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*****Offical October STTF [censored] thread ***** NSFW no lame BBV *****Offical October STTF [censored] thread ***** NSFW no lame BBV

10-26-2009 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by DirDirDirty
Anyone else had HEM troubles since loading Windows 7? I posted in HEM forum just curious if anyone else is and if you are if its similar or if you know how to fix it.
No, had no HEM problems, i just turned of UAC (put it to lowest setting), had no issues at all.

In fact had no software problems at all, and i'm fully up and running as my development and poker machine (around 30-40 programs i use daily). running very chipper, v happy with everything so far.
10-26-2009 , 08:44 PM
The acting by Debra "The ?!" Morgan causes physical pain...

Last edited by jurrasstoil; 10-26-2009 at 09:05 PM.
10-26-2009 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by jurrasstoil
The acting by Debra "The ***?!" Morgan causes physical pain...

How does she get cast in anything? Everything seems so forced. Also, she definitely isnt tv-hot. I don't know why it tilts me so bad that a show produced by a successful network could fail this hard at casting. Showtime is putting out some of the best shows on tv atm and she gets past their casting directors somehow. wtf.
10-26-2009 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by _Towelie_
Word. That was just a general rant btw, not shooting the messenger

All American FTW!
10-26-2009 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by Ditch Digger
My credit card got compromised this morning. Somebody bought a flight from Airfrance. BoA called and the credit is cancelled and I won't be charged for any of the errant charges. Any advice on what else I can do to protect myself? I figure my computer has a keylogger or some website that had my credit card got hacked(I think this is more likely).
check your pm box.
10-26-2009 , 09:23 PM
10-26-2009 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by DirDirDirty
Anyone else had HEM troubles since loading Windows 7? I posted in HEM forum just curious if anyone else is and if you are if its similar or if you know how to fix it.
i had to turn on process "seclogin" to get it to install
10-26-2009 , 10:08 PM
Windows 7 can be had for 30 bucks if you have a .edu email account.
10-26-2009 , 10:10 PM
variance: watching a Baywatch re-run aorn
10-26-2009 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by blackize
Windows 7 can be had for 30 bucks if you have a .edu email account.
10-26-2009 , 10:21 PM
10-26-2009 , 10:39 PM
Good lookin out Hood. Shipped. Can't wait to be able to run AHK and HUD without my computer ****ting itself.
10-27-2009 , 12:41 AM
Is windows 7 really going to be worth the cost? I have an edu account as well.
10-27-2009 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by Ditch Digger
My credit card got compromised this morning. Somebody bought a flight from Airfrance. BoA called and the credit is cancelled and I won't be charged for any of the errant charges. Any advice on what else I can do to protect myself? I figure my computer has a keylogger or some website that had my credit card got hacked(I think this is more likely).

There are just so many ways it could've happened. It happens daily, constantly, to so many diff. people. Really all you can do is keep your computer clean in general---spyware elimination and general diligence in clicking unknown links, etc... but a lot of this **** just happens in an unknowingly insecure connection while paying for something online. Obviously as mentioned a restaurant employee or whatever is just as possible. These things aren't ever going to be entirely in your control beyond eliminating use of a credit card altogether (personal decision on this one I guess).

This just happened to my mom last week, they caught it pretty fast, card was canceled and she got a new one. No idea how they got the info. It's unlikely that there's some perma bug tracking your **** on your computer, but if there is, frankly you're probably already ****ed. It's rarely the case in these instances. Just be smart, have a good feel for where you're using your card and putting the # in and just try not to put yourself out there for unnecessary fraudaments by not giving a ****. Mainly just hope that you run good from here on out. BoA is pretty good about that stuff and you should be able to recover most of the losses/get a new card and everything pretty easily. gl.
10-27-2009 , 12:59 AM
Can anyone in the STTF 50 and 100 leagues provide me a linky to them? I'm in the 20, just want to see how the other ones are panning out.

argghghghhghg I see a picture of a hot chick on facebook, and 10 seconds into staring at that ass i realize i've tapped it. hello exie.

Last edited by crackedquads; 10-27-2009 at 01:19 AM.
10-27-2009 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by crackedquads
argghghghhghg I see a picture of a hot chick on facebook, and 10 seconds into staring at that ass i realize i've tapped it. hello exie.
cool story brah
10-27-2009 , 01:29 AM
30/147 in the 3R on stars. "entim" if you're really bored and want to rail.
Dang gotta spend ~12hours travelling tomorrow..
10-27-2009 , 02:50 AM
Beh still waiting on my donkament one time...50th for like $70.
10-27-2009 , 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by KoreanBuffet
How is Windows 7 D3? I've been thinking about picking it up sometime soon. And whats the $$$?
It has worked great for me. It seems to handle network sharing much better for me and everything "just works" - with Vista, I had to fiddle around with stuff to get the right networking arrangements.
10-27-2009 , 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by DirDirDirty
Anyone else had HEM troubles since loading Windows 7? I posted in HEM forum just curious if anyone else is and if you are if its similar or if you know how to fix it.
It has worked great for me. Set the programs files in the Hold'em Manager to run as admin is a likely cure. It's difficult for people to share assistance if you don't actually describe what your problem/error message is.
10-27-2009 , 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by Ditch Digger
Yeah, BofA was really good in that they called me right away. I checked my account last night around midnight and there was nothing out of the ordinary going on but got a call at 8 AM about the funky charges. Told me to cut my cc up and wait for the new one in the mail.
In the US, I understand that the banks have liability for this stuff, so I wouldn't worry about it too much.
More than anything it got me scared that my poker accounts or my other bank accounts could get compromised. Probably going to do a complete reformat on my poker pc and NEVER do anything except play poker on it.
There are good guides in CTH on how to do this.
10-27-2009 , 03:04 AM
Originally Posted by Ditch Digger
My credit card got compromised this morning. Somebody bought a flight from Airfrance. BoA called and the credit is cancelled and I won't be charged for any of the errant charges. Any advice on what else I can do to protect myself? I figure my computer has a keylogger or some website that had my credit card got hacked(I think this is more likely).
I'd wager that it is a breach somewhere outside your PC.
10-27-2009 , 04:00 AM
josem, next to quote is multi quote...
10-27-2009 , 04:26 AM
Originally Posted by movieman2g
josem, next to quote is multi quote...
yeah, but you don't get over 10k posts by using multi-quote.

also, i wrote the various responses at different times.
10-27-2009 , 05:22 AM
Hello. Could someone PM me what were the teams on ESPNs monday night football yesterday WITHOUT SPOILERS PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. Just the teams (or do you say matchup?).
