Originally Posted by elduderino
Is it simply a +ev spot and you go by that thinking, or do you just assume that the bubble will tighten up so much that getting called will be few and far between?
I heard a very good explanation of 45man sngs the other day. The guy said a 45sng is all about identifying and making a series of +EV decisions. To identify them you need some information,poster above described em i think. I dont consider my self that good of a poker player to be giving advice like this but i say this from personal experience.The biggest change in my game was identifying those +EV spots, taking the chance and
never sweat if someone happened to wake up with a monster.In the long run it has been +EV for me and i feel better doing it even when i suck out.
P.S: Thats my favorite screen name i think

Seconds are Dude or His Dudeness..