Having trouble with hand selection late in tourneys.
I have been playing cash games seriously for about 6 months and I have about 2 years of total experience. Never tried out MTT until this week and I'm doing VERY well.
Played a total of about 5 tourneys, most are $24+2 on FullTilt.. stuff like $18k or $28k Guarantees with about 700-1100 players.
I've played in top 50 3 times and top 150 the other 2. My best finish was 15 so far...
I'm having trouble late in tourneys choosing hands and making good plays when it gets down to ~30 people or so. I can be chipleader, dont know when to call with medium ace etc etc... I know almost any PP is good in late play but still.
For example, ~40 people left and I have this hand in MP with 4th in chips, what to do? I'm 4th in chips yea, but what if I miss, thats a big chunk of chips!
Not sure why its not putting all of it, but blinds are $1000/2000 and the raise was to $7400. But the same guy has been doing it for a while to $7400
Full Tilt Poker (9 handed) Hand History converter Courtesy of PokerZion.com
Preflop: Hero is MP1 with Q

, K

UTG raises,
8 folds.
Final Pot:
Results in white below:
No showdown. UTG wins .