would do something special>#Industrystandards
They destroyed rebuys solely because of following your advices and now you're complaining about rake in 2 tournaments and fighting "for the good of people". LOL.

Still waiting Colette to answer questions about how re-entries and tournaments that start before weekly timecut but finish after work with the leaderboard.
06-02-2016 , 04:16 AM
** $1Million Summer giveaway leaderboard - win your Caribbean poker party package **

Will you be joining us at the Caribbean poker party in November?
Leaderboards are running now
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Read all the details on our promo page >

Good luck!


06-02-2016 , 04:18 AM
Originally Posted by FarseerFinland
They destroyed rebuys solely because of following your advices and now you're complaining about rake in 2 tournaments and fighting "for the good of people". LOL.

Still waiting Colette to answer questions about how re-entries and tournaments that start before weekly timecut but finish after work with the leaderboard.
If the tournament starts within the dedicated time frame for the leaderboard - it will count regardless of finish time - its based on start time not end time

06-02-2016 , 07:22 AM
Originally Posted by Party_Rep
If the tournament starts within the dedicated time frame for the leaderboard - it will count regardless of finish time - its based on start time not end time

Thanks! How about the re-entries, do all entries count?
06-02-2016 , 08:38 AM
Party Poker,

how about adding some diversity to your schedule by restoring some of those R&A mtts? Other networks can do it, why can't you? You just need to adjust them correctly for example:
- slower structure pre-addon to avoid the experience of tournament being a rebuy fest;
- longer pre-addon period (to allow more players to register);
- late reg, addon period ending at the same time;
- different timeslotes (18, 20, 22 CET seems fine);
- lower buyins (5r, 10r always doing great);

The reason R&A are so popular is because of nice, big gtds combined with decent tournament structure. I would rather play 5r with over 500$ for 1st than some 5$ fo with 200$ up top and I am sure many would as well.

Thanks in advance.
06-02-2016 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by FarseerFinland
They destroyed rebuys solely because of following your advices and now you're complaining about rake in 2 tournaments and fighting "for the good of people". LOL.
Yep that's exactly what happened. I love to destroy rebuys and i was successful, haha.

You are pretty good in reading only what u want to read, but that's ok, didn't expect everybody to be smart in here. I wrote dozen of "advises" and now you really saying they destroyed them because of these advises? You making yourself look like a fool. Rebuys are not working @ Party for several reasons, i'm not gonna post again what those problems are, as i did this several times before.
But yeah its simple, they destroyed them because of me, lol?!
06-02-2016 , 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by FarseerFinland
Thanks! How about the re-entries, do all entries count?
As you have problems with the reading skills i'm gonna help you out.

Originally Posted by Party_Rep
I will check and feedback before I answer as I do not want to give you the incorrect info

I can confirm - Re-entries will be counted separately for each individual entry made and total points will be the sum of all the re-entries made.

You are welcome
06-02-2016 , 01:28 PM
** Coming soon **

Football fan? Love poker?
Its nearly time to launch our new poker Euro 2016 promotion for all
Watch this space....

06-02-2016 , 06:29 PM
Why there was no synchronized break in $5.50 Satellite at 8pm cet? Do you really think that only single table recs are playing them? It is impossible to multi-table when tournament does not have a break. Can you fix it?
06-02-2016 , 08:31 PM
You rly need to do something to the structure when its down to 2-3 tables its really terrible
06-02-2016 , 11:38 PM
why is there final table hand for hand on satelites where 10 people are paid? makes no sense whatsover.

re: brazil power series giveaway
06-03-2016 , 02:08 AM
This green online mtt running every day now, I play tons of mtts and click in the lobby of this tournament offer and basically get ZERO information what that tournament is all about. The only way i get info is by clicking the mini button "read more". U want to run huge tournaments but make the most obvious amateur mistakes. Why would somebody reg a tourney when there is no info? And why put day2 on a monday? all that tilted pretty hard and made me skip it.

Please add the amount of "players paid" somewhere in the lobby. Best would be right above the first place prize spot. Its annoying to always have to scroll down the payouts.

When you're in a hand usually all players not in the hand get "invisible" which is only a good thing IF IT WORKS but it doesnt so you always have to look couple of times to make sure against how many and which players you are playin the hand against. Please fix that!
06-03-2016 , 03:33 AM
Originally Posted by Bocmanis
Why there was no synchronized break in $5.50 Satellite at 8pm cet? Do you really think that only single table recs are playing them? It is impossible to multi-table when tournament does not have a break. Can you fix it?
What time did the game start?
Sometimes depending on start time the sats go straight through
I will review with the team however - feedback noted

Originally Posted by travisohc
This green online mtt running every day now, I play tons of mtts and click in the lobby of this tournament offer and basically get ZERO information what that tournament is all about. The only way i get info is by clicking the mini button "read more". U want to run huge tournaments but make the most obvious amateur mistakes. Why would somebody reg a tourney when there is no info? And why put day2 on a monday? all that tilted pretty hard and made me skip it.

Please add the amount of "players paid" somewhere in the lobby. Best would be right above the first place prize spot. Its annoying to always have to scroll down the payouts.

When you're in a hand usually all players not in the hand get "invisible" which is only a good thing IF IT WORKS but it doesnt so you always have to look couple of times to make sure against how many and which players you are playin the hand against. Please fix that!

The "green" tournaments are the Day1 events for the phased Online Grand prix $400K GTD Event
Day2 is on a Monday so our regular power series players do not miss out on the usual Sunday action - and it worked for the last run
The event smashed GTD and feedback was very positive
I appreciate your personal concerns - however overall the tournament has had a great response and has been very well received
We also feel its been well marketed and the majority of our players understand the concept
Regarding your other comment for the hand display and payout tables - feedback noted
06-03-2016 , 04:31 AM
How long do you expect Day 2 to last?
