Turn: (53,400) K (3 players)
SB bets 52,500, 2 folds
Results: 53,400 pot
Final Board: A 4 9 K
SB mucked and won 53,400 (35,600 net)
Hero mucked 8 T K A and lost (-17,800 net)
UTG mucked and lost (-17,800 net)
First Question is should I just fold this hand pre or is this a calling hand?
Second question was I right to fold, becaue to me and the way the hand was bet it seems clear he has AAA or KKK, which would leave me only drawing to a flush?
thoughts please
Question 1: should I be reraiseing always with AA in this hand, I rather keeps the pots small with single pair in omaha especially playing out of position.
Question 2: Should I be value raising this river, because with his raise pre he could have KK.
Question 1: Is my call pre terrible? Again new to omaha tournies
Question 2: Once I bink two pair and he bets out huge, I have to jam it right, knowing he has KK or AA.
Question 3: If you were the player with KK with this flop, should you really be playing for stacks, His lead out is way to big or is it standard to get it in with KK or AA on this flop?
Any insight into these hands would be appreciated, I'm trying to learn the game.
Hand 1, I wouldn't cold call 3-bet with this hand. Would prefer mid rundown against likely AA/KK. Turn fold is probably good.
Hand 2, think flat is standard and best preflop. You don't want to be face up OOP, and you don't have any suits. I would not raise the pot sized river bet. Doubt he does this with KK much. It is generally the other AA, quads, or a bluff.
Hand 3, low rundown is a little marginal. Definitely calling the 3-bet once I call once and gii on that flop.