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***Official January Censored Thread (NSFW)*** ***Official January Censored Thread (NSFW)***

01-12-2014 , 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by The_Stro_Sho
Why would you tell the story here then when you could just get in touch with him via some mutual acquaintance (pretty sure you guys have to have some mutual acquaintances or you are able to find a way to get to him) ? And then tell him to pay up or he gets outed. This way it seems that you are just trying to make a big deal of it.
01-12-2014 , 09:29 AM
Let him know you'll out him if he doesn't pay then... Out him anyway scammers gonna scam. If people decide to trust him still then at least you did what you could.
01-12-2014 , 10:05 AM
Blackmail itt
01-12-2014 , 10:15 AM
He hasn't been paying in three years. Even if he pays you now he should be outed obviously.
01-12-2014 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by DoGGz
Believe it or not i have a kind soul. I am waiting for him to log on and talk with me via PM first. I kinda feel bad bringing it up after so many years.
You think of it as kind not to inform the community about a well known reg that has scammed you?
01-12-2014 , 11:14 AM
such a kind soul
01-12-2014 , 12:08 PM
Let me hear back from him via PM and then you'll have your story time.
01-12-2014 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by DoGGz
Let me hear back from him via PM and then you'll have your story time.
what does it matter what he says in the PM? will he say something that will make you not post about it?
01-12-2014 , 03:02 PM
doggz why did u ask for opinions itt?
01-12-2014 , 03:18 PM
I have info that could affect you all in a negative way if I don't tell y'all. Just wanted to make everyone aware of this cause I'm a kind soul
01-12-2014 , 05:03 PM
Near the top on p5s + new 'star' + bragging in graph threads - it's not rocket science
01-12-2014 , 05:14 PM
Why dont you just say it then?
01-12-2014 , 05:28 PM
cause it's not my call to make - I don't even know the guy and am not even close to involved in this. If doggz wants to talk to him first, then I think I should let him.
01-12-2014 , 06:11 PM
Imagine if Hackman started crushing
01-12-2014 , 06:22 PM
01-12-2014 , 06:39 PM
01-12-2014 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by SlevinUp
Imagine if Hackman started crushing
01-12-2014 , 08:34 PM
What if he already is and we just don't know about it?

Last edited by BakinC00kies; 01-12-2014 at 08:34 PM. Reason: probably not though
01-12-2014 , 09:33 PM
it was me , i made a mistake, i did run bad, it was about 460$ i did quit poker for a few months back then and i was to embarrassed to loose somone else money and felt like i could not grind it back etc.
i would have paid it back much earlier if i would have remembered etc.
i have a clean reputation since then and sold pieces to about 100-200 different people.
I would consider myself as a very honest person and so would probably anyone i have contact with. I obviously did not steal the money and cashed it out or smth i just felt i could never grind that money back (4$ SNGs) wich was obviously more then stupid.

"big" mistake
lost 460$ quit poker for a while and didnt informed the staker nor contacted him ever again (was to embarrased to loose somone elses money)
paid back the money as soon as he contacted me (which i would have done even if i wouldnt care about my reputation or even have none)
im not trying to make further excuses because it just sucks what i did.
01-12-2014 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by DoGGz
Believe it or not i have a kind soul. I am waiting for him to log on and talk with me via PM first. I kinda feel bad bringing it up after so many years.
Despite having such a "kind soul" you're always very fast to drag others down.
The following post is only a few hours apart from the one quoted above:

Originally Posted by DoGGz
Thank you for contacting PokerStars.

We are at the time conducting a full review of 'LordGregoire' and related
Even though you're not directly involved in the LordGregoire situation you are extremly enthusiastic about making sure he gets in trouble for things he might have or might not have done while putting a lot of effort into avoiding having to out your former horse - a proven scammer based on actual evidence.
This entire discussion isn't about you or what you're comfortable with; It's about protecting the community from people like him.
What if he goes on a large downswings and decides to scam again?
What if he has a large (live) score and rolls his investors?

Edit: Typed this (and forgot to hit submit) before overthetop outed himself
01-13-2014 , 01:46 AM
Big surprise, Doggz is a sanctimonious clown...

Cue half a dozen people telling me what a douche I am for being direct and mostly speaking the truth
01-13-2014 , 01:49 AM
I'm really surprised your post ended up about yourself again!
01-13-2014 , 01:57 AM
I think there's too much hating on Doggz ITT at the moment. He was just thinking out loud too much and likely would have come to right result if overthetop didn't out himself.

Maybe, he just wanted to be sure that they were on same page as to validity of debt, identity of person, etc.
01-13-2014 , 03:16 AM
lol you guys. I was giving him the chance to post. TT_fold you are really special man.

First, Heartland is on target. That first post was mostly out of shock. It had been over 3 years and I hadn't even thought about the incident much at all since black friday. It really was only coincidence that I made the link. In fact I wasn't even 100% sure it was him until I did more research after I made that post.

Story time as promised:

In 2010 I started up a staking group focusing on taking on new, hungry players and teaching them the game. The first few months for every player I signed involved playing $4-$26 Rush MTTsngs on FTP. Jan, overthetop, was one of the first guys I signed.

After a few weeks I had like 7-8 players and it was FTOPS time. As a treat, I gave them a push/fold quiz and whoever did the best would have a chance to play one of the ht215s. Jan did the best by far, 19 out of 20, and I gave him the chance to play. He did well but finished a few minutes outside the money. Later that week was the last time I heard from him.

Of the ~40 people I staked, this was the only time anyone ever ran out on me, and I was always a bit shocked because he was also the best player I had signed in that first month. The total makeup was just over $400. To put that in perspective, that was about one good winning day in the $12 games.

When I contacted Jan, he got back to me quickly and offered to pay $750 because he felt so embarrassed by what had happened. He said he was broke at the time which is also why he was looking for staking. There aren't many people who steal just for the sake of stealing, so I'll choose to believe his story. I wanted to give him a chance to post first which is why y'all had to wait a day. It's pretty funny some of the reaction tbh.


Unrelated to this specifically but while we are gathered 'round. For about a year I put all my winnings into that staking operation. It was around 50 guys mostly playing on FTP. A lot of them were American. On Black Friday I lost more than my job, I lost everything I worked at for a year. All the stakees. All the makeup. All the funds. When I eventually made it to Mexico in 2012 I had ~3k to my name. These last two years have just been a battle to keep myself above water and try to build something. Its really really tough to get ahead in MTTs when you never win anything big. Maybe finding Jan is just the start of a chain of goodluck.
