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****Official PartyPoker/Bwin 2015 MTT Discussion Thread**** ****Official PartyPoker/Bwin 2015 MTT Discussion Thread****

01-31-2017 , 03:24 PM
Finland didn't you win 17 CPP packages and brag about it just about everywhere you could. Probably profited 6 figures from the last leaderboard and still you find any reason to moan about any tiny thing you don't like. The rebuy issue is hilarious as well with you wanting to reg last second and addon for max roi. That only benefits penny pinching regs like yourself.

If you know Colette is doing a good job and the incident isn't her fault then email support about it don't waste everyones time here moaning about things that are out of her control.
01-31-2017 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by U shove i call
If you know Colette is doing a good job and the incident isn't her fault then email support about it don't waste everyones time here moaning about things that are out of her control.
"Waste everyones time". I know for a fact 2 people IRL who got wrong prizes and one of them wouldn't have done anything except got ~500$ less prizes because of this problem, and there's certainly lots of people who didn't notice this matter and got wrong prizes as well. Just because you weren't affected doesn't make this one matter less important.

Don't waste our time for acting like fool, good man.
01-31-2017 , 04:21 PM
You made about 20 posts about it. Like a broken record whinging about the same thing over and over. Once or twice would of been sufficient to alert the community but its obvious your 200+ posts ITT are to increase YOUR roi specifically not improve party for regs and recs alike. Do actually think Schmette is making good suggestions for the overall player base as well as himself.

Originally Posted by FarseerFinland
Schmette, you are totally out of line here. Using this unfortunate incident to further your own goals like you did in rebuy things which hurt the community is disgusting.
Seeing this just sent me on raging tilt and had to point out what everyone itt thinks that you cry like a little bitch and need a wakeup call.
01-31-2017 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by FarseerFinland
Schmette, you are totally out of line here. Using this unfortunate incident to further your own goals like you did in rebuy things which hurt the community is disgusting.
It seems to be that 109$ ticket has turned into $7500 package ($675 ticket still stands, waiting confirmation and information of package). Not sure about low/mid leaderboard though if I can be 2nd, P
Originally Posted by U shove i call
Finland didn't you win 17 CPP packages and brag about it just about everywhere you could. Probably profited 6 figures from the last leaderboard and still you find any reason to moan about any tiny thing you don't like. The rebuy issue is hilarious as well with you wanting to reg last second and addon for max roi. That only benefits penny pinching regs like yourself.
Its still a lie to pretend i destroyed rebuy mtts. Why would i do this?
I benefited heavily from the old rebuy systemlateregging and getting bid-addons while 30% of the field already was bust.
You come up with this story several times know, prtending i had so much influence to some decisions of the party managment, which is just absurd, plus i never wanted party to get rid of any rebuys mtts, i wrote several times pages of of posts how to help those rebuys, bigger grt better structure and so on.

Pretending i write this all to my benefit is another flat out bull**** story you come up with over and over again.
I wrote so often things which hurt my personal income, bc i believe it will help party overall to be better in the future.

Dec 2015 Party had a leaderboard with 100Players could play 100k frerroll.
Latereg was 60min and every player who was regged got like 500$ only for playing, safe money. After 20 min 1 player busted while only 45-60players where regged, Latereg did close bc money was already reached and those 40 players + could not register anymore. in the end those players got nothing not even the grt mincash as they did not reg "intime", it was a managment decsision that those players got nothing.
this promotion ended up making 40 players insane mad while only some where happy in the end, this 100k was wasted money and did even harm to Party as some players where mad, ask anybody if they can remember if they cashed in that promotion and then ask if somebody can remeber this bc he was 1 of those 40 player who ended up with nothing .

this 100k should been invested in rec players, give players 10$ and they are happy cause it means something to them, to be able to play a 5$ mtt or
a 10$ mtt. that 100k could have made 10k People happy giving them some money but no istaed they choose to make 40mad and the rest forget about it 1 week later. i ended up winning, thats why i still remeber

CPP was the same only worse.
No rec was able to win something as they had toplay every 109+ game 7days straight , starting 14CET and ended 5:00CET
Regs played this every week every day and prob multiaccounting in that time too.

