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Official Double or Nothing Thread Official Double or Nothing Thread
View Poll Results: What do you think on the rake for DON?
The rake is too high but I will continue to play
116 25.00%
The rake is too high and I will not continue to play
89 19.18%
I dont play but if the rake was lower, I would
109 23.49%
The rake is fine
150 32.33%

10-20-2008 , 05:12 PM
Can all the $20 DON players please mark a note to spite call nealarm every hand please. I swear to God he only plays to make me lose. He even slowrolled me before his cute lil slowplay with AA for 100 chips more on the last hand. I didn't think twice about folding the KK just because I wanted him to lose more than I wanted myself to win.


10-20-2008 , 05:19 PM
Tony Montana,

That 400 game break even stretch is brutal. CrackedQuads said he was possiblly giving up on these games.
10-20-2008 , 05:54 PM
Whats up with the break even streches??? werent these games supposed to be lower variance?? btw if you look at a few solid winners on sharkscope I mean I mean +20k games played some have way over 1k break even streches. Scary
10-20-2008 , 06:12 PM
1738 $52s so far.
6.9% ROI
$6224 won
Biggest downswing 27 buyins (lasted for 200 games)
10-20-2008 , 06:54 PM

Very nice !!!

If you calculate that over a whole year that's incredible for $50 buy in poker.
10-20-2008 , 06:55 PM
As far as break even stretches go, they are better than losing stretches.
10-20-2008 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by random hater
Can all the $20 DON players please mark a note to spite call nealarm every hand please. I swear to God he only plays to make me lose. He even slowrolled me before his cute lil slowplay with AA for 100 chips more on the last hand. I didn't think twice about folding the KK just because I wanted him to lose more than I wanted myself to win.


haha very nice. villain is an idiot, when he was otb he folded the ss all in getting 4/1. guess you guys had a litle war going on
10-20-2008 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by blankoblanco
uhhh.. they are generally right to not try to "pwn" the bubble in such a situation. at that stack you can fold into money with like 99% certainty. why should you needlessly put chips at risk depending on other people to correctly fold when the whole profit of these SnGs comes from the fact that people call or shove incorrectly all the time

I disagree......if I'm sitting on 6k I'm pwning the bubble all day just to get the thing over with and get another up an running
10-20-2008 , 09:46 PM
Updated sample: 8.8% over 965 that's 56.6% ITM. I'm finally not running bad & playing better helps.
10-20-2008 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by sqwerty12
I disagree......if I'm sitting on 6k I'm pwning the bubble all day just to get the thing over with and get another up an running
Yes, and the good players love you.

10-20-2008 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by Klinzmann
1738 $52s so far.
6.9% ROI
$6224 won
Biggest downswing 27 buyins (lasted for 200 games)
Nice. How many you playing at a time? Sets or continuous?
10-20-2008 , 10:17 PM
oh my sample is at the 20s.
10-20-2008 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by TruFloridaGator
Updated sample: 8.8% over 965 that's 56.6% ITM. I'm finally not running bad & playing better helps.
Nice stats. These are the stats I'm hoping for over the long run at the $20s.
10-20-2008 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by titans01
Nice. How many you playing at a time? Sets or continuous?
I 12-table continously.
10-21-2008 , 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by TruFloridaGator
Updated sample: 8.8% over 965 that's 56.6% ITM. I'm finally not running bad & playing better helps.
what level are you playin?
10-21-2008 , 12:20 AM
Enjoy these while you can guys. I'm 18% in the 20's but expect this to go down as the fish dry up.

Thing is - these things are boring and fish aren't playing to grind $., they're playing for fun.

Once they realise they are boring they'll go back to where they were and these things will just be full of grinders like you and me.
10-21-2008 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by MonkeyButler
what level are you playin?
20s. I started with 18 in sets, now I'm doing 18 semi-continuously. It's at about 45/hr but a huge chunk was done in sets. I'm probably averaging around 55/hr with the semi-continuous sets. I will register new ones when I get down to 12 or 13 left, just so I can focus on bubbles and have time to accurately assess the short stacks, etc. If I have a bunch of tough tables or tough spots, I'll wait to register until I knock it down to 8 or 9.
10-21-2008 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by sqwerty12
Enjoy these while you can guys. I'm 18% in the 20's but expect this to go down as the fish dry up.

Thing is - these things are boring and fish aren't playing to grind $., they're playing for fun.

Once they realise they are boring they'll go back to where they were and these things will just be full of grinders like you and me.
Too late, I had a couple table full of 7 "regs" today because no one gives a **** about table selection. People hate $. I think it's just a matter of doing a bit of table selection which has always been needed in the recent past. You still have an edge at these tables, because most of the "regs" are really bad. They just play tight and make the bubbles tougher on average and keep the tables 9-10 handed longer.
10-21-2008 , 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by titans01
Nice stats. These are the stats I'm hoping for over the long run at the $20s.
I think maybe 10-12% is sustainable, possibly higher with great table selection. I ran really bad for a huge chunk of these so my ROI is probably not a great depiction. The hourly can be better than 9 mans or other SNGs, so that's the most important thing.
10-21-2008 , 01:16 AM
That's not even funny and what part about AMT's post about no BBV type crap did you not understand?
10-21-2008 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by TruFloridaGator
I think maybe 10-12% is sustainable, possibly higher with great table selection. I ran really bad for a huge chunk of these so my ROI is probably not a great depiction. The hourly can be better than 9 mans or other SNGs, so that's the most important thing.
Yeah the hourly has definately been better for me as I can play twice as many of these an hour compared to the regulars.
10-21-2008 , 02:16 AM
I just played a weird set of these.

I had 16 of these going about 2 levels deep in most. I had doubled in 2 with a set or AA I believe in one and lost 1/3rd of my stack in two. All the sudden my internet dies for 15-20 minutes and I come back to see I actually still had chips on all tables including those I lost 1/3rd of the starting stack early which those were down to about 400-700 chip range.. yuck, but some how I got in the money in 11 of the 16. You got to hate when your internet dies as I was praying I'd come back and be able to get in the money in like 5 of them or blind into the money in those few I doubled in..

So in summary losing your internet for 2 or 3 levels of playing several of these is obv +EV
10-21-2008 , 03:06 AM
Get yourself a cable for your mobile phone and use GPRS/UMTS/EDGE/Whatever when your connection gets lost. Well worth the $3 investment in the long run
10-21-2008 , 03:51 AM
How much harder are the 10.4 compared to the 5.2? (turbos)
10-21-2008 , 03:57 AM
meh to early for me to be swatting that fly on my monitor
