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***NSFW Official April [censored] thread*** ***NSFW Official April [censored] thread***

04-19-2011 , 09:55 PM
FAO the community: In Malaga at the estrellas poker tour with a merry band of 2p2ers we invented synch break drinking, a very simple game in which anyone caught drinking during the synch break has to down their drink, this gets pretty fun when people are like proposing toasts and other levelling **** to get people to drink. Thought Id share and I hope it catches on!
04-19-2011 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by MoneyMatt1

I don't know how I would get a copy of the check though? Can I get a copy from the bank?
do you online bank? look around there if you do, i think you can find it somewhere. my bank usually has scans of deposits online somewhere.

otherwise, call the branch.
04-19-2011 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by TheChamp11
Hold 1 time Knicks?
04-19-2011 , 10:30 PM
04-19-2011 , 10:32 PM
god the knicks blew it. melo though holy moly he was a beast
04-19-2011 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by Chesskid1
do you online bank? look around there if you do, i think you can find it somewhere. my bank usually has scans of deposits online somewhere.

otherwise, call the branch.
Yea, I looked online couldn't find anything. Asked my mom she said the bank will give me a copy. So, that's good.

Stars will probably just put the money back in my account and I won't be able to touch it for a while until they figure this **** out. But, it's better than never seeing it again.
04-19-2011 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by gostatego
god the knicks blew it. melo though holy moly he was a beast
Meh, without Chauncey and Amare, what do you expect? Melo played a hell of a game, but he was the only reliable option the entire second half.
04-19-2011 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by ShowUthExit
having to root for a team with this pos douchebag on it is like the biggest fkn beat ever
04-19-2011 , 11:23 PM
kg rapes
04-19-2011 , 11:30 PM
was national hiring day at mcdonalds

in cleveland, two people got ran over by a car during an argument

its kinda graphic/crazy so viewer beware (i saw it on the news)


news story

Last edited by Chesskid1; 04-19-2011 at 11:38 PM.
04-19-2011 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by Chesskid1
was national hiring day at mcdonalds

in cleveland, two people got ran over by a car during an argument

its kinda graphic/crazy so viewer beware


news story
Wow.. That's crazy

Some people are just ****ing dumb
04-19-2011 , 11:39 PM
i'm kinda pissed i missed national hiring day, probably could have landed a sweet fri gig
04-19-2011 , 11:41 PM
04-19-2011 , 11:49 PM
happy bday gobbo
04-19-2011 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by augie_
i'm kinda pissed i missed national hiring day, probably could have landed a sweet fri gig
You're so awesome you can get a fry guy position even when it's not national hiring day!
04-20-2011 , 12:01 AM
happy fo twenty
04-20-2011 , 12:26 AM
IamDonald/Childish Gambino Show Review+TR: Donald Glover is Indeed "The Man"

This is really long, but I think it is a decent read if you are one of the many Donald Glover/Childish Gambino fans in MTTc. I know I became a fun due to the constant links funkii, geoffras, bazooka and others have posted in the censored threads; he was one of the main topics in last month's thread.

Cliffs at bottom

Originally Posted by Halowax
Totally spaced on getting IamDonald tix for tonight's show in Boulder, and it is sold out. Heading up there now to try and get lucky at the door... or that he responds to my @ reply and puts me on the list like he did for a couple other people who got shut out.

Wish me luck!
So, this worked out pretty well.