To read know that you won 17 Packages shows exactly how absurd the promotion was. (even if you did not win that much, i heard of several players winning 7-10Packages). Your argument last time was, some players would have never gotten to the Caribic if this promotions wasnt there, true thing but the wrong people where able to go there. Recs should have gone there and not regs who already have enough money in life to go there on their own.
This whole 75k each week could have done such a better investment for party, could give so many people 5-11$ tickets, reload bonus for recs , freerolls with packages worth 7,5k, imagegine how many players would have tried to win such a package in a random freeroll, promotion value would be way better and more recs would have won a pkg.

This Promotion right now is probably the same thing, giving regs more money, you only have to watch every week who is winning this added money.
Originally Posted by U shove i call
You made about 20 posts about it. Like a broken record whinging about the same thing over and over. Once or twice would of been sufficient to alert the community but its obvious your 200+ posts ITT are to increase YOUR roi specifically not improve party for regs and recs alike. Do actually think Schmette is making good suggestions for the overall player base as well as himself.
Seeing this just sent me on raging tilt and had to point out what everyone itt thinks that you cry like a little bitch and need a wakeup call.
01-31-2017 , 08:25 PM
I just simply ignore uSIc. No means to detrail this topic any more by answering his ranting.

But Schmett made somewhat reasonable post, so I answer his questions and some which just isn't true from my point of view. So here's my 2 cents and I hope we can move on other matters.

Its still a lie to pretend i destroyed rebuy mtts. Why would i do this?
This was already discussed earlier. I am not a telepath, but I thought you wanted everyone to play re-entries and don't want people to have opportunity to play rebuys, hence forcing them all to play re-entries (or to move to other sites). Nevertheless, X lvl Y lvl was proved that it doesn't work (did overlay all the time with even small guaranteeds, never getting players excited) and still you insisted that they should remain that way as they're "good for the game and for the rebuys". Effectively that change is what destroyed rebuy MTTs.

Well, whatever your reasons and motivations are I don't know for sure and that's how it was and looks to me.

No rec was able to win something as they had toplay every 109+ game 7days straight , starting 14CET and ended 5:00CET
In short, untrue + untrue.

Yes, this leaderboard gives rather strong incentive to put up maximum effort. That's basic nature of leaderboard. But no, not everyone played every tournament. At least not me, at one week I played total of 48 tournaments out of 78 (with exactly 1 re-entry) and won a package. Never I played every tournament for one week.

About this, I know some recs who did play it and won it. One who I know personally actually had full time (37,5 hrs/week) dayjob going on for full week. So this is absolutely no true. Challenging, sure. For anyone.

Regs played this every week every day and prob multiaccounting in that time too.
I can't answer for other people, but I certainly didn't multiaccount. And I don't see any evidence or even hunch that would back up your doubt about that as I played it for many weeks. If that would have happened it would've probably got reported quite quickly.

Dec 2015 Party had a leaderboard with 100Players could play 100k frerroll.
Latereg was 60min and every player who was regged got like 500$ only for playing, safe money. After 20 min 1 player busted while only 45-60players where regged, Latereg did close bc money was already reached and those 40 players + could not register anymore. in the end those players got nothing not even the grt mincash as they did not reg "intime", it was a managment decsision that those players got nothing.
this promotion ended up making 40 players insane mad while only some where happy in the end, this 100k was wasted money and did even harm to Party as some players where mad, ask anybody if they can remember if they cashed in that promotion and then ask if somebody can remeber this bc he was 1 of those 40 player who ended up with nothing .
I remember this case. In this we were on the same side. I was one of 100 players, considered late registration myself but as I thought that it would happen as a bug (prizes were awarded instantly and as most people know, late registration tends to end when first prize is awarded). Well, I registered early because of that and my fear proved to be correct. I would've expected Party to pay minimun prizes for those who couldn't register to tournament in case of such bug.

Nevertheless, I did strongly voice my opinion in support of those who were affected and voiced my discontent over the matter in this very topic to at least get them paid mincashes. Even though it didn't matter my bankroll. I think it was something that people do much too few times.

But to remove every promotion because there's one mistake instead of trying to correct the error and move on? That's not how things work.

From your reasoning point if we take this little more on: gambling sites should stop offering poker, because it has so many potential problems to make people angry because bugs and server problems happen. Also in poker better players might actually win money, which is bad for ecology. They should instead concentrate solely on offering casino games to make people happy.

By the way, I didn't win 17 packages. Was lazy and only played 15 weeks so that it is impossible. Just wanted to point that repeating something does not make it true (I assume Schmette didn't know it and took UsIc lie as a fact).

I also do many things that use my time and hurt my personal income (a lot) to help friends and even people that I don't know because I think fair game is overall good for everyone and because I have conscience. Unfortunately there are many people in poker world who don't seem to have any conscience and even small part of sympathy for those who suffer on wrongdoings and even lash out to those people who try to help other people as well. Most of times I help friends or strangers (when they ask) to improve their game strategy and game selection it is more or less -EV but I'll do it anyway.

And in this specific case (leaderboard) I know that I did help not just me but some friends to get something they earned but would have otherwise missedas they didn't follow leaderboard. Maybe someone else too who I don't know from this topic. And UsIc calls it ranting.
01-31-2017 , 08:31 PM
Caribbean promo was pretty awful, 0 love for players under $109 level.
01-31-2017 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by FarseerFinland
I just simply ignore uSIc.

By the way, I didn't win 17 packages. Was lazy and only played 15 weeks so that it is impossible. Just wanted to point that repeating something does not make it true (I assume Schmette didn't know it and took UsIc lie as a fact).
Thats fine you can ignore me. Was just sick of your selfish posts being the dominant factor in this thread. Also i don't lie i admit i thought you had won more packages without checking the thread you were selling them in so my bad for that. Also saw you bragging about winning more packages in the facebook CPP group while trying to sell them there as well. 10-17 whats the difference you still made a fortune out of partys misplaced generosity to high stakes players. Even then you still whine every other day about this and that its embarrassing tbh. Feel sorry for Colette putting up with you when she clearly is just the public face of the company not like she can make top level decisions about how party run the company.
01-31-2017 , 09:06 PM
17 packages looool

those were worth like 5k+ each right?
02-01-2017 , 01:26 AM
Please change the point system in future leaderboards to another structure. More something like play-cash-final table-top3-win. Now players get rewarded for latereg and timing every hand, not a lot of prestige imo. Thrash like evianwater1 and DukeofSuffolk take hours of playing time away on a weekly base when there is a leaderboard to time for. Recs' must be getting a much worse experience

Other than that you people at Partypoker are doing a very good job and are definitely the best site out there atm. Keep up the good work
02-01-2017 , 02:52 AM
Originally Posted by Party Customer Support
I understand your frustration regarding the incorrect ranks being posted towards the leaderboard promotion. This has been rectified and the correct entries paid out into the account.

From our records I see you have received 2 tickets towards both the Leaderboard promotions. They are 'MILLIONS Day 1 Ticket & Spending Money' and 'MILLIONS £550 Seat'. You can find the same under 'Rewards - Tickets'.
Matter solved for me, I am content with this (appeared on my account today). It's what I expected to get, and although seeing results would be best it'll match my expectations. Low leaderboard at least was a very close race until the very end and would love to know who actually were the top2 players.

Thank you Colette so much for help, without you Party would have probably lost me as a customer ages ago. Your help is always appreciated.

Question concerning ticket: If I happen to get to Day 1 from Phase 1 (using that ticket I won from one leaderboard) what will happen to first package I won from another leaderboard? Rules concerning promotion are somewhat confusing for me about this special case.
02-01-2017 , 04:53 AM
Originally Posted by FarseerFinland
Matter solved for me, I am content with this (appeared on my account today). It's what I expected to get, and although seeing results would be best it'll match my expectations. Low leaderboard at least was a very close race until the very end and would love to know who actually were the top2 players.

Thank you Colette so much for help, without you Party would have probably lost me as a customer ages ago. Your help is always appreciated.

Question concerning ticket: If I happen to get to Day 1 from Phase 1 (using that ticket I won from one leaderboard) what will happen to first package I won from another leaderboard? Rules concerning promotion are somewhat confusing for me about this special case.

Glad your issue is resolved
The first package for the MILLIONS should be used in all instances
As per the T&Cs >
In the event that a player wins multiple packages, the first package must be used, and any subsequent packages will be converted into tournament dollars

The event is a multi Day 1 entry event - you can play several Day1s and the highest stack will be taking forward to Day2
02-01-2017 , 04:26 PM
Do the $11 and $55 Super KOs run daily (incl Saturday) at 18:00 server time?
Do the $5.50 and $22 Prog KOs run daily (incl Saturday) at 20:00 server time?

Support couldn't tell me
02-01-2017 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by EpicEpicEpic
Please change the point system in future leaderboards to another structure. More something like play-cash-final table-top3-win. Now players get rewarded for latereg and timing every hand, not a lot of prestige imo. Thrash like evianwater1 and DukeofSuffolk take hours of playing time away on a weekly base when there is a leaderboard to time for. Recs' must be getting a much worse experience

Other than that you people at Partypoker are doing a very good job and are definitely the best site out there atm. Keep up the good work
Agreed. I understand it from their point of view, Party needs to change the rules. When you have one of these guys at your table a regspeed effectively turns into a turbo while these tournaments are designed to have a good structure during the series
02-02-2017 , 05:24 AM
Originally Posted by UPAY4DINNER
Do the $11 and $55 Super KOs run daily (incl Saturday) at 18:00 server time?
Do the $5.50 and $22 Prog KOs run daily (incl Saturday) at 20:00 server time?

Support couldn't tell me

Yes 6pm UK/ 19:00CET and 8pm UK/21:00CET
02-02-2017 , 05:35 PM
Finnaly some promotions for regs instead of those 888/PS challenges worth 3c,
Missed this one myself, so i can't comment on it further however. I saw a guy in this thread make some excellent points about extending the structure of the 5k this sunday. Tought he was on the money, shame he didnt get a response.
02-02-2017 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by Party_Rep
Yes 6pm UK/ 19:00CET and 8pm UK/21:00CET
Thank you!

02-02-2017 , 07:04 PM
Anyway we can contact management to discuss these blind structure changes to the $5 and $22 mtts ? It's just not going to work I imagine numbers are well down already.
02-02-2017 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by Tank Home & Away
Anyway we can contact management to discuss these blind structure changes to the $5 and $22 mtts ? It's just not going to work I imagine numbers are well down already.
I'd definitely be interested to see how the figures compare.
02-03-2017 , 04:22 AM
Originally Posted by Fanta Pomelo
Finnaly some promotions for regs instead of those 888/PS challenges worth 3c,
Missed this one myself, so i can't comment on it further however. I saw a guy in this thread make some excellent points about extending the structure of the 5k this sunday. Tought he was on the money, shame he didnt get a response.
All feedback is noted and shared for review with the management team

Regarding recent blind structure changes - these will run for sometime until we can review some detailed analysis before any further decision are made
02-03-2017 , 06:27 AM
We are delighted to confirm John Duthie as our new President of partypoker LIVE!
This is very exciting news and we hope to see our tour grow to become the best poker tour on offer
Read our exclusive interview with John on our blog>

02-03-2017 , 07:17 AM
There is scheduled $530 High-Roller with $50k gtd at 18:00 CET on Sunday. Isnt it suppose to be powerfest event with $200k gtd like last two sundays?
02-03-2017 , 08:09 AM
Originally Posted by Party_Rep
All feedback is noted and shared for review with the management team

Regarding recent blind structure changes - these will run for sometime until we can review some detailed analysis before any further decision are made
review what? the games are ruined, that's your analysis. The mtt schedule is just so poor, people here have given suggestion after suggestion and still you don't listen, then to top it off, you go and kill the structures. I really now think you deserve boycott of the games.
02-03-2017 , 08:12 AM
Originally Posted by suk12
There is scheduled $530 High-Roller with $50k gtd at 18:00 CET on Sunday. Isnt it suppose to be powerfest event with $200k gtd like last two sundays?

This is a new addition to the power series regular schedule and has a 20K GTD weekdays and 50K on Sundays

There are powerfest HR events this Sunday at 20:00 and 22:00 for $530 in addition - events #219 and #222
02-03-2017 , 08:17 AM
Originally Posted by Party_Rep
This is a new addition to the power series regular schedule and has a 20K GTD weekdays and 50K on Sundays

There are powerfest HR events this Sunday at 20:00 and 22:00 for $530 in addition - events #219 and #222
any new additions for low stakes?
02-03-2017 , 08:24 AM
We added an improved schedule for our EST players >
For our CET prime time - at the moment - no change
