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MTT strategy adjustments - questions MTT strategy adjustments - questions

03-31-2010 , 11:03 PM
I've been a member of RFC for about a year now, and I've read several poker books in this time. My main area of focus has been the one-table SNGs, as they are the best way to make a steady profit. I am now doing quite well at these - I am in the money at least half the time, and my ROI for the last 40 or so has been 30% on stars ($5.50 buy-ins). That said, I played in two standard multi-table tournaments this weekend (one home game, on at the Binion in Vegas), and I've been reminded that I still pretty much suck at them. (I won one a few months ago, but I think it was primarily luck that got me to the final table) I'm reading Harrington on Hold 'Em and am currently on Volume II. I've identified my main weaknesses in MTT's. Here are the two main issues I'm having:

1) My stack size tends to gradually dwindle, until I am forced to make a move at a marginal spot. This is an indication of a tight-passive style, and this is in-fact my table image (I know this from comments that have been made, as well as comparing myself to the other players). That said, I am in fact using Harrington's requirements for what starting hands to use. Nevertheless, I always end up with less than my starting stack after the low-blind phase is over, since I'm not getting enough of these hands preflop.

(On a side note, I play even tighter in SNG's. I'm perfectly fine with having a tight-passive image during low blinds here. This is because these tournies depend much more on stealing during high blind play than on actual value. I find just "sitting back" gets me into the money quite often, and by the time I'm heads-up, my style has switched to loose-aggressive. This is one significant difference between MTT's and SNG's.)

2) In two of my last three live MTT's, I have gotten knocked out (or close to it) with an awkward stack size of about 15 BB in early position.

The first time, I had pocket jacks, made an isolation raise, and got one caller. A king flopped, so I made another bet (very similar to a C-bet, since it's acting as if the flop helped when it did not), but the other guy reraised all in. At this point, I was getting 2-to-1 on the call, and I was left with a pretty small stack anyway, so I called. He showed KJ and took the pot.

The second instance, I had AK, raised preflop and got called by the big blind. The flop was low cards, and he check-raised my continuation bet. I was forced to fold, knowing I was beat, but my stack size was now down to about 6 BB, which is difficult to come back from.

I know that in SNG's the standard is simply to push a stack this size. That said, I needed some action on my good hands, and an all-in with AK would only have increased my stack my 10% (if everyone had folded). How would you have played it? What about the jacks?

I would be interested to hear any input on either of these issues.
MTT strategy adjustments - questions Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:14 PM
1) My stack size tends to gradually dwindle, until I am forced to make a move at a marginal spot...Nevertheless, I always end up with less than my starting stack after the low-blind phase is over, since I'm not getting enough of these hands preflop.
Welcome to the animal that is MTTs. This will happen to you a LOT when you play them, almost every time in fact. You don't have the luxury of "sitting back" in MTTs as you would with SNGs. The key is to just take advantage of every good spot you find, pick them perfectly. Knowing where they are is the real issue. I've been playing them for years and still have plenty of trouble. It just takes practice and refinement. Sooner or later, the spots start to become all too familiar and you'll know them when you see them. Basically, my suggestion is to just keep trying and play optimal aggressive poker.

2) In two of my last three live MTT's, I have gotten knocked out (or close to it) with an awkward stack size of about 15 BB in early position.
With 15 BBs or less, why are you not shoving pre with JJ or AK? It's important to know that once you hit 15 BBs or less (and especially 10 or less), you have no moves other than shove or fold. You mentioned you're reading Harrington Volume II right now. When you get to it (if you haven't already), pay EXTRA attention to his M concept and his inflection points discussion, it will change your MTT game for the better big time.
MTT strategy adjustments - questions Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:47 PM
Dont read harringtons book..seriously
MTT strategy adjustments - questions Quote
