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****Official PartyPoker/Bwin 2015 MTT Discussion Thread**** ****Official PartyPoker/Bwin 2015 MTT Discussion Thread****

12-28-2017 , 07:39 AM
This week we are moving our Sunday 31st Dec tournaments to Monday 1st Jan

Both our Main Event and Title Fight will kick off Monday evening

Don't forget - this week Monday is the new Sunday!

12-28-2017 , 12:14 PM
No comment on the random switch to PSKO? I'm just not registering the 18:00 slot when I start at 19 or 20:00 if it's PSKO and 1/3 or more of the field is already gone. Maybe at least acknowledge the tournies were changed and tell us the reason behind it?
12-28-2017 , 01:01 PM
didn't play for a week+ and noticed that everything is PKO, really? go away, not playing anything

edit: I appreciate changes and that you seem responding often and addressing feedback but past few months showed me that you seem to be randomly clicking buttons and going either overboard or not doing anything, can't you reach some equilibrium? it looks like you have no real strategy, just throwing **** at the wall and seeing what sticks.
12-28-2017 , 08:13 PM
The early schedule really needs some love. It's very boring. Perhaps add in a couple of $50s if you don't think the 9am uk slot can support the old $109 kangaroo anymore?

Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
12-28-2017 , 10:10 PM
Just here to reiterate what has already been said a few posts up.... please less PKO, it is so overdone by now.
12-29-2017 , 06:27 AM
We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO.
12-29-2017 , 10:35 AM
To clarify: PKO is fun if the field is at least 1000 players, maybe at least 2000. Bounties actually reach a size you care about at some point and the normal prizes become big as well. 11$ 5k guarantee PKO just sucks, bounties are never worth anything and first prize is low.
12-29-2017 , 10:38 AM

The wrap up turbos should definitely be freezeouts, don’t necessarily mind the early ones but the wrapups just tilt me
12-29-2017 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by Soepgroente
No comment on the random switch to PSKO? I'm just not registering the 18:00 slot when I start at 19 or 20:00 if it's PSKO and 1/3 or more of the field is already gone. Maybe at least acknowledge the tournies were changed and tell us the reason behind it?
Originally Posted by f3nix35
The early schedule really needs some love. It's very boring. Perhaps add in a couple of $50s if you don't think the 9am uk slot can support the old $109 kangaroo anymore?

Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
I have asked the poker manager to comment on the PSKO
To be honest - I will leaving the schedule changes for Pads to address

I have as always shared the feedback and will chase a response


12-29-2017 , 02:43 PM
Yeah Colette keep up the good work, your communication is top notch. And tell pads to get his **** together.

Randomly clicking buttons: making all tournaments too long, then making all too short, then making all PKO, no variety, spreaded out by a whole hour instead of doing different things every quarter or so, just looks very rushed and not thought out at all. And also comes across as butthurt when the tone of a suggestion is not nice enough which is quite subjective and overly sensitive.

Still excited about promotions, tournament series and the future, my hope is not gone yet.

Happy new year.
12-30-2017 , 01:01 AM
WTF IS THIS??? Only PKOs from 17:00 to 19:00 ???

current low buy-in schedule:
17:00 - $5,5 PKO
17:00 - $11 PKO
18:00 - $5,5 PKO
18:00 - $11 PKO
18:00 - $22 PKO
19:00 - $5,5 PKO
19:00 - $11 PKO
12-31-2017 , 01:29 AM
less pskos please, and make the warmups/uppercuts 6max again once in a while
12-31-2017 , 03:56 AM
Originally Posted by WindUpBird
We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO.
12-31-2017 , 06:43 AM
Just a reminder as its New Years Eve today our Sunday schedule has been moved
Monday 1st Jan will see a full "Sunday" schedule tomorrow including the Main Event and The Title Fight both kicking off at 20:00CET

May I take this opportunity to wish you all a happy, safe and prosperous 2018
I wish you luck at the tables and hope to see many of you at our LIVE events

Happy Hogmanay!

12-31-2017 , 07:09 AM
Originally Posted by WindUpBird
We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO. We don’t want PKO.
12-31-2017 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by mashxx
Yeah Colette keep up the good work, your communication is top notch. And tell pads to get his **** together.

At the risk of getting flamed, I think Pads has got more important stuff to worry about:

"Plan for 2018 is really to just grow the brand and the face of the company as much as possible, whilst not making our "main stable" as big as we had initially planned. We had a very good group of players, we like working with them and we basically only take somebody in if they are very good and fit the community perfectly.

Our new branches of the company include:

bitB Development stable
bitB Spins
bitB Cash
bitB France
bitB Hungary

Within 2 months or so we've managed to get 5 very great operations working under the name that we're very involved in and that adds so much value to the overall company. "
12-31-2017 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by Party_Rep
To be honest - I will leaving the schedule changes for Pads to address


The problem with this is that 'Pads' has been posting in his own personal thread over the last few weeks but, not this one and many points raised here recently have gone without answer.

If this thread is Pads domain and he's too busy with his own business interests or whatever else, then where does that leave those PartyPoker players looking for answers in this thread?

Perhaps Pads should delegate this thread to someone else who has knowledge of the inner MTT workings at PartyPoker and is more able/willing to give this thread a bit more of there time...
01-01-2018 , 12:05 AM
I really don't think Pads has best possible schedule available for PartyPoker in his mind. '

I really think PartyPoker has 3 major points to follow up in 2018:

1) Fraud team. What happened in 2017 should never happen again. This is probably most important and most hard assignent to handle.
2) MTT promotion team. You really should hire up some people who know about MTTs and REALLY work for you. Pads doesn't. As he should do, he really works up for his team (which is BitB).
3) MTT basic team. Your team is not up-to-date on anything. You got some phases which allowed people to latereg into money (which was like 0,6x min buy-in, but still hugely +EV). It just seems there's either A) no basic understanding how MTTs work or B) people who seem to do this for their own good, Even after I mentioned this earlier this year, nothing happened.
01-01-2018 , 05:57 AM
It's a little unfair to say pad's is too busy with other stuff and doesn't do this or that etc, we don't really know what goes on, however, it is still frustrating to see the same errors and very little change. Are there things he has asked for that have simply been rejected? maybe he can explain. We did seem to get more consistent feedback from colette, albeit not many things were changed.

Filling the schedule with pko after pko looks totally amateurish, and yeah there does seem to be a lack of experience/knowledge within the team, i would like to be proved wrong about this, but this is honestly how it looks. I have never seen a site just throw up tournaments every hour and repeat this through the whole schedule, how can a manger overlook this and say yeah that's fine?

and seriously why still not a single 6 max tournament?
01-01-2018 , 03:54 PM
Party, specifically bwin, disconnected for anyone else? I can't get on and internet is clearly fine...
01-01-2018 , 03:55 PM
DC'd here
01-01-2018 , 03:55 PM
Yep same here, been down for 15ish minutes now
01-01-2018 , 03:56 PM
ya.. and while youre at it how about a sit back in all tables button
01-01-2018 , 03:57 PM
Same here, disconnected at all tables.
01-01-2018 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by norfair18
DC'd here
log out cant log in now wtf
