Originally Posted by inanimatecarbonrod
don't play the rebuy unless you are willing to spend more than one rebuy+addon. you are at a huge strategic disadvantage for the first hour against people who are willing to spend more.
imagine this situation: you have $20 and I have $400. We decide to gamble on coin flips until one of us goes broke. Every time i win i get $1 dollar. Every time you win you get $1.50. sounds great right? well it isn't because you will most likely just go broke way before i do. rebuys are kind of like that.
early rebuy strategy is interesting. sometime it is just ideal to shove over and over again, accumulating a massive amount of chips at your table so everybody is way above the average. then every decision you make after you get a big stack (because you will eventually get an above average stack) has way more equity than people at a table with players who are all average stacked. i find this works well in small rebuys like the 2.2R to the sunday million, etc. Doing this you may also bust/exhaust what other people are willing to commit cash-wise to on rebuy tourney, therefore increasing your equity even further.
I failed to mention this in the first post but it is for rewards cards. I normally do not play on this site so it's basically a freeroll anyway. The cards themselves aren't worth very much and I would not use them on anything else. I have only 2 cards, an entry and either a rebuy or add-on.