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**** Official November STTF **** Thread - now with 25% more rungood! **** **** Official November STTF **** Thread - now with 25% more rungood! ****

11-30-2010 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by Deurdy
Not when you bink a WPT just before.
when you shove 76s into KK xmas sucks 6th place

so, the family won the lottery in some way.
11-30-2010 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by Deurdy
One of the Dutch lotteries has a TV Quiz show connected to it, during which they have one of the presenters go to the house of one of the big prize winners live during the show. Two weekends ago a family got surprised by a 460K EUR check.
Then last Thursday the man got a call from the lottery with a woman saying "I have both bad news and good news."
Bad news: Whoops! We made a mistake, you did not win the lottery.
Good news: You can still keep the money.


Heh, good thing this happened in a Dutch lottery. I suspect in the US there would be no good news coming with the bad.
11-30-2010 , 04:19 PM
Yeah, it's pretty sick, also for Dutch standards. But they probably took into consideration that it could otherwise backfire both in terms of public opinion and mindset as well as perhaps a lawsuit having to pay damages. Still sick lucky for that family.

We had a very interesting and ridiculous case a year or so ago in one of the other lotteries. It is a lottery based on the postal codes, so your postal code is your lottery number. So this occassionally results in the whole neighbourhood/street winning a huge prize. Except of course if you're not participating.
One woman sued the lottery for psychological damage, since all her neighbours became millionairs in the lottery except her, since she wasn't playing.

Of course she was ridiculed in the media, since it was her choice not to play in that lottery. But I could definitely see the point that in a "normal" lottery you never have the feeling you could have won the big one on a certain week since numbers are either chosen or random. But in this lottery you automatically become aware that you "missed out". She lost the case though.
11-30-2010 , 04:20 PM
On the subject of bacon
11-30-2010 , 04:20 PM
IANAL, but once you give something to somebody, isn't it theirs? Or had they yet to receive the payout?
11-30-2010 , 04:38 PM
Beerocrat drunk dialed me last night.
11-30-2010 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by Gazillion
IANAL, but once you give something to somebody, isn't it theirs? Or had they yet to receive the payout?
I'm not ANAL, like you.

Last edited by Deurdy; 11-30-2010 at 05:19 PM. Reason: fixed misunderstanding imo.. :-p
11-30-2010 , 05:06 PM
No Deurdy, I think you misunderstood me.

I Anal
11-30-2010 , 05:23 PM
Hey guys, I have to earn 21.5k vpps before the end of the 2010 to get supernova which works out to around 4k in rake - any recommendations on which games I should add @ the beginning and end of my sessions when the multitabling isnt too intense ?
11-30-2010 , 05:35 PM
$88 6 max hyper turbo sats to the sunday million? Only $1.72 in rake though so good for speed, but not too good for accruing VPPs, unless you just did nothing but play them for a while, in which case you could probably play maybe 70-100 per hour.
11-30-2010 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by Scotty_12
Hey guys, I have to earn 21.5k vpps before the end of the 2010 to get supernova which works out to around 4k in rake - any recommendations on which games I should add @ the beginning and end of my sessions when the multitabling isnt too intense ?
play the 20-50 bb 6max tables of cash, buy in for 20 bb, just make a stack of them..rake adds up like crazy in those. play 1/2+ though
11-30-2010 , 05:51 PM
You know you're getting old when you get really pumped about having vision and dental.
11-30-2010 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
You know you're getting old when you get really pumped about having vision and dental.
My dental benefits kicked in like 2 months ago when my contract was finally turned into a FT position... However, im scared to go to the dentist to get my teeth figured out cause I havent been in 7+ years :S
11-30-2010 , 06:00 PM
It's been about 3 for me, and even then I didn't get x-rays because I was paying out of pocket. Still I don't think I need anything major, and tartar control works wonders.
11-30-2010 , 06:15 PM
6max plo gives tons and tons of vpps. other than that best bet is hyperturbo sngs jorj style or regular sngs still make you play tons of rake really fast
11-30-2010 , 06:17 PM
Im looking for UNC +6 vs Ill tonight. 10-20 bucks. Any regs can quote and book for whatever amount.
11-30-2010 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by Scotty_12
Hey guys, I have to earn 21.5k vpps before the end of the 2010 to get supernova which works out to around 4k in rake - any recommendations on which games I should add @ the beginning and end of my sessions when the multitabling isnt too intense ?
Why do you need to be SN?
Have made a serious and honest assessment of the benefits?
Are you certain this is more valuable than playing your normal games?
11-30-2010 , 07:08 PM
Woo hoo. Also I get 3 free consultations for:

• Stress
• Substance Abuse (Drug/Alcohol)
• Crisis counseling
• Resiliency
• Depression
• Gambling and other addictive behaviors
• Parenting
• Financial Issues
• Life Changes
• Relationship Issues
• Mental Health
• Grief Issues
• Balancing work and home

I like how about 11 of those can be directly related to poker.
11-30-2010 , 07:22 PM
now if only it came with a blog
11-30-2010 , 07:31 PM
Maybe somebody who worked for the lottery knew and really disliked that family, and wanted to play a cruel joke on them by making them mistakenly think they'd won...

The plan sorta worked
11-30-2010 , 07:42 PM
I dont know if I like the you won / no you didnt but you still did OR the 'im suing bc of my newly rich neighbors' Dutch lotto story better ... But one thing is for certain, I love the NL and will be back sooner rather than later!

Originally Posted by TheNoodleMan
Why do you need to be SN?
Have made a serious and honest assessment of the benefits?
Are you certain this is more valuable than playing your normal games?
#1. Certainly dont 'need' to be SN but I think I'll have a lazy December if I dont set any poker goals. SN seemed to be a good place to start bc it will make me play more, plus I will be reaping the rewards for all of next year.

#2. Sure haven't.

#3. I'll still be playing my standard lazy mtt schedule, just adding some rake-generating stuff to fill up my monitor space in spots where I would otherwise just coast through the start/end of sessions.

What scripts are people using to grind nowadays? What do you like about them? Its been a couple years since I ran my old jukofyork simple party script - right click anywhere over the table = auto c/f, scroll wheel for betsize, depress scroll wheel to shove anywhere over the table to shove, f12 = notes and 1 click reg. God those were the days.

I remember buying a script for ftp, maybe it was called ftp shortcuts but it could have been called table ninja, either way it had way more bells and whistles than I needed ... I used it for one session, misclicked a couple times costing me like 10x what I paid, and never used it again out of spite ... starting to realize it might be time to drop the grudge, embrace technology and reacquaint myself with scripts

Originally Posted by TheNoodleMan
now if only it came with a blog
11-30-2010 , 07:45 PM
Scotty, pretty sure most people are using Tableninja these days, but Hjalper is gaining traction and will get more features over time. As of right now, Tableninja covers a lot of bases to the point where it feels like a must have to me.
11-30-2010 , 07:55 PM
Cheaters ITT.
11-30-2010 , 07:57 PM
if you are playing mostly on stars hjalper is definitely the way to go
11-30-2010 , 08:00 PM
Velo, the problem with Hjalper is it's still missing some features imo - it has no auto betsizing and no tourney auto regging, and its main selling point has kind of been undermined by some of the recent stars updates. It's definitely promising, and the code seems to be really lean, but I just can't get over the fact that it's over twice the price of Tableninja and does less than half as much. Six months from now it will be totally there I think, but right now it just doesn't cover enough bases for the price being asked of it iyam.