Donald ended up responding to me on twitter after I tweeted a few @Mentions, and he put me on the guest list, as I had noticed he did for a couple other people who were shut out. When I got there, I found out I had a +1 as well as two meet and greet passes, and right as I was about to call my friend who lived around the corner, who is not a fan, this kid offered me $50 bucks, which I declined and just gave it to him. He was new to the area, as well, actually living in a halfway home after getting out of some fancy rehab program his parents sent him to in Utah for smoking weed. He was super stoked to get in, considering the only ticket that he had seen scalped someone paid $200 for (wat?!?), and I was more than glad to #payitforward

The show was absolutely phenomenal. The standup portion was all material I was unfamiliar with, and he absolutely killed it. There wasn't a single joke that failed, though it was a pretty easy crowd comprised of almost entirely college kids. The most absurd part was when he was talking about how "Colorado is a weird place". Evidently, he was walking down the street earlier that day and someone called him an N-Word with a "very hard R" from a car, and when he looked up, it was a black kid! I thought this was just a bit he modified for each show, but at the meet n greet he claimed this was 100% true and seemed genuinely baffled by the experience.

The standup segment lasted about 20-25 minutes, followed by a hilarious video segue to the music portion, and then there was just over an hour of Childish Gambino... and they absolutely killed it. This was, no joke, the best rap show I have ever been to; not because I liked the music the best, but because the performance was so tight, energetic, and sincere. I generally loathe hip hop shows, as it is often someone rapping completely unintelligibly over a DJ who is scratching way too much, and it's usually over in <45 minutes and the crowd never seems too involved.

This was anything but. His style is obviously very articulate, and since he is an actor, he was incredibly entertaining to watch, consistently getting the crowd involved, slapping fives, dancing, yada yada. Furthermore, his band was extremely tight and did an awesome job recreating his beats, as well as many of the popular songs he raps over on his mixtapes. The highlights for me were “Be Alone”, which was performed at a higher tempo with a more fleshed out beat, and the show closer, “Not Going Back”, which they jammed out for an extended outro while he freestyled. “Put it in my video” and “Rolling in the Deep” both had the crowd really amped up. The whole set killed tho, and I heard every song that I wanted to hear.

After the show, I was informed by security that they were getting on the bus and bouncing right away to Utah, but when I was in line at the merch table doing my part to “say thanks” for the comp tickets, the same guard caught me and told me to head back in to the theatre where the few other people with meet-n-greet passes were hanging out. He was talking to a couple other people he comped via twitter, and then spent about 10 minutes talking to me and Lucas, the kid I hooked up with my +1. I am generally not intimidated by celebrity in the least, but I think he brought out the fanboy in me. I guess, I just admire him so much for his work ethic, his diversity in talent, and his sincerity. Furthermore, he is doing pretty much all of the stuff I dreamed of doing as a theater and music kid but was too afraid of failure to pursue (not to mention I don't have even close to his talent). It's funny, last week, I met pretty much the only other person I look up to in this fashion, Danny Seim of Menomena, at the same theater, which was equally awesome. Anyway, we talked about music production and how he does a lot of writing on the ipad, haters and how if people want you to fail that means you are doing it right, being honest with your art and how it took him a long time to inject real pieces of himself into his rapping, and how incredibly easy it is to get your **** heard this day and age. I took a pic, and then went to bounce.

While I was talking to this couple I met at the show out by the bar near the exit, he ended up coming out and talking to the rest of the crowd who didn't have meet-n-greet passes but stuck around just in case. I've never met another artist who was so happy to talk to his fans. He recorded an iphone video with one kid doing a Troy and Abed handshake, he posed for a pic with these two 19 year old cuties kissing him on the cheeks, told us more jokes and stories, made sure he signed anything and everything people wanted autographed, including a couple tour posters I purchased (One of which will be going to a yet to be determined 2p2er). Anyway, this kid I met took another photo of us, since the first one was horrible on my dumbphone, and then I bounced fully satisfied with an awesome evening of entertainment.

Little did I know, the fun was only beginning.

