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*** Offcial Turning Stone SuperStacks Series *** *** Offcial Turning Stone SuperStacks Series ***

12-02-2007 , 12:49 AM
96k going to 600/1200 w/ avg at 65ish; like 37 left; 15 pay. Was as high as 140k but w/ exhaustion sinking in, I spewed off like 40k to a monster calling station on my left who has like 175k. Just 2 more hours to go!
*** Offcial Turning Stone SuperStacks Series *** Quote
12-02-2007 , 12:51 AM
Payouts ?
*** Offcial Turning Stone SuperStacks Series *** Quote
12-02-2007 , 12:56 AM
Payouts ?
$54k for 1st and if you're not first, you're last.
*** Offcial Turning Stone SuperStacks Series *** Quote
12-02-2007 , 01:00 AM
Jesus now if i can only learn online tourneys and get some cash in stars or tilt to get started maybe i can start raking in the money like you all
*** Offcial Turning Stone SuperStacks Series *** Quote
12-02-2007 , 01:02 AM
Jesus now if i can only learn online tourneys and get some cash in stars or tilt to get started maybe i can start raking in the money like you all
Shaun [censored] Deeb
*** Offcial Turning Stone SuperStacks Series *** Quote
12-02-2007 , 01:13 AM
Yes Im hoping he returns my pm about greenage...He lives prob not even 10 minutes from me and I still haven't met the kid
*** Offcial Turning Stone SuperStacks Series *** Quote
12-02-2007 , 03:31 AM
shaun deeb gives sick 80/20 stakes lol.

ship another 14k to holdplz weeeeeeeeeeee
*** Offcial Turning Stone SuperStacks Series *** Quote
12-02-2007 , 03:57 AM
Ended the longest day 1 in tourney poker history w/ 72k going to 1k/2k. There are 28 left w/ 15 paying; avg stack is 92k. I'm a little below the average but my stack is very healthy, and with some time to re-energize tonight, I think I'll be ready to really play patient tomorrow

Totally card dead all day. Had to rely on a few moves early and a couple of clutch flip wins to build up a huge stack. Had 140k at my high point but bluffed a station to get myself to 90k before this critical hand that I screwed up:

MP (G0lfa) opens to 3300 at 600/1200 w/ what looks to be a 40kish stack. I've been silent at the table for a while now and haven't re-raised him once since he got to the table. It's also important to note that he has been caught raising/re-raising a ton of [censored] hands, and on this particular hand, is raising by far the tightest player's bb. I decide this was a good time for a re-raise, so I make it 12k w/ T5c in the CO. Gets back to him and he snap shoves--sigh. So I'm ready to fold before the dealer tells me it's 16k more to call. DOH! Somehow his kings hold even after I flop a flush draw.

There were 72 mins left in the day at that point, so I told the table I'm going to nit it up and not play a hand the rest of the day. Sure enough, in the last hour+, I only opened 1 pot!!!! I'm such a nit obv.

Plz don't make me bubble this...
*** Offcial Turning Stone SuperStacks Series *** Quote
12-02-2007 , 04:15 AM
i got to 90k in this be4 getting clownd out and then losing j8s to ak 60k pot and then v next hand qq to ak vs same guy 130k pot =/, had 75k at 100-200-0 playing totally insane, pretty gay

anyone wanna go rodizio tommorow mabe lunch?
*** Offcial Turning Stone SuperStacks Series *** Quote
12-02-2007 , 05:42 PM
179k going to 2500/5k w/ 12 left in the 1k
*** Offcial Turning Stone SuperStacks Series *** Quote
12-02-2007 , 05:46 PM
go go go mkind
*** Offcial Turning Stone SuperStacks Series *** Quote
12-02-2007 , 05:53 PM
gl dude
*** Offcial Turning Stone SuperStacks Series *** Quote
12-02-2007 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by LuckyLloyd
gl, make sure you give us all a full trip report after.
Ok, I might do a complete trip report but here's a brief of just the tournament I'll post here. Didn't get to meet any 2p2er's at least that I know of. Had one kid at my table whom I over heard saying to a friend that ActionJeff and Gobboboy were here, so I thought he might be, but when I asked him he said he must just have been a 2p2 wannabe . I think I saw gobboy on the poker room once, o well. On to the tournament.

550 6-max Table 11 seat 5. Table never broke while I was there, so a good table. Start off pretty well, chip up to 11K or so by open raising or betting a flop. We started off 4 handed and nobody was real agressive. I opened on the button once with garbage and it was reraised, so I picked a bad time to steal. Near of the first level, this hand comes up:
25/50 no antes. effictive stacks 10K still, i'm chip leader with ~ 11K most are a little under 10K. Still 4 handed. UTG (kid i mentioned above) raises to 150 which has been the standard. Button calls. I look down at AA and reraise to 600. I think it was the first time I reraised pf.
OR folds, button calls.
Flop: 10 hi, all spades
Hero bets 800, Button calls
Turn: 4c
Hero bets 1400 Button raises to 4000 total Hero tanks.
He just committed half his stack to that reraise, Ihave no spades, after a bit I fold face up. Down to ~7000

Blinds go up, I get a little more active trying to chip back up, have to fold alot when repopped. I knew I had plenty of time, but wasn't patient enough. After a while seat 1 and 4 are filled and we're 6 handed.

