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Moving Up in the Star's 45 man Turbos Moving Up in the Star's 45 man Turbos

02-03-2010 , 10:15 PM
Ok, so as I'm getting my bankroll in the range that I need for the $6.50s on I believe that I have a leak. I am aggressive at the FT but I am no where near as aggressive as I wish I would be. I see people taking advantage of the bubble and I have a hard time pulling the trigger.

How do you guys and girls put your tournament life on the line with top 70% that you are shoving UTG+1? Is it simply a +ev spot and you go by that thinking, or do you just assume that the bubble will tighten up so much that getting called will be few and far between?

Moving Up in the Star's 45 man Turbos Quote
02-03-2010 , 10:27 PM
There are many factors in determining the range of hands you can shove from any position during final table play. Stack sizes of other opponents, your position, any reads you have, your cards.

You should really consider reading Kill Everyone, It pretty much explains final table and ICM play in a manner that is easy to understand.

Also you might want to download sngwiz, and put some HH's into it and tinker around with it.
Moving Up in the Star's 45 man Turbos Quote
02-04-2010 , 06:09 AM
Originally Posted by elduderino
Is it simply a +ev spot and you go by that thinking, or do you just assume that the bubble will tighten up so much that getting called will be few and far between?

I heard a very good explanation of 45man sngs the other day. The guy said a 45sng is all about identifying and making a series of +EV decisions. To identify them you need some information,poster above described em i think. I dont consider my self that good of a poker player to be giving advice like this but i say this from personal experience.The biggest change in my game was identifying those +EV spots, taking the chance and never sweat if someone happened to wake up with a monster.In the long run it has been +EV for me and i feel better doing it even when i suck out.

P.S: Thats my favorite screen name i think
Seconds are Dude or His Dudeness..
Moving Up in the Star's 45 man Turbos Quote