(Pretty easy to tell which one of us makes his living in front of a camera)

So, I stopped by my buddy's house to drop off the posters and threads I bought and headed to the bar to meet up with this couple I met at the show for some drinks. Before I could even place an order, all of Childish Gambino came in to the bar. So, I ordered up 8 shots of whiskey for all of us and then found out that the bar I was in is the stone cold nuts and on Monday nights you can flip for your drinks, and if you win you pay only a quarter for each shot/beer and if you lose you only pay normal price. Couldn't flip for Maker's, but they didn't make you drink well either; Jack or Jim (We chose Jack obv). You could flip for the entire order, or each individual shot, so I decided to reduce variance and go for a longer sweat; well, we ****ing killed it, and Thomas the Bassist, Chris the Drummer, and I went 7/8 and it only cost $7.25 for the round.

Rest of the night was a way above average bar outing with great new company. I didn't bother talking to Donald again, other than to pass him shots as he was surrounded by chicks, and I am sure he had his fill of talking to fanboys after the show, but I had a great time getting belligerent with the band, who were all awesome guys. They happy to tell me all about life on the road and making it as struggling musicians in LA doing studio sessions, film scoring, touring with Faith Evans and Jo Jo, etc... They are all pursuing a path that I always wanted to as a kid, and one I am highly considering attempting now that our careers have been disrupted, so it was great to make some contacts with people who are making it happen.

Anyway, that was a really long, not so humble brag, but if you are a fan of comedy or music, I would absolutely recommend doing whatever you can to make it to a show, because it was one hell of a performance. Also, I learned that Twitter is ****ing awesome.

  • Donald Glover hooks me up with Iamdonald guest list/meetngreet via Twitter cuz Im dumbass and spaced on tix
  • Standup is hilarious; Childish Gambino is even better.
  • Highlights are "Not Going Back", "Put it in my Video", and "Be Alone"
  • Talk to him after show for 10 minutes about music production, haters, working his ass off, sincerity in art
  • He ends up talking to fans w/o passes for bout half hour signing w/e, taking mad photos, telling jokes, recording iphone videos of troy/abed handshake, etc... he is the man.
  • He and his band show up at bar we went to and we get wasted taking whiskey shots till bar close.
  • You can flip for drinks at the bar and pay only a quarter/shot if you win. We go 7/8 on first round and 6/9 on second round and my tab is only $25 for 17 shots of Jack
  • I spend time networking and learning what its like to be a struggling musician in LA from his bandmates
  • Awesome night is awesome
  • Twitter rocks!


Last edited by Halowax; 04-20-2011 at 12:54 AM.
04-20-2011 , 12:37 AM
awesome tr
04-20-2011 , 12:38 AM
Ive never listened to Childish Gambino. That link is ****ing awesome.
04-20-2011 , 12:49 AM
Awesome TR Halowax. Love Childish Gambino/Donald Glover!! Pretty jealous!
04-20-2011 , 12:49 AM
gambino is a mastermind
04-20-2011 , 12:51 AM
amazing tr, I already have tix to the baltimore show (didn't want to go to dc show cause it was sold out but mostly cause it was on a scoop sunday LOL maybe I'll go to both now)

was already ridiculously excited but now even more so, tyty
04-20-2011 , 01:08 AM
Awesome trip report Halo, super duper mega jealous
04-20-2011 , 01:16 AM
Originally Posted by NHFunkii
amazing tr, I already have tix to the baltimore show (didn't want to go to dc show cause it was sold out but mostly cause it was on a scoop sunday LOL maybe I'll go to both now)

was already ridiculously excited but now even more so, tyty
Nice Funkii; I am really glad to hear you are making it to a show (or two even!), since it is your relentless link posting and quoting that got me to listen to more than just Freaks N Geeks.

I was going to hook you up with the autographed poster if you couldn't make a performance, but since you are able to grab one yourself, I feel like it should go to our mttc brother down under who isn't gonna make it to the states till after the tour is over...

Originally Posted by bazooka87
Awesome trip report Halo, super duper mega jealous
You are gonna be at the WSOP, right?

Last edited by Halowax; 04-20-2011 at 01:23 AM.
04-20-2011 , 01:21 AM
this no poker is killing me.. I just laid 3:1 with my 12 y/o brother on who would win a chopped comp on food network