Funny hand I wasn't in involved the same kid above. He had a chance to stack the 6 seat when he (6 seat) reraised 3K on the turn, kid calls and shows his set of sixes. However, 6 seat wasn't all in, had 1 5K chip behind. River pairs the board, 6 seat checks, kid bets, 6 seat folds. oops

100/200/25 Level my stack is around ~5K
UTG raises to 625, I look at jacks on the button and rr to 1600, sb makes it 6K to go. OR folds (afterwards he said he folded Qs). I tank and then call my whole stack off with the jacks. SB had AA and I'm out.

Overall I played ok. My confidence went way up early, took a blow when i folded those red A's, but I think it was the right thing to do. I could have folded the jacks if I was stronger I suppose. Then I could have went into a push/fold mode with 3500 and level moving to 150/300/25 or whatever.


Last edited by tarantulabob; 12-02-2007 at 07:10 PM. Reason: Edited for tournament name
*** Offcial Turning Stone SuperStacks Series *** Quote
12-02-2007 , 06:56 PM
well i made the money but knocked out in the 13th i think
raised a10o utg, flat called flop and turn and pushed river, dude calls with qk, top pair, gr8 call by him

ahh but happy the way i played the tournament, took $2100, headed over to the roulette tables, max was 1500 for 1 colour, put it on red and doubled up SHIP!

*** Offcial Turning Stone SuperStacks Series *** Quote
12-02-2007 , 07:40 PM
Any known players left?
*** Offcial Turning Stone SuperStacks Series *** Quote
12-02-2007 , 08:28 PM
mkind should still be in otherwise im sure he would have told us by now
*** Offcial Turning Stone SuperStacks Series *** Quote
12-02-2007 , 08:35 PM
Dinner break now. 8 left, I am chip leader w/ 650k (315k avg). After bluffing off 1/2 my chips down to 92k, I totally went Chuck Norris up to 400k w/in 20 minutes. Biggest hand was right before break: folds to monkey in sb (guy I bluffed to earlier)who raises to 18k at 3/6k, I defend w/ QTs. Flop is Q-9d-6d; he bets 20k, I raise to 70k, he makes it 130k w/ 150k left behind. I had seen this guy make some flop 3-bets a few times (never show a hand) and really couldn't put him on a hand on this flop he could do that with. So I shipped it in and he folded. One time Lee!

Last edited by mkind0516; 12-02-2007 at 08:38 PM.
*** Offcial Turning Stone SuperStacks Series *** Quote
12-02-2007 , 08:36 PM
Ship it mkind ..Any good players left that you might have trouble with ?
*** Offcial Turning Stone SuperStacks Series *** Quote
12-02-2007 , 09:14 PM
Just drove home on the most ****ing tilt I've ever been on in my entire life. I'm going to vent in this thread from this point on so I advise skipping over.

Main event:
Anyways it all started with a GIGANTIC middle eastern guy wearing sunglasses that made him look like a bug. Literally, every, single, hand, no matter what the bet or the action was, he would go into the tank honestly every single hand like he was trying to win a Oscar. finally I open to 900 at 150 300, get a few calls and this guy thinks for at least a minute preflop. I say these exact words "Sir, I'm not calling the clock but you are really taking too long, it's 900 to call"
He ends up making his decision and even after I say this he STILL continues to try to win an acting award each and every single hand afterword. Even so I really don't say anything because I am playing very aggressive and don't want to tilt anyone so I start getting played back at you know? Finally another orbit goes by and it folds to me in the sb, the bb is weak and predictable so I make it 1500 at 200 500 with T5s and a 40k stack. BB calls. flop is T88, I bet 2200 and the bb thinks for about 4 seconds then shoves all in for like 11.5k more. I think for honest to god 15 seconds before the guy in the bug glasses literally calls the ****ing clock on me. I go completely ape**** at the table and waste all my time to think the hand through, gets down to about 10 seconds, I really want to call but decide not to because I didnt think at all about the hand I was too busy arguing with the floor/guy. the hand is announced dead and the bb flips over 97. ****ING GREAT.

Right after that, I get moved tables, post bb, get AA, I make a stupid play checking it to a guy in a 3b pot, he checks behind, I turn the wheel and he turns a 6 high straight with 66 so gg most of my stack. Dinner break, get back, 6k -> 25k without showdown, then suckout with AJ>QQ AIPF, then the very next hand get AA, 3bet to 9.1k, the kid check pushes my 14k bet on K 9 8 flop and has K9. the board bricks and im out in 38th.

gg all, I've never played in a live mtt over $200 before since im 19 and can only play at indian casino, but it was a lot of fun playing with so many good players. peace, I'll be back
*** Offcial Turning Stone SuperStacks Series *** Quote
12-02-2007 , 09:41 PM
did sauce123 make final table..
*** Offcial Turning Stone SuperStacks Series *** Quote
12-02-2007 , 09:51 PM
sauce is there from what I hear
*** Offcial Turning Stone SuperStacks Series *** Quote
12-02-2007 , 10:02 PM
Mkind chops 4 handed for 34k!

Great job man congrats
*** Offcial Turning Stone SuperStacks Series *** Quote
12-02-2007 , 10:13 PM
gj mkind
*** Offcial Turning Stone SuperStacks Series *** Quote
12-02-2007 , 10:15 PM
I want a score like this
*** Offcial Turning Stone SuperStacks Series *** Quote
12-02-2007 , 10:24 PM
way to go mkind! huge congrats.
*** Offcial Turning Stone SuperStacks Series *** Quote
