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*OFFICIAL NAPT Mohegan Sun Thread* *OFFICIAL NAPT Mohegan Sun Thread*

04-08-2010 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by RonFezBuddy
140k moved to Jordan Morgan's table halfway through the day and he crushed. He's CL with 705k.

GL Jomo/Todd/anyone else I virtually know!
*OFFICIAL NAPT Mohegan Sun Thread* Quote
04-09-2010 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by smokrokflock
177k. was on ivey's direct right for last hour and a half. He is very intimidating.
i don't know if i could sit next to phil and not just pop open nvg threads with amazing photoshops and totally just annoy the **** out of him.
*OFFICIAL NAPT Mohegan Sun Thread* Quote
04-09-2010 , 12:12 AM
Gl g0lfa and tab and anyone else i'm friends with still in this. I busted the 2k with 99 vs QTo all in on turn on K94dd7x where he bet/called my shove???? and rivered a J See u guys in the 1k tomm I suppose.
*OFFICIAL NAPT Mohegan Sun Thread* Quote
04-09-2010 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by jimmyc123
i had k7, i opened mp he shoved for not much more, surprisingly, he was short stacked
I believe it was 800 1600 he made it under 4K I shoved for about 10K more.
*OFFICIAL NAPT Mohegan Sun Thread* Quote
04-09-2010 , 12:32 AM
220k going to day 3, gl every1 still in
*OFFICIAL NAPT Mohegan Sun Thread* Quote
04-09-2010 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by NeilJ
Hi All,

2 - The draw. That was a mistake that we corrected as quickly as we were able. The field was pre-drawn on Monday when we had under 400 players at 50 tables total. The field doubled in the final 36 hours and we had to add 25 tables, including 15 in the poker room. At that point all the receipts for the first 380 players had been printed and distributed, so there was no chance to redo the draw. This will not happen again and changes have already been put in place for NAPT MS next year. I apologize to all the players who were affected. Many of the players who bought in in the last 36 hours did make it into the first 50 tables as there were plenty of open seats at those tables when the preliminary draw was done.

4 - Bags. I have spoken with MS about the bags and we will have standard sealable bags from Day 2 forward.


PokerStars Live Events Specialist
The Table merging was NOT, I repeat NOT, done as quickly as possible. They promised to move one table at a time from the poker room into the ballroom as 10 seats opened there, this lasted for exactly three tables. At that point they started to break poker room tables into OTHER poker room tables. This created an even larger disparity between those tables and the ballroom tables. When we got to 6 poker room tables left, they finally moved us all to the ballroom but in the SAME SEATS. This was at the start of LEVEL 7 (6 hours into the event). By this time there were at least 10 open tables in the ballroom, and the tables should have already been merged if the process was done as promised.

They finally started breaking those tables into the other ballroom tables as seats opened up, but my table didnt break until LEVEL 8.

The ridiculous part of the whole system was that online people and pokerstars pros were assigned seats even BEFORE they actually registered in line. It was blatantly obvious that about 700 people would play in the event.

An obivous way to handle the registration was to have the online and stars pros seats in the computer, but the seat not assigned until they actually came to the window and registered. At least that way there would have been a possibilty of anyone getting seated in either room.

I signed up early evening the day before the event, and don't want to hear the excuse that if you signed up early you wouldnt have been in that situation.

Good job with replacing those ridiculous twist tie bags.

End of rant.
*OFFICIAL NAPT Mohegan Sun Thread* Quote
04-09-2010 , 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by jus2awsum
i thought they were announcing the other napt venues at mohegan. anyone know anything about this?
They had hoped to have an official announcement ready to roll, but had some problems getting it together. Unofficially, I've been led to believe by the NAPT people (an absolutely totally different entity from PokerStars! For sure!) that there will be an event in a country whose name rhymes with "Banada", somewhere at a place whose name rhymes with "Ballsview". Also at least one more event on the East Coast, and one more on the West Coast. I'm guessing Taj for the East one, West...? Dunno. If it's in Vegas, I suppose that Wynn is the only other acceptable venue. If it's CA, I'm not sure which of the big cardbarns are not WPT-committed.

Looking forward to the Banada event. I liked that place when it was a WPT stop.
*OFFICIAL NAPT Mohegan Sun Thread* Quote
04-09-2010 , 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
I believe it was 800 1600 he made it under 4K I shoved for about 10K more.
so who made the fatal error?
*OFFICIAL NAPT Mohegan Sun Thread* Quote
04-09-2010 , 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by FatalError
so who made the fatal error?
It depends what EV you think youd have against my shove range with K7. Pot offers less than 2-1 odds on the call.
*OFFICIAL NAPT Mohegan Sun Thread* Quote
04-09-2010 , 01:44 AM
he had to call with K7, he had 2 live cards vs your AQ.
*OFFICIAL NAPT Mohegan Sun Thread* Quote
04-09-2010 , 01:45 AM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
It depends what EV you think youd have against my shove range with K7. Pot offers less than 2-1 odds on the call.
are you sure
*OFFICIAL NAPT Mohegan Sun Thread* Quote
04-09-2010 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by DavidTth
are you sure
I reraised from one of the blinds. so pot is $1800 in antes 1600 bb his $3700 (not sure of exact amt) my 3700. so 10800. i raised about 10k more so pot now about 20K so he was getting about 2-1. Still unsure if proper call vs my shove range. Ill let you guys determine that.

I believe they started the hand with over $50K. I had 14K ish
*OFFICIAL NAPT Mohegan Sun Thread* Quote
04-09-2010 , 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
I reraised from one of the blinds. so pot is $1800 in antes 1600 bb his $3700 (not sure of exact amt) my 3700. so 10800. i raised about 10k more so pot now about 20K so he was getting about 2-1. Still unsure if proper call vs my shove range. Ill let you guys determine that.

I believe they started the hand with over $50K. I had 14K ish
Just like we're betting with actual cash value chips.
*OFFICIAL NAPT Mohegan Sun Thread* Quote
04-09-2010 , 02:12 AM
800/1600/200. 1800+1600+800+3700+3700+10000 = 21,600 and he has to call 10,000. He is getting 2.16 to 1. He needs 31.6% equity vs your range. You should be shoving wide enough to make this a clear call. If you're not you're making a bigger mistake than his call.
*OFFICIAL NAPT Mohegan Sun Thread* Quote
04-09-2010 , 02:15 AM
no pillows are safe around king dan
*OFFICIAL NAPT Mohegan Sun Thread* Quote
04-09-2010 , 02:26 AM
Originally Posted by jus2awsum
i thought they were announcing the other napt venues at mohegan. anyone know anything about this?
anyone, bueller? bueller?
*OFFICIAL NAPT Mohegan Sun Thread* Quote
04-09-2010 , 02:32 AM
hey jordan, no pressure but i hope you get your fair share of that gold!
*OFFICIAL NAPT Mohegan Sun Thread* Quote
04-09-2010 , 02:34 AM
flying out of Hartford tomorrow at 4:30, anyone leaving want to share a ride to the airport around 1pm or so?
*OFFICIAL NAPT Mohegan Sun Thread* Quote
04-09-2010 , 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by MrTimCaum
no pillows are safe around king dan
pillow terrorism
*OFFICIAL NAPT Mohegan Sun Thread* Quote
04-09-2010 , 02:47 AM
well I officially have no room tomorrow as Mohegan is sold out for the weekend, anyone have a room that I can crash in?
*OFFICIAL NAPT Mohegan Sun Thread* Quote
04-09-2010 , 02:48 AM
Originally Posted by RaineTech
800/1600/200. 1800+1600+800+3700+3700+10000 = 21,600 and he has to call 10,000. He is getting 2.16 to 1. He needs 31.6% equity vs your range. You should be shoving wide enough to make this a clear call. If you're not you're making a bigger mistake than his call.
Just plain wrong.

Text results appended to pokerstove.txt

2,876,670,720 games 1.857 secs 1,549,095,702 games/sec


equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 31.361% 30.85% 00.51% 887505276 14645466.00 { K7o }
Hand 1: 68.639% 68.13% 00.51% 1959874512 14645466.00 { 44+, A8s+, KQs, ATo+, KQo }

Thats break even. I play poker tournaments to make money. I think shoving 44/55 with no fold equity is bad at a lot of tables....I can't imagine trying to get it in much lighter...and obviously if he's really active if you throw in a bunch of the broadways....his equity gets worse....and I can't imagine him shoving worse.

He made a bad call, and probably a bad raise, and you post that just to troll chainsaw?

Whats your range for reshipping there? I'd probably be 66+ATo+A8s+KQ if I'm sure the guy was active...You can find such better spots with much more fold equity.

If he's suited....(didn't specify) Then the call becomes barely +cEV ...probably -ev vs a nits range....and your gambling chips in a soft tourney with a bunch of idiots
*OFFICIAL NAPT Mohegan Sun Thread* Quote
04-09-2010 , 02:49 AM
I've only seen my roommate for like 7 minutes of this entire trip. Perhaps u can crash here?

jk but rly g0lfa just disappears forever.
*OFFICIAL NAPT Mohegan Sun Thread* Quote
04-09-2010 , 02:55 AM
yah but what is his range?!!?

Last edited by LetMeLive; 04-09-2010 at 02:55 AM. Reason: oh hi der
*OFFICIAL NAPT Mohegan Sun Thread* Quote
04-09-2010 , 03:02 AM
Originally Posted by MrTimCaum
no pillows are safe around king dan

he also threw a lot of French fries into the corner of the room, sigh

Last edited by NHFunkii; 04-09-2010 at 03:28 AM.
*OFFICIAL NAPT Mohegan Sun Thread* Quote
04-09-2010 , 03:24 AM
127k to end day 1 of the Day2, think im top 3? average is 40k maybe? 40 people leftish.
*OFFICIAL NAPT Mohegan Sun Thread* Quote
